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The the grand expanses of The Excess, there are pockets of space where enough alike energy has accumulated in one location to have a noticeable effect on the physical. The wild magics of the chaos outside Argent sometimes create planetoids, nebulas, or otherwise physical manifestations of an aspect of magic which can have monumental effects on creatures and the landscape of the land that comes to exist there. Transmutation Consonances may be ever-warping chaotic hellscapes where nothing is made of the same matter from one moment to the next. Evocation Consonances may likewise be blinding fountains of light, or flaming lava orbs such as those which the Volcanus lay claim to as divinity. These locations are often entirely alien, and their often lack of stability make them quite often dangerous to visit for most mortals.


The geography of a Consonance varies wildly by type and by random chance. Some may be large balls of diamond-hard rock, while others lack substance completely and are simply heatless light seeming like a star. Some aren't even real at all, in the physical sense.

Fauna & Flora

Whether a Consonance has any life upon it at all is often as much up to it's type as it is to chance. Creatures may be any size, and may be of any intelligence or alignment.

Natural Resources

Consonances are understandably sources of very particular sets of things, whether it be heat, matter, or endlessly mutating plant-life. Regardless, tapping such potential is beyond the capability of really any normal group, nation, or race.
Alternative Name(s)
Outer Planes
Planetoid / Moon

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