Shiv to Satyan, Re: Substituting Wild Orbshrooms In Nan's Recipe Document in Argentii | World Anvil

Shiv to Satyan, Re: Substituting Wild Orbshrooms In Nan's Recipe

It was not until after Satyan Windblown left that Nanguu Hearthstone told me why they gave him their recipe for stuffed orbshroom nubs. They, like Satyan and I, want to know just how much these marvelous fungi can do. I think Nan, out of all of us, has the highest hopes for this humble fungal.
— Shiv Moonsong


Excerpts from an extended exchange between siblings.

Authoring Date
6859 AD
Summer Camp 2023
Summer Camp 2023 Whiteboard
Generic article | Jul 30, 2023


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