Tiptown LTL

While not quite the farthest end of the continent, Tiptown on the island of Tilth is no one's idea of a cosmopolitain destination. I suppose it's hard to enjoy a place that could explode at any moment.
— Shiv Moonsong

The Tiptown Licensed Technoalchemical Laboratory is the continent's premiere facility for the manufacture of Theeksfur, as well as research into new Technomaniacal Contraptions. It is also the location of the Inter-island Theeksfur Council's continental headquarters.


Tiptown is one of the few places on Tilth that is not in the direct control of the Ploui and Central Tilth. Like all LTLs, it is strictly and firmly under the jurisdiction of the ITC.

Because of this, the governmental structure tends to be very logical and bureaucratic. This works well given the settlement's tiny size and incredible danger. Everyone must be kept informed of conditions around the settlement, and everyone has a voice in how the settlement is run. This does not carry over into the official business of the ITC, however.

For example, the populace gets a voice in where to store the blood needed to make theeksfur, but they do not get to say, "we will not produce theeksfur in this settlement."


It's distance from everything and everyone else is its biggest defense. Second to that is the emergency self-destruct. When activated, this doomsday device will detonate the laboratory with enough force to drop the Tiptown tip of Tilth straight into the sea.

Industry & Trade

Everyone, literally everyone in Tiptown is involved -- one way or another -- with the manufacture of theeksfur. Whether a dedicated researcher, a member of the ITC, a lab assistant, or even one of the skilled workers responsible for the transportation and storage of the raw materials.

Natural Resources

Endless amounts of gravel and salty, salty sea water.

Alternative Name(s)
Tiptown Licensed Technoalchemical Laboratory, Tiptown Lab, Dripdown
Outpost / Base
Around 500 people
Inhabitant Demonym
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Summer Camp 2023
Summer Camp 2023 Whiteboard
Generic article | Jul 30, 2023


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Aug 13, 2023 16:12 by Rachel Bentz

Such an interesting LTL! I find myself asking dozens of questions about how they work. How to they import and export their resources? Why does it need a self-destruct button? Why is the Council HQ in a place that needs a self-destruct button?   You may have already answered the following questions, but they will be good for giving your settlement some roots; do the employees live on site, or do they commute? Who's running the cafeteria, and what do they provide to eat?   I love your header, by the way! It's so colorful and gives a united sense to your world.

May the Creator ever guide your Footsteps
Aug 13, 2023 16:51 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

Theeksfur is dangerous, new technomaniacal contraptions often go Big Boom, and the ruler of the capital city of the island where this LTL is located is an immortal psychopath. All 42 of my Summer Camp articles are tied together into one storyline, so most of your questions are answered in the other 41 articles, LOL!   It's best to think of an LTL as less of a town or a facility and more like a Military Base or Medieval Castle, in that the "town" and its "citizens" are ALSO the "facilities" and the "workers." So, there isn't a cafeteria, per se, but there are a couple of small restaurants and cafes.   I made 3 "basic" headers for this world, one for articles dealing mostly with Western or Technomancy topics (the city one used on this article), one for Crossroads Island or Historical entries (like on the main Argentii page), and one that I haven't used yet for dealing with Eastern or Agromancy topics.   Thanks for the feedback and I ALWAYS appreciate questions! It forces me to make sure that everything I haven't said makes sense with what I HAVE said.

Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Summer Camp in Avalon

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