Vihsanna Settlement in Argus | World Anvil
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Vihsanna (Veeh-Sah-Nah)

Vihsanna: The Earthen Crown has undergone significant changes. The city has grown in size and prosperity, and its architecture has evolved to reflect its history and culture.   The city's location, next to the last volcano where the hero of legend Brightblade emerged to slay the Elemental Lord of Water, has become a significant attraction for adventurers and tourists alike. Many travel from far and wide to see the site of such a legendary battle and explore the surrounding wilderness.   The buildings in Vihsanna are still primarily constructed from wood and stone, with a unique blend of swamp materials used in the foundation to give them added strength and durability. The city's main landmark is the Earthen Crown, a massive tower that rises above the city's skyline. The tower is constructed from marble covering a core of volcanic stone and is adorned with intricate carvings and magical runes. Finally, it is topped with a giant gold dragon head, made out of evergold, from the dwarves of Roht as a gift to the fellow tough and enduring people that are the Dragonborns. It serves as a symbol of the city's and strength and inherent nobility of dragons.   As the city grew, so did its economy. Vihsanna is now known for its skilled blacksmiths, who create intricate weapons and armor from the abundant metals and minerals found in the nearby mountains. The city is also a center for herbalism, with its skilled apothecaries creating powerful potions and remedies from the unique plants found in the temperate swamp.   The city's people have also become experts in the art of magic, with many studying at the nearby School of the Elements, which is rumored to have been established by the descendants of Brightblade himself. The city is now a hub for elemental magic research and experimentation, with scholars from all over the world coming to study and share their knowledge.   The streets of Vihsanna are lined with bustling markets, filled with exotic goods from all over the world. The city's cuisine is renowned for its use of unique ingredients found only in the temperate swamp, such as giant frog legs and hydra necks. The people of Vihsanna are known for their hospitality and love of celebration, with festivals and feasts occurring throughout the year.   Overall, Vihsanna: The Earthen Crown has become a thriving city, combining its natural resources with the ingenuity and perseverance of its people. It has grown into a hub of research, magic, and culture, and its legacy as the site of the legendary appearance of Brightblade continues to draw visitors from far and wide.

Points of interest

Volcano, Ruins


Foodies, Scholars, Architects, Dragonborns


Humid, Warm, Swamp

Natural Resources

Ruins, Stone, Lava, Iron, Copper, Brass, Adamantium
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Earthen Crown
Large city
50% Dragonborn, 25% Dwarves, 12% Gnomes, 10% Human, 6% Others
Inhabitant Demonym

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