Ancient elves Species in Arihasa | World Anvil

Ancient elves

The ancient elves were a proud folk, after learning the hard way, they had to decide. Either they lived in the far north of Arihasa. In the plains of Eristasia or any other kind of area where the mana was too dense for anyone to live voluntarily. They did'nt wanted to loose more of their breathren in trying to get into the mana dense areas of Arihasa, neither did they wanted to try too learn the difficult mana phenomen of the magical forest of Omisla. So they decided to live in the far north, a frozen hell. They essentially survived long enough in the plains of Eristasia to learn the way there and have an impendidable natural defense against anyone trying to invade them.   On top of the harsh weather of the plains, they also had a lot of different believes in their rows. Which most of them were'nt quite fond of trying to survive. One of this so called "different believe" came from the forest elves in their rows. Those elves lived on the edge of the frozen hell and funktioned as the spies and lookouts for the ancient elves. If they saw a thread, they rang fast the bell so everyone could get ready in case the thread breaches the natural barrier, the everlasting snowstorm. In times of no thread, they were the food supply for the kingdome.   The forest elves wanted to live in peace and balance with the nature, which sprouted a civil war in the kingdome due to the demand from the kingdome. During the civil war they came in contact with Thirus, god of nature. They got influenced quite fast from the god and broke after years of war with their kingdome off into their own seperate country and relocated to the magical forest of Omisla. After learning how this area worked, they had developed from living in peace and harmony with the nature to a more serious aproach protect the nature at all costs. Which got influenced by the god even stronger than before.   This brought quite significant changes over the years to their combat strength. Their original purpose from the frontline, being physically strong and agile developed to a more agile and magical combat style on top of their already existing ambushing combat tactics.   The dark elves fell into despair after discovering dark magic through the follower of the god of darkness. Which in turn let the ancient kingdome ban dark magic and prosecute everyone daring to use it. The few who could escape the grasp of the ancient elves are now lost to time. No one knows what became of them after being twisted by dark magic.   After this incident the kingdome fell apart and the ancient elves became almost extinct. The few survivors who did'nt got mauled by the ferrocious wild after the collapse call themselves now Ice elves. Even today they are still living today in the plains of Eristasia. A few of them tried to hold the traditions of the ancient elves up but eventually they developed also differently. Evolution brought them the gift of cold resistance and a change in their magic. This change let them develop their own magic. Those elves learned the way of alchemy over their time surviving and trying out the different plants and animal scrap.

Basic Information


An ancient Elv was tall and quite muscular build for insolation and strength in their harsh environment.

Growth Rate & Stages

Due to the shortage of food and dangerous wilds, they did'nt grew as much as the other races. They priotized to make their few children as strong as possible throughout childhood. If they would get more children than they could suistane, the babies got fed to the wild beasts and harsh environment.

Ecology and Habitats

The only place the ancient elves could be found were in the harsh north, the plains of Eristasia.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The ancient elves had a bad hunting habit throughout the year. The already sparse food supply suffered over time even greater losses when most species got extinct. Until the species got extinct they hunted every moving thing in the plains of Eristasia. From the depths of the snowstorm up to the forest parts close to the south of the plains.

Biological Cycle

They had a changing skin color when it got closer to the summer time in the plains of eristasia. Which was an adaptation to absorb better the sun and heat in preparation for the long winter. Which was also the time they lost their slight cold resistance.   Close to the winter time, the cold resistance, which they developed over time came back.


They were a very proud race. Only one view on the world was allowed in the ancient elves kingdome. Everything else got kicked out or presecuted. Which lead to a deadly civil war between the ancient elves and their breakdown.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The ancient elves were only to find in the harsh environment of the plains of Eristasia. In the middle of the endless snowstorm.

Average Intelligence

The ancient elves were quite intelligenent, which got overshadowed by their proudness and stubbornness.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The ancient elves had okay-ish eyes, which wasnt much of use anyway in the constant snowstorm. They developed a better hearing than most races on Arihasa. They hunted more via sound than eye sight. They could hear across two kilometers distance quite well, further than that the sound got drowned out too much through the snowstorm.

Work in Progress!

Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Ancient Elv
100 - 800 years
Average Height
2m - 2.5m
Average Weight
120kg - 200 kg
Average Physique
Their eyesight was okay-ish, but they made it up with their ability to hear on a distance. They were strongly build for the melee fights they took regularly with the wilds and other races. Their biggest disadvantage were their ability to fight on a distance. Even their agility wasnt quite as good as other races, they moved more slowly and cluncky.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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