The druidic circle Organization in Arihasa | World Anvil

The druidic circle

The druidic circle got created after the forest elves splitted from the ancient elves- The cirlce whorships Thirus, the druidic god of nature. They are the oldest elves in the magical forest of Omisla and the spokesman and vessel of the god of nature. Those elves are the most connected to Thirus on a spiritual level compared to other elves.   If Thirus wishes to enter the world spiritually he chooses the most pure elve from the circle to do so. Otherwise he can't do it while slumbering in the divine realm of nature. This is only possible due to their skill in spiritualism. Elves may be the most skilled in magic and archery but only a few of them are skilled enough in spiritualism to enter the druidic circle.

Tenets of Faith

The only way of living is the way of living with the nature. You must help the nature in order to live from it. That is the most important rule in the circle, even in all Shonya. No forest elv lives of the nature without providing aid for the nature.

All for the nature.

Work in Progress!

Founding Date
Religious, Druidic Circle
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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