The magical forest of omisla Geographic Location in Arihasa | World Anvil

The magical forest of omisla

The magical forest of Omisla is a hotspot in the world of Arihasa. In this forest is more mana flowing through and collecting, then in most regions. This phenomen provides the forest with the optimal environment to suistane all kinds of different species. Also it gives the forest its property of eternal spring. Eternal spring occours as a side effect of the high amount of mana flowing and collecting here.   The forest is the home of the forest elves. These elves are the guardian of the forest. Every elv living in the forest has the task of protecting and helping the nature, if they want to live from the nature.   Everyone who gets into the forest without permission and a guiding elv will never get out of the forest. The guardians of the forest are silent hunters and skilled at ambush tactics. Anyone, even the king of this continent will get abducted and killed.


The magical forest of omisla is a dense forest of different kind of trees. The rivers flowing through the forest are shimmering and with a crystal clear beauty. Anyone who would see that view, would want to drink from it and forgets about time observing the river and their surrounding wildlife.


All wildlife are living a good life in the forest, no species needs to be hungry. Through the perservation of the nature through the elves, the ecosystem is booming. Due to being an eternal spring in the forest, all vegetation has no hardships growing. The soil is full of nutrients for the vegetation to grow. A lot of the species living here are herbivores. The rest of the species living here are carnivores. They dont need to hunt alot, due to the herbivores having so much nutritiens in them that the carnivores are for a long time saturated.   There are even species in the forest which were once carnivores, but evolved to herbivores, due to being way easier to feed of plants. The environment is selfsuistaning through the rich soil and wildlife which are dying here regularly. The corpses of the wildlife are feeding the soil back the nutrients and the cycle begins anew. In the life span of an animal living here the soil is also getting supported from the dung of the animals which are allows certain vegetation species to grow so fast that the whole forest would be overgrowing without the forest elves living here. The elves are supporting the forest with a lot of different things, but the biggest help is the cutting of these certain plant species.   With helping the forest, they are whorshipping Thirus, the druidic god of nature. He supports the elves, while the elves are supporting the forest. If the forest is healthy, it supports the god of nature in his sleep with energy, the whole world with nutrient rich mana and therefore the whole world.

Ecosystem Cycles

There is no change in seasons due to the effect of the natural mana´s density being so strong, that the forest has an eternal spring. Though the vegetation changes over the course of the year. Some of the vegetation species are only growing in the winter season of the continent. Some other species are growing only in the autum or summer season. The effect of the seasons is only visible in the forest through the change of vegetation. Some plant and herb species are always growing, when other wont grow in a different season. Its all comes down to the mana of the world flowing though the forest. The mana itself gives the forest the indication of, which season it is on the continent. Thats how the vegetation knows which season it is. Even plants are life after all and need the right properties to live.   The wildlife of the forest itself dont behaves much differently through the change of the seasons. Though there are some indications of different species eating different plants and herbs in a different season. Due to them not always growing, they seem to taste differently and some apparently more diliciouse then others. Even animals are having different tastes.

Localized Phenomena

The only known natural phenomen in this region seems to be the eternal spring. The schoolars of the forest elves are studying the forest for years, but no one came to any conclusion yet or observed some other special phenomena.


The history of the magical forest of omisla is not yet fully researched. The research of the schoolars are not matching up with each other, they are discussing their research for years without any conclusion. Though there were some major breakthrough in the history of the forest.   The forest seems to be older then anything on the world itself. Though the world is ever changing, the forest dont seem to change at all at first glance. Yet the forest changed drastically in the history of the world, proves the research of different schoolars.   Another breakthrough is that in the past the forest wasnt even a forest, not even to speak from the eternal spring and selfsuistaning environment. Though it isnt clear how this region came to the point were it could become this forest. But one thing is clear, no one then the god of nature will ever have an answer to that question.   The majority of the schoolars are believing that the god of nature just decided to give that region a forest. Some other schoolars are theorizing that the flow of mana changed over the lifespan of the world and that this will happen again. Like a circle behind the world itself.


No normal person would ever get into the forest, even though the world knows stories of how beautiful and breathtaking this region is. The world knows about the beauty of the region, through traveling elves. Though they also know that no one will ever come back if they dare to enter the forest. There were some stories of people, which lost everything, which just entered the forest to die.

Work in Progress!

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