Playable Races

All official 5e races are available in Arkadia, but note the following that customizes each race to the world:  
  • Dwarves are rare and generally distrusted throughout Arkadia. Their empire was wiped out almost 200 years ago, and in the time since the world has learned that they were oppressive tyrants who were very good at seeming like allies. In Caldera City there is a dwarven amnesty, but your character may have some past troubling events.
    1. Dwarves can come from the Great Dwarven Empire of Mountainhome, where they split into two factions. The first are the original inhabitants of Mountainhome, who were always independent from SkyTop, don’t agree with the past, and want to forge a new future; but they are outnumbered within their own lands by the second faction, who are refugees from SkyTop who want to see the dwarves returned to their former glory and their old order re-established. There are also a large contingent of dwarves who have turned to barbarianism within the Dread Wastes of Amon-Ra, or they are fringe members of other kingdoms.
  • Humans are rare, but are generally well liked. Most people see the human race as heroic victims of the undead, freedom fighters for life vs. death. Humans can be survivors eking out an existence in the Dread Wastes of Amon-Ra , occasionally skirmishing with uncontrolled undead, or they can be fringe members of other kingdoms. Humans are more numerous in Caldera City than in other parts of Arkadia, but they are still in the minority overall.
  • Elves, gnomes, firbolgs, satyrs, harengons, fairies, owlings, generally hail from the Deep Woods of Elladrel or are fringe members of other kingdoms.
  • Dragonborn & vedalken hail from Dracaryx or are fringe members of other societies.
  • Leonins, loxodons, tortles, locathah, and other beastfolk commonly hail from The Great Plains of Honoro , or are fringe members of other kingdoms. (A generalized beastfolk race can be found here: - look for Beastfolk_page1 and Beastfolk_page2).
  • Halflings, half-elves can hail from anywhere. Half-elves are much more common in Arkadia than in other worlds.
  • Tabaxi, kenku, halflings, humans, half-elves can all be sometimes seen as fringe members regardless of where they go. They can be found leading a life of piracy the Ramshackle Coast or spread out throughout the world.
  • Half-orcs, bugbears, goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds all hail from either Darkwood or Forlorn Forest. They are rare but accepted in Caldera City. In most other places they are still feared as monsters.
  • Changelings, Kalashtar, Orc of Eberron, Shifters, and Warforged are not native to Arkadia. They have arrived from distant shores, and are an uncommon sight. Many of them have arrived on the west coast and have traveled eastwards into Caldera City.
  • Tieflings, aasimar, genasi, gith, and other plane-touched races are exceedingly rare across Arkadia. Almost nobody has ever seen such beings, and you would need to constantly explain your existence if you stand out physically (and if you are aware of it!). They are more common in Caldera City but will still get occasional strange looks.
  • Aarakocra, goliaths, and orcs of exandria were pushed south out of the barrier mountains and are residing in the few habitable mountains left from the Barrier Mountains.
  • You can use ‘lineages’ from Van Richten’s Guide to make any species you want, including ones not listed here, but please consult with me to work out the right origin


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