Session 7: Dinner Rush

General Summary

SelfDay - The Grand Opening - Dinner Rush

  Readiness Walkthrough
  • Character - Gold - Equipment - Dinner Role - Night Role
  • Ros - 7g 6s - rapier - Hostess - Wherever She's Needed
  • Bert - 4g - trident bar - Bartender - Bartender
  • Flip - 30g 3s 3c - full armor - Security - Security
  • Ola - 4g 5s - dagger - Entertainment - Fighting Pit
  • Anakami - 88g - sickle - Cooking - Enjoying the Night
  • Bronte - 0g - chainmail - Working the Crowd - Tempest Weaver
Provisions & Expected Gold
  • 1 barrel of good ale - 8c apiece - 19g2s
  • 2 butts of medium ale (1440) - 5c apiece - 72g
  • 1 butt of shitty ale (720) - 2c apiece - 14g4s
  • TOTAL: If everyone’s drinking 3-4 ales, that’s 600-800 people you can serve.
  • 1 cask good wine (360) - 5s apiece - 180g
  • Buffet - Medium meals (800) - 3s apiece - 240g
  • Fine meals (100) - 5s apiece - 50g
  • Extra-Fine Meals (10) - 5g apiece - 50g
  • TOTAL: Can serve 910 people.


  Early Risers  
  • Everyone woke early, buzzing with anticipation - except Bronte, who didn't wake until 11, and was very relaxed about the whole thing.
  • The rain continued to fall, and the Stouthearts looked forward to the prediction that the weather would clear up.
  The Kitchen Help  
  • Keykal and Daida were the first to arrive, quite early, to set up in the kitchen. Anakami joined them, and her busy day began at 8am.
  The Stoutheart Inn opens to customers!  
  • When lunch came, Ola threw open the door with vigor! The puddles in front of the door entered the inn unaccompanied by any customers. She blasted them out with prestidigitation, and they rolled back in. After several versions of this, she gave up. The entryway was just as empty as the streets, apparently as people waited out the rain.
  Wuen arrives with bread  
  • Eventually Wuen arrives with bread and a quick hello! She would try a new fashion tonight, something audacious, and a bit retro.
  • She told everyone that the business community were definitely looking forward to the night.
  • Ros managed to pull out of Wuen that Fallon was a bit out of sorts, but that he should be fine. He's just bought a truckload of flowers based off some advice you gave him?
  • Ros headed off to find Fallon - since the inn had only a few customers anyhow.
Priests of Selune arrive to bless the inn
  • It’s a full moon tonight, and they have heard that the sailors might come here tonight. A blessing of a mere 10g will ensure that the night goes smoothly! Bert talked them down to 4g.
  • "Don't worry!" they said. "Selune and Umberlee don't really get along, but the blessings won't conflict. You've blessed the inn in the name of your god, right?" Bert, Anakami, and Bronte all looked at each other blankly.
  • They look oddly at Bert - Do I know you? You look familiar … Ah, I see the crest of Umberlee. You are far from water here … would you accept a blessing of Selune? No charge!
  • I see now … it’s not you that’s familiar, so much as the look in your eyes. You are a sailor far from shore. Your heart yearns for the seas and the ports. Caldera City is a port, albeit a smaller one. We sail the skies, not the seas. It can take some time to get used to. Selune looks after sailors. She cares for you - we care for you. When this is done, come by the temple and we can talk.
Ros visits Fallon
  • Ros makes a hurried trip down to the Rose and the Lily. Fallon has filled the place with roses and lilies - too many, in fact. The place smelled of rotting flowers, like they had been left in water too long. There was nobody in the inn.
  • Despite her best efforts, she was not able to persuade Fallon that both inns would be better off. He took it personally, and threw flowers in her face.
  • Ros offered to send people to the Rose and Lily if someone needed a bed, since they didn't have beds. Fallon tried to take the olive branch and apologized, but refused help to clean it up. As Ros left, she saw a small dwarf with black hair & beard, braided, helping him clean it up.
  Fenir arrives to prep the play
  • As the actors arrive, one enthuses to Ola about how thrilled they are that Fenir has found a new sponsor, and one who isn’t bothered by his past history at all. He’s such an artist! I can say from rehearsals that you’re going to be blown away!
  • There are multiple wagons - he needs to park them around back, near the back entrance.
  • He builds a curtain around the stage, and a tunnel between the stage and the prep room so nobody can see what is coming in and out. Fenir holes up inside the prep room and gets to work. He's become quite the diva, and quite the monster, as he bosses everyone arounds and screams if anyone approaches him.
  Mantrell arrives with food & hirelings
  • Everyone arrives at once. A mix of Reborn, but also a human, and a half-elf.
  • The wait staff grabbed the change bags, and showed the Stouthearts how to run an efficient ordering system & tip jar
  • Matti the goblin joins Bert behind the bar and asks: "where is all the booze? Just wine and ale? Are you sure you need a bartender? I can get you some spirits, if you’ve got 20g. Just enough to get the edge off and make sure there are options. If you’ve got 40g I can get the good stuff. Won’t be more than an hour.". Bert agreed, so long as it wasn't any "weird goblin shit". Turns out, it was all weird goblin shit.
  • There was a delay with the steaks - he is heading over to buy them now.
  • Ola asks Mantrell if he can provide 2 people to act as guards. He certainly can, at 2g per day at this short notice.
  Jugglers Arrive
  • Jugglers arrive and set themselves up outside around the buffet. They are professionals! No problems here. Despite the lack of customers.
  • But where is Henri? He was supposed to be here by now.
  The Rain Continues
  • The rain continued to fall, apparently oblivious to druidcraft's prediction of sunny weather before the grand opening.
  • Anakami and Bronte reasoned that it was only by magic that this could be changed - someone had altered the weather to rain instead of the promised sunny skies.
Town Crier Passes By
  • Stoutheart Inn! Completely above board, no dead guys. Whatsoever. No nearly dead guys either. Come today for food and fun!
  • Anakami and Bronte decided to bless the inn in the name of the Lady of the Feast and Aerdrie Faenya. The sun came out almost immediately, countering whatever magic was causing the extended rain. Things began to dry up quickly.
  • Bert ran outside and shouted at Umberlee, screaming obscenities and demanding that she respect him and his desires. It wasn't a blessing - he was just furious with her.
The other blessings were tabulated, and the effects were:
  • Lathander, god of new beginnings (All community members were one tick friendlier & more helpful)
  • Waukeen, god of trade (Unknown)
  • Tymora, goddess of luck (Nat 20s are extra good)
  • Besheba, goddess of misfortune (Nat 1s are extra bad)
  • Milil, goddess of poetry & song (All performance checks are done at advantage)
  • Raven Queen, goddess of death (Unknown)
  • Mask, god of thieves (all thieves roll at disadvantage)
  • Lady of the Feast (Cooking checks are done at advantage)
  • Aerdrie Faenya (Prevents the rain, steady light breeze throughout the night, keeps everyone pleasantly cool, creatures of the skies feel more at home)


  Customers finally start filing in! About 40 people. Bronte works the crowd to stir up excitement.   The Shield arrives
  • Loryl (male dwarf) and Cheff (female tabaxi) from the Night Guard arrive, along with two others you hadn't met: Eeyok (male hobgoblin) and Enkala (female leonin). The latter two were clearly muscle, helpful in this sort of situation, but not good decision makers.
  • Bert gives Loryl a quick tour and proposes positions for the guards: Loryl by the door, Eeyok inside, and Cheff and Enkala out back. They need to keep another one of themselves in eyesight at all times, so you daisy chain them out to the buffet.
  Cats need another lesson
  • Flip speaks with the cats to see what's going on. "Nobody but us cats here, big and small." "Big?" asked Flip - only to learn that the cats didn't think of letting Flip know that Hshht, the tabaxi assassin, had come and gone. Flip remediated that so that next time, he would be told.


  Getting busier - about 80 people now!   Dockworkers arrive to party!
  • Just as dinner is settling in, a large number of dockworkers arrive, singing "Cheapest Ale in the Caldera, at the Stoutheart Inn!"
  • They start pounding on tables and shouting and hollering. It makes the other guests uncomfortable. "TIME TO GET WASTED!" they shout loudly.
  • The Stouthearts tried to reason with them, but they didn't want to go outside or accommodate them at all - eventually, you reasoned, they were just here to cause trouble. They got the boot (after a successful skill challenge)! Eeyok in particular was quite helpful at roughhousing them out of the place. Your other customers were happy!
Reborn arrive for dinner
  • Another large contingent arrives - this time it's the Reborn workers, led by Thistle and Heather! They're quite happy - and so is Garrgg. They rarely get to experience the fruits of their labour. They are effusive about the chandelier - so beautiful!
  • Murmurs emanate from the crowd. It's an awfully large number of them ... a few people get up and leave in disgust. But the Stouthearts hold firm. Eventually, the Reborn feel like they'd prefer it outside anyhow, which quashes any remaining issues.
  • Despite all that, they are still a bit disruptive. They don't have the same upbringing.
Illomere arrives
  • Illomere arrives, drunk out of his mind. He insisted at the door that he had a gig tonight, and that Loryl was standing in his way.
  • Ola refused, and the two argued. Eventually Loryl just grabbed him and threw him out in the street.
  • Sounds began to filter into the inn "Stupidest People in the Caldera ... at the Stoutheart Inn!" Not even particularly original.
  • Eventually he slipped and fell, breaking his lute and covering himself in mud. He slinked away.
  • But where is Henri?? wondered Ola. He should have been here hours ago.
Call for Adventurers!
  • A half elf woman rushes in and cries: "Help! The traveling circus wagons broke and now there are animals running around everywhere! Is there anyone who can help?"
  • “We will answer the call!” shouts two halflings, one wielding a spiked net. A fairy flies over everyone and lands in front of the guard, casting a spell to give everyone some extra speed. A cat leaps down from the rafters, shapeshifting into a satyr. A stout woman with a holy symbol steps forward, along with her friend, an older, greying man wearing flowing robes who wonders aloud where they are going. The rush out to save the city.


  Busier still - about 100 people now   Altair & Tess' first date!
  • Altair arrives, dressed in a giant feather cloak and holding flowers. He awkwardly waits for Tess at the door.
  • She arrives not long after, with feathers weaved throughout her bright yellow hair! She is very happy to see him.
  • Someone mentioned that Fenir would be doing a play on Beregast the Bold, and Altair mentioned that he did know him. Tess was in awe and hung off his every word!
Mantrell arrives with the antelope steaks
  • Someone tried to waylay my wagon, can you believe it? A lousy hobgoblin and a halfling with one of those stupid man buns ...
  • I knew the price of antelope was crazy, but this is extra crazy! They should remove the price controls ...
Wuen, Jurak, Rafael, and Fallon arrive
  • The business community has arrived! Rafael is in awe, Jurak looks annoyed, and Fallon looks jealous.
  • Wuen shouts "FEATHERS ARE BACK!" and she comes in wearing an outfit covered in feathers.
  • Fallon's eyes go wide at the huge number of people in the inn. His discontent is obvious to everyone.
  • Rafael has brought a gift! It's a small toy, a replica of the inn, with working lights, see?
Anakami brings out the cake
  • Anakami gave a speech and conjured up Fruits of the Harvest - a magical feast which will heal all those who partake of it. She did so in honor of all those guests, including Altair, The Shield, the Stouthearts, and any who have been injured protecting others.
  • She then brought out the masterpiece cake she was working on (it looks like the inn!) and everyone celebrated. She took the flowers from Altair and put them in a vase.


Getting busier still - about 120 people   Henri arrives, late & drunk
  • Henri arrives and he’s a bit drunk. He smells a bit funky, too. He looks a bit rumpled & like he hasn’t shaved, but it works for him, to be honest. “BONJOUR!” he cries as he jumps on the stage, and he breaks into a round of “Bonjour les amis bonjour!” He then settles in to play excellent lute music, enhanced a bit with some magic.
Fire in the kitchen
  • A fire breaks out in the kitchen! Anakami grabs the decanter and tries to douse it ... but it was a grease fire, and it spreads all over what was being cooked. Anakami and her team eventually put it out.
Cutter & Friends come by
  • Cutter tries to sneak into the Stoutheart, but is caught by Ros. She giggles at Ros' awareness. Cutter brings her 3 friends to the bar and flirts with Ros. Bert was aware, but not concerned.
  • Beware of the Shadow Blades, Cutter mentions. They've pulled some people 'out of retirement' so to speak.
  • The Stouthearts learned that the Shadow Blades mostly broke up 3 years ago when the Caldera declared itself independent, but ran this hangout as a place for their old buddies to get together and reminisce over the good ole days.
  Frowns all Round
  • Suddenly, Ros and Ola feel their faces contort into angry frowns that they could not control. The frowns lasted only a minute, but long enough to put off some customers.
  • Ola spied in the corner Fallon, giggling to himself and putting a wand into his cloak. She lost sight of him after that.
  • The door burst open with a shout. "Glowie!" shouted a large goliath woman.
  • She made her way to the bar and flirted aggressively with Bert.
  • She laughs uproariously, and then tells Bert to “keep her well lubricated, handsome - I mean drinks! You filthy beast,” she says with a wink
The Shadow Blades
  • The three Shadow Blades members - Johno, Top, and the unnamed hobgoblin walk int othe bar.
  • As soon as they enter, Ola shouts: "Out! Out! I won't have here someone who steals my gold and tries to attack us."
  • "Is that an accusation?" cried Johno in mock offense.
  • But Loryl was quick on his feet, and kicked them out.
Falanariel speaks
  • Bronte encountered an elven woman wearing rags and covered in dirt. She was hiding in the crowd, avoiding eye contact and picking food off plates that were left over. She was clearly used to avoiding being seen.
  • Bronte tried to speak with her, but the woman indicated she could not speak. Instead Bronte mind linked with her and asked her her name. "Falanariel," she said. She hadn't spoken with anyone in years. Bronte gave her one of her cloaks and convinced her to take some food and drink, on the house. She also gave her a card to the Tempest Weaver and invited her to come by later.


Getting very busy now - no seats left in the house, and packed outside too!   The Ambassadors
  • From the doorway, an announcement: "Ambassador A'yee'sha'nur from the Windswept Ranges of Kakaree". The group panicked and scrambled.
  • "I am a big fan of Fenir's works, and I hear that he is putting on a play here tonight. I am happy that he has found a new sponsor - he is a genius, after all. I would love it if I could sit right near the stage."
  • From the doorway, another announcement: "Ambassador Iktayozka from Malahu." And another: "Ambassador Renda from the Ramshackle Coast". And finally, a last one: "Ambassador Vyrya, from Sessil, in Dracaryx." A'yee'sha'nur indicated to you that she'd invited a number of her friends.
  • Ola and the team scrambled to move tables around and find new spaces for the ambassadors and their retinue, totaling about 25 people. They had to comp many of the other tables who were being disrupted to find room for the ambassadors.
  • However, they were wonderful guests and ordered antelope steaks, the finest wines and ales you carried, and even the "weird goblin shit" that Matti had purchased.
  The Companions
  • Just after that, Xethenia and her companions breezed in. They were all dressed in sheer clothing similar to the actors, and obviously had coordinated with Fenir ahead of time. They had companions dressed up as Beregast, Mad Queen Maeve, Gemenicus, Antala, Hathyk, and Dessyna.
  • They set up in the rooms, and are happy that Ola found guards for them.
  Rafael and the Kids
  • Bronte found Rafael and wondered if he had any toys to give to the children before the play started?
  • He didn't have many, he said - about 20 or 30 of them. So the two of them found the children to play with their new toys.


The place is jumping! It's completely packed!   A familiar voice is heard ...
  • Ros heard a familiar voice in the crowd that reminded her of the voice the night that she was assaulted in the bedroom, and a knife held to her throad. Unfortunately she did not manage to pinpoint the voice, and she didn't hear it again.
  Wuen thanks the hosts
  • Wuen stands up to thank the hosts for such a wonderful night, especially the food which was amazing!
  • She sings: You served us food, you served us wine, You showed us a wonderful time, So when we say it, know it’s true, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Fenir's play begins
  • Ros and Ola are hurried backstage and put into costume. They are given their lines and Fenir begins the play ...
The play is detailed here The Passion of Shadow and Fire : A Play by Fenir .   Another pickpocket!
  • Just as the prologue winds down, Flip comes racing down from upstairs and across the bar. He runs outside and returns a few minutes later, holding a bag of gold that was picked from one of the wait staff, along with some of the silverware. He heads back upstairs.
The Printer & Friends
  • Niyaz and 2 of his friends comes by. He sees Bert & apologizes once again. Hopefully Bert understands - he's still 115g in debt even after that great payout.
  • Bert gives him a few free drinks as he promised. Niyaz thanks him and heads to an open space by the buffet.


The place is packed - but nobody is buying anything. Everyone is enamored with Fenir's play.   Fenir's Play Ends
  • There is a sudden burst of applause and the stage goes dark. Everyone runs off stage and into the prep area.
  • There is immense applause which continues into a standing ovation. A'yee'sha'nur applauds you and announces loudly that everyone should remember to thank the patron to fund everything you just saw. It takes two visionaries to make a play like this - the artist and the patron. She will remember this fondly, and will tell all her friends. To Fenir's new patron!
  • The Stouthearts spy Altair, who is ashen faced and crying while Tess tries to console him. Something in the play has brought back some bad memories, it seems.
  • Fenir is beaming. He can't stop bowing and doing encores.
A messenger arrives  
  • A messenger arrives to speak with the group now called the Stouthearts. He produces a rock and hands it to Bert.
  • As soon as Bert touches the rock, a series of pinpricks of light erupt from it, swirling around the room. They eventually coalesce into a single image - the head of Beregast!
  • Everyone bursts into applause.
  • Beregast right away starts in on them: "It's been months, and you haven't even written? You haven't sent a single letter? Not one word? I GAVE YOU AN INN. Oh, hello - looks like you have guests? Oh it looks like you're having a grand opening. Hey, Altair! I haven't seen you in ages. How are you doing?
  • Eventually they have an exchange - the Stouthearts ask him about the backtaxes, and he doesn't know what they're talking about. Max, do you know what they're talking about? Wait, are you asking for even more money, after I gave you an inn? Figure it out yourself!
  • You look all settled in - I will send some other adventurers to help you out.
  • He then stood up and the image of Beregast's head turned into that of his body, which then walked away and became smaller. He hiked up his robes around his waist and started making grunting noises. Then he shouts and runs to the stone, and the visage gets bigger. You see two hands wrap around the inside of the inn and clasp in the middle, and you heard Beregast shout "HOW DO YOU TURN THIS THING OFF?!?". A giant explosion of light-fire engulfed the inn, and then the lights disappeared into nothingness.
The Dinner Rush Ends
  • After the inn regroups, the Stouthearts noticed that a number of people have filed out without them knowing. Bert and Loryl have to tag team controlling the flood of people out of the inn, making them walk single file or leave from the back instead.
  • Jurak looks a little frustrated, and Bert asks her about it. She indicates to the group that the chandelier isn't properly set up. Bert apologizes and asks how it's done - so Jurak obliges. The chandelier begins spinning on its central axis, and the light from the candles refracts and reflects all over the wall. It's a giant hobgoblin disco ball! Everyone thanks her and she beams with pride.
  • Rafael was the last to leave, and says: "I don't get it - I thought fire burned things?
Total So Far
  • A quick check of the coffers revealed that the Grand Opening had brought in 306 gold so far! Not yet enough to pay the tax bill, and even more is needed on top of that in order to run an inn for more than one day.
The Inn at the Crossroads of the World
Anakami of Tree Home
Report Date
24 Oct 2022


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