When Treyen was gifted the power of Shadow and the other nexus crystals were discovered.
Each of the five queendoms was founded in this ten year span by leaders Chosen with power from the nexus crystals.
A period of 97 years when the first Queens and their children built their queendoms. Most queendoms worked in harmony with one another, sharing scientific and philosophical discoveries. An era of art, technological innovation, and general philosophical discourse.
Seen as the end of the Era of Innovation, the Turmoil is a brief period of time where the trust between queendoms faltered, and Umbralta was painted as the enemy of their entire continent. Saw the organization of what would become the Lucidian Conquest and the establishment of Imperia.
A period of war, death, and paranoia. Lucidia won over the loyalties of Aftara, Zozaia, and Mataisa through diplomacy or force, united against the "common enemy" of Umbralta. Once Umbralta was defeated, Lucidae named every country as a regent under the flag of Imperia, the Empire of Light.
The time between the founding of Imperia and the death of Empress Aurora and destruction of the lys crista, what most scholars deem as the end of the Empire as it once was.