Kazzok Brazikstan Character in Arkanos | World Anvil

Kazzok Brazikstan

Kazzok Brazikstan

Kazzok Brazikstan was a soldier born within the highland Kingdom of Stohr, raised to be brave, valiant, and kind to all who fought by his side. He served his homeland for most of his life until an enemy invasion left his home raided and burned to the ground, prompting him to banish himself to the primary continent of Laer'aidon and has such then spent most of his days traveling the wilds and trying his best to find peace despite his failure to protect the ones he loved most.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kazzok, despite living off the natural resources of forests and the general wilderness, maintains a very sturdy and muscular build through his intense consumption of deer, elk, nuts, and other great sources of protein.

Body Features

Kazzok's body is very round in shape with a large belly to accommodate his muscular arms and strong legs. His most prominent feature, however, is his numerous tattoos across his body.

Facial Features

Kazzok's face is very strong with a prominent, pointed nose, sculpted cheekbones, and piercing eyes. However, his face is most complimented by his beautiful, red hair and beard. While he keeps his hair in a simple ponytail, his beard is quite fashionable with ornate pieces of metal along with rivets that point the ends of his mustache upwards to represent tusks. Additionally, Kazzokhas two tattoos rising from his eyebrows, symbolizing dwarven craftsmanship and architecture with its rigid yet smooth shape.

Mental characteristics


Kazzok didn't make much effort to exceed his education beyond what was required in his homeland; however, in recent years, he has tried his best to gain more insight and wisdom on the world in his attempt to find peace in his old age.


Other than the occasional odd job to keep himself somewhat supported, Kazzok remains mostly unemployed and resides mostly as a nomadic warrior.


Religious Views

Kazzok worships the Kahn deity known as Kaidera, the goddess of nature and animals. However, generally, Kazzok believes that the natural way of the world should be the priority over the greedy, corrupt ways of the empire and other modern forms of government.

Wealth & Financial state

Really, really poor.

Kazzok is an old, retired soldier hailing from the Eastern islands of Laer'aidon who mostly spends his time traveling across the continent, surviving in the wilds, and taking the occasional job to keep himself supported.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
17th of Tiraur, 5A 1296
Petty Kingdom of Stohr
Current Residence
A cart with a bunch of retards.
Red with Grey Accents
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Beige