Kazzok Brazikstan | World Anvil

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Kazzok Brazikstan

Kazzok is an old, retired soldier hailing from the Eastern islands of Laer'aidon who mostly spends his time traveling across the continent, surviving in the wilds, and taking the occasional job to keep himself supported.

Campaign & Party

The major events and journals in Kazzok's history, from the beginning to today.

Ief tha dere Jaspa laddy keeps onn boyin' meh roonds o' ale, I'll protec em' as if ee wer me own soon.

07:16 pm - 07.05.2023

Whare cane a thiirsteh dworf liek meh geet a tanker o' ale???

07:14 pm - 07.05.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Kazzok.