Lautrec Character in Arkanos | World Anvil


Sir Lautrec

Sir Lautrec traveled from the North to the Sunlands in hopes of finding his purpose through a God-given sign of redemption. He is very calm and well-spoken, albeit a bit harsh, and carries himself in a strong manner. Not much is known about Lautrec as he has attempted to be rather clear in his dislike of most around him, simply tolerating who he needs at his side in order to survive. Although, despite this, he finds respect in his companions through their sheer will to help a stranger they've never met.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sir Lautrec stands tall at 6'4" and is a rather large individual considering his current complication. Regardless, however, he manages to uphold his physique by performing small exercises and staying generally active while trying to not die.

Body Features

Despite being a shapeless ooze, he is able to uphold his body in a very muscular way with threatening bulk and broad features; though he does find it rather exhausting to keep this up at all times and generally lets himself go back into a blob whilst he is alone and relaxing.

Facial Features

Whilst he shows it very rarely, Sir Lautrec's face is rather desolate when it comes to anything distinguishable lest you count the deep, hollow openings in his face which could be regarded as eyes. However, he does attempt to retain some form of facial structure when his face is visible, though rather poorly.

Physical quirks

Sir Lautrec's most interesting aspect of his body his is ability to completely shift his amorphous body in any way he desires, being able to slide through small gaps and even extend a small pseudopod.

Special abilities

Being an ooze, Sir Lautrec is almost entirely immune to the effects of poison and acid as his body is 94% water. Additionally, because he technically has no true shape, he is able to construct himself in any way he pleases, being able to seem tall, short, rotund, etc. which can prove useful when the time comes. He is also able to extend a long pseudopod which he can use to manipulate the immediate area around him.

Apparel & Accessories

Being a knight, Sir Lautrec is protectively shrouded in a durable suit of riveted mail paired with plate gauntlets, greaves, and a closed burgonet helm. His armor is adorned with a pale set of robes that bear an emblem of the sun upon his chest. Additionally, Sir Lautrec is well-trained in the use of his morningstar and kite shield, which is marked by the same symbol found upon his attire. Finally, Lautrec always carries a few javelins and his faithful arming sword for the moments when simply beating his enemies to death proves ineffective.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Having been born to a family of artisans, Sir Lautrec grew up in a very comfortable lifestyle, nearly always having his needs met and having no issue whatsoever finding his way in terms of a career. He worked for several years as a cartographer under his father but it soon proved to be incredibly unfulfilling, leading him to join the church at a young age as an acolyte. The church he served knew of his interest in the warfare of his kingdom and eventually knighted him as a paladin, granting him the title of Sir. Many years on, Sir Lautrec had fought in several battles prior to his meeting with his current group and had grown well-ordained to the chaos of the battlefield due to his experience as a knight, making him a fearsome warrior not to be trifled with.

Gender Identity

Although he is nothing but an amorphous ooze, Sir Lautrec attempts to sustain a very masculine figure and generally identifies himself as male despite having no real sexual organs.


Despite becoming a member of the church and pronouncing celibacy, Sir Lautrec had his fair share of celebrations and promiscuous nights with the fair maidens of his country. Though these years are very much a part of who he is today, he holds pride in his lack of sexual desires as his mind is set on a much more important goal.


While he received an advanced education whilst under his family, Sir Lautrec truly found his yearning for knowledge once he became an acolyte and began his lessons on the deity of the sun, whom he had always worshipped and praised for his favorable life. His lessons involved a basic understanding of the history of such a deity, but also combat training under a special league of acolytes who sought to spread the word of their religion through arm and shield.


As of right now, Sir Lautrec has found himself in a rather egregious situation where he mainly does mercenary work along with his companions to make a bit of coin. It isn't easy and it sure as hell isn't what he expected himself to be doing at his age, but the pay is well enough and keeps him fed.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Sir Lautrec's most favorable accomplishment in his own eyes is his most recent oath with his deity, whom he solemnly swears to uphold as long as he lives, especially with the opportunity he has been provided.

Failures & Embarrassments

However, Sir Lautrec's greatest failure was his inability to foresee the consequences of his trespassing on that fateful day, leading him to fall into a dark depression through his betrayal of his people, his family, and his deity.

Mental Trauma

The Cave.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sir Lautrec possesses a general understanding of the world and its history but possesses a greater knowledge than most of his great deity through his studies under the church. And while he is comfortable in his understanding of most things, he is always willing to learn more.

Morality & Philosophy

Sir Lautrec is a merciless killer, believing that those who have fallen in battle do not deserve to live and should accept their death with honor. He is not one for weakness and believes that any and all who have not proven themselves are simply undeserving of his respect. Though, regardless of how barbaric he may seem, he still upholds a code of chivalry and attempts to sustain his honor as a knight at all times.


Sir Lautrec is always well-tempered and can be welcoming to other traditions, but typically refuses to take part in any customary celebrating a deity other than his, deeming them irrelevant to this course of action.

Personality Characteristics


Sir Lautrec's prime drive is his journey to return to his former glory and ascend to his true purpose. He is a furious individual when it comes to achieving his destiny and will spill an endless sea of blood to become what he was meant to be.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Sir Lautrec, as a knight, is very proficient in several forms of combat and has mastered the art of arm and shield, showing expertise in the morningstar as his weapon of choice. Additionally, he is well-versed in the words of his deity and is quick to acknowledge their history or likeness when the time comes. However, Sir Lautrec's ability to judge others is rather skewed and unnecessarily decisive, being hasty to condemn those he sees as irrelevant or pathetic, believing that they're simply a waste of space.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes killing people and his deity. Dislikes other deities and Virgil.

Vices & Personality flaws



Sir Lautrec expresses significant importance in the cleaning and maintenance of his armor and weaponry, keeping it polished and sharpened as best he can, though recently, he hasn't had easy access to such commodities. Regarding his personal hygiene, he takes baths quite often but finds them awkward in his new, gelatinous form.


Contacts & Relations

Other than his current group, Sir Lautrec makes it clear that he has little to no interest in making friendly relations with common folk and generally only seeks to make acquaintances with either official members of society or proven warriors.

Family Ties

While Sir Lautrec once had a bountiful family relation through his several ties in the local Artisan's Guild, those days are long behind him; though he seeks to return to what once was.

Religious Views

Sir Lautrec, despite his gruesome nature, is a very pious man who seeks only to carry out his deity's will through arm and shield. He believes that the way of his religion is the superior walk of life and any who oppose it physically oppose it shall fall in time.

Social Aptitude

To put it simply, Sir Lautrec is not a people person. He finds tranquility in his loneliness and, despite his rather obnoxious companions, still manages to uphold his calm yet threatening demeanor whenever possible. Which typically results in a lack of social participation.

Hobbies & Pets

The closest thing that Sir Lautrec has ever had to a pet would most likely be the peculiar fish that Levius currently possesses named "Pookie Alexander".


Though he speaks rarely, Sir Lautrec, being a knight and man of the church, speaks solemnly and with honor. Though his voice is rather rough and he can be harsh, he tries to have some form of manner when speaking to a high-ranking official or distinguished warrior.

Wealth & Financial state

While he was rather well off in his past, Sir Lautrec now finds himself scrapping for any gold he can to fund his survival and ventures.

A knight of few words, Sir Lautrec hails from foreign lands and hopes to seek his true destiny and purpose. Through his oath and his fury, he shall return to his people and ascend to who he was meant to be, no matter what.

View Character Profile
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Having been knighted as a paladin of his kingdom, Lautrec was granted the title of Sir and upholds it proudly.
Date of Birth
9th of First Freeze
The North
Current Residence
The Sinking Shithole
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Blue
Quotes & Catchphrases
Being as stoic as he is, Sir Lautrec isn't one for quips or catchphrases, typically preferring to remain quiet under most circumstances.
Known Languages
Sir Lautrec is well-versed in Common, Elvish, and Primordial as it is a family tradition to mark their maps with primordial symbols because they simply look attractive to customers.