Sir Lautrec | World Anvil

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Sir Lautrec
The Free Knight

A knight of few words, Sir Lautrec hails from foreign lands and hopes to seek his true destiny and purpose. Through his oath and his fury, he shall return to his people and ascend to who he was meant to be, no matter what.

16th of Red Harvest

Campaign & Party

Sins of the Order Crew

Virgil Rafiel Jericho Lautrec Levius
Run by ComradeCorvus

The major events and journals in Lautrec's history, from the beginning to today.

Finally got my first set of plate and it's a legendary artifact of the Star Knights. So, to be brief, this fuckin' rocks.

16th of Red Harvest

Well, everybody knows my secret. The thing that rather confuses me is that they didn't act any differently towards me. They didn't reel in disgust, attack me, or anything; Levius even healed me. I need some time to think.

16th of Red Harvest

Drew a photo-realistic picture of how I see Levius.

16th of Red Harvest

I drew my companion, Levius

16th of Red Harvest

Well, we found an abundance of gold which I presume belonged to those cultist bastards. Despite Raphiel's best efforts to prevent it, I was able to get my own cut which paid quite handsomely. By the way, Virgil, if you're reading this, I hope that ring is worth nothing and whoever you sell it to beats you for scamming him.

16th of Red Harvest

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Lautrec.