Levius Character in Arkanos | World Anvil



Levius is a foxfolk bard from the Dominion. He was born in a small beastfolk tribe, never getting to learn his true parents, and he was forced to watch as the tribe he considered his family was killed one-by-one by Dominion soldiers over the course of his life. While the losses were painful, Levius was always most hurt by the knowledge and experiences each one carried with them that was lost. Each of them had a lifetime of stories to pass down and experiences to learn from that they could no longer share. From that point onwards, Levius decided to dedicate himself to preserving as many of those experiences as he could. As he grew up, he closely studied the culture, the food, the music, the art of his tribe and any others the interacted. When he came of age, he left his family behind and has continued to pursue this ideal, learning and growing from everyone he possibly can.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Levius is excessively tall and relatively slim, though he often has a severe slouch from his time hunched over writing. His full extension can often surprise or even intimidate others who aren't expecting it.

Body Features

The fur on Levius' body is primarily a light ginger color, especially across his back, limbs, and most of his head. There is also a large white patch that stretches from his lower jaw to his waistline.

Facial Features

Levius has pale blue eyes and mostly clean teeth; he finds that people don't like being interviewed by someone with bad breath. His facial fur is a bit excessive and usually unkempt, though it usually doesn't bother him.

Identifying Characteristics

Levius is usually the only foxfolk at a given location, making him easily identifiable most of the time. His tall stature and large bag of unique equipment also help him stand out.

Physical quirks

Levius' main physical quirks are his excessive height and large hunch. He is, so far, lacking in any impressive scars or other notable irregularities.

Special abilities

Levius has retractable claws in both hands that he can use as weapons in desperate situations, as well as a tool to climb with relative ease. His vulpine build also makes him an adept sprinter.

Apparel & Accessories

He is wearing a plain, loose white shirt and simple studded leather armor underneath a pale blue cloak with simple dark gray trimming on the edges and sleeves. There are some wrappings along his arms and legs, and he wears loose-fitting dark gray pants. He often has a small pair of circular glasses tucked into the collar of his shirt. Around his neck, he has a necklace with a few tiny trinkets he's collected over the years.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Levius was born in a beastfolk tribe on the western border of the Dominion. This community started as a collection of foxfolk, but small amounts of other beastfolk were slowly accepted into the fold as well. His tribe functioned as one massive family, where everyone would take care of the kids as they were able to, rather than being divided into specific family units. They used this system to prevent the younger generation from getting too attached to the adults, who were often hunted and enslaved or died of starvation or disease. As he grew up, Lev had a fondness for the stories his elders would tell around while they were working in the day or preparing for bed. Each elder had a different, unique set of stories to pass on to the younger generation, and Lev appreciated each one more than the last.   When they ran out of stories to tell, Levius still sought to learn more and did whatever he could to learn about other cultures as well. He studied manuscripts about the ancient history of elves, humans, and dwarves on Laerdon, lineages lasting longer than he could have ever imagined. He was eventually forced to question why the histories of his own people stretched back decades instead of centuries, and why no one ever seemed to write anything down. He took it upon himself to record the stories of his elders and to eventually find their origins.   Around this same time, he developed a fascination with more than just races’ histories. During the tribe’s brief visits in town, he couldn’t help but observe the strange foods, languages, arts, and customs far different than his own–why was theirs so different? The question ate at him for a while, and, every time they stopped again, he would try to learn more from people: a new word to use, a new story to tell, a new recipe to make. While he loved the tribe that had raised them, he couldn’t help his obsession with a whole other world that was waiting beyond their normal paths. Even if his kind was unwanted, he needed to learn, record, and share incredible things about people.   Late in the night, Levius left a note thanking his tribe for everything and disappeared. He decided he wanted to travel south, leaving the beautiful Dominion his people had called home. Outside of the Dominion, he noticed an immediate change in how people treated him, and it was much easier to eke out a few stories or bits of knowledge from non-beastfolk. After many long days of travel, he arrived in the beautiful Sunlands, but with a new problem: money. In his tribe, it had never been much of concern for him, but now it was very apparent.

Gender Identity

Gender studies have yet to fall into Levius' area of research, but he is comfortable as a cis fox-man.


Levius is only vaguely aware of his own sexuality, but he tends to connect with others based on their intellectual characteristics rather than their physical ones.


Levius has never received a proper education of any kind, so, instead, he has learned about the world by reading countless books and by interviewing others to learn about their worldviews. He is still lacking in certain areas, but he is still quite intelligent given his upbringing.


Levius is self-employed (broke). He primarily takes oddjobs to make just enough gold to get by, but that has quickly changed after meeting a strange new group.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Levius was able to communicate with and help an ancient spirit that was trapped in Almera. That spirit now resides in him, and he hopes to help more out in the same way.

Failures & Embarrassments

A life of learning is a life of failure, and even at his relatively young age, Levius has experienced a comical amount of failures learning new magic or just trying to interview people.

Mental Trauma

Levius has always felt incredibly weak and has had to watch many of his people die as a result of it. On this journey of self-discovery and learning, he hopes to grow and learn even more powerful magic to help those he cares about.

Intellectual Characteristics

Levius has obtained knowledge from a variety of odd sources, and, as a result, he will often know a fair amount about completely random subjects that others would expect him to be clueless about. He loves this random information and is often surprised if others don't share his enthusiasm.

Morality & Philosophy

Levius' morality and philosophy is ever-evolving. For instance, early into his first adventure, though he once swore he would never kill another, he was forced to kill bandits that would have done the same to him--it was hard to swallow how brutal and violent the adventuring world was, but Levius is always willing to grow and change.


There are few things that Levius isn't willing to try at least once, so even he is unsure of his taboos.

Personality Characteristics


Levius is, above all else, driven by a desire for knowledge. He needs to learn more about other cultures, about other languages, about other magic. This desire is what motivates many of the decisions Levius makes on his adventures and interactions with others.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Levius is knowledgable on a whole host of subjects, from magic to history to religion and more. This knowledge is undoubtedly his strongest point, but he is also adept at navigating social situations, siphoning information out of others or convincing them to work with him. His greatest inepitudes lie in combat; he just recently killed for the first time, and his swordmanship is quite weak. He has tried to improve his techniques by studying, but his main source of knowledge, "Book of Sword Forms, ed. XI," has only been marginally useful.

Likes & Dislikes

Levius likes learning and trying new things--he always enjoys trying new food, hearing new music, and seeing new magic. This does mean that the familiar and comfortable can often bore him after too much exposure.

Virtues & Personality perks

Levius' greatest virtue is his humility--while he knows a great deal, he is always willing to hear others out to learn their perspective or to appeal to their expertise. In his opinion, everyone has knowledge to share, and he can only benefit from listening to them.

Vices & Personality flaws

Driven by his desire for knowledge, Levius can often ignore obvious signs of deception or danger, unintentionally putting himself or others in perilous situations. He also writes down new things as soon as he learns them, including things he learns about people; many people find it very off-putting to have their information written down in front of them.

Personality Quirks

Levius is always writing new things down or theorizing out loud about things he's wondering about.


Though he never much cared about hygiene in his old tribe, Levius quickly learned that people don't like to talk to or help out people who smell like wet dog or have disgusting breath. It was simply more advantageous for him to take better care of cleaning his fur, clothes, and teeth. He's not perfect about it, but he does try his best.


Contacts & Relations

Levius has a series of loose contacts across the Dominion and the coast of the Free Cities. He tries to make acquaintances everywhere he goes, which was especially easy in the many small beastfolk tribes he has briefly lived with.

Family Ties

Levius' family ties are puddle-deep--he's not even sure who his real parents were in his old tribe. He still cares deeply about his old tribe, but very few of them are even left today.

Religious Views

Levius has never really been religious, but he does pray to Agae on rare occasions. He also wouldn't describe himself as spiritual in a traditional sense, but he often uses magic brought about by contact with spirits. Additionally, he has been searching for more ancient spirits to contact and maybe even house in his body.

Social Aptitude

Levius considers himself pretty good with people, able to convince them to help or give up information through sheer force of will--he won't take no for an answer on his quest for knowledge. Eventually, people tend to find it endearing.


Levius loves to talk and talk and talk, often without giving the people he's with a chance to butt in. This especially becomes a problem when he is trying to theorize on a subject, stopping and starting on a specific theory seemingly at random.

Hobbies & Pets

Just recently, Levius acquired a pet fish named Pookie Alexander through a series of bizarre events. He also has a number of hobbies out of magic and writing. He loves to cook, keeping a set of cooking supplies with him at all times, he enjoys drawing and painting, usually to supplement his writing, and he plays the lute, even utilizing in the use of his magic on occasion.


Levius' speech is generally polite and proper, though he can slip into various dialects and languages as needed. He also has a slight accent that points to his origins in the Dominion.

Wealth & Financial state

Levius is flat broke. There isn't a lot of money is knowing a lot about random things.

Levius is a self-proclaimed anthropologist and storyteller from the Dominion, hoping to learn more about every type of culture and magic he can; he is also in tune with spirits and currently searching for more to possess, teach, and empower him.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Levius lacks any notable titles from his brief days as an adventurer.
Date of Birth
19th of Red Harvest, 1419
A forest in the Dominion
Current Residence
The Sinking Shithole
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
185 lb.
Quotes & Catchphrases
Levius has been workshopping some quotes and catchphrases, but he is too embarassed to actually use any of them so far.
Known Languages
Levius is a voracious reader and adept at learning other lanuages. He is fully fluent in Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Giant, Primordial, and Sylvan. He also has the unique ability to learn the basics of a language after only a few hours of studying its native speakers interact--a skill that has helped him communicate with small, insular beastfolk tribes on many occasions.