Levius | World Anvil

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Levius is a self-proclaimed anthropologist and storyteller from the Dominion, hoping to learn more about every type of culture and magic he can; he is also in tune with spirits and currently searching for more to possess, teach, and empower him.

Campaign & Party

Sins of the Order Crew

Virgil Rafiel Jericho Lautrec Levius
Run by ComradeCorvus

The major events and journals in Levius's history, from the beginning to today.

Finding the second Wayshrine was a mountain road of emotions, but I'm ultimately glad Lautrec was able to resolve things peacefully. That's two in a row on talking down problems without a fight! Great work, team.

06:34 am - 12.12.2023

I'm glad we were able to resolve that conflict without a fight. I'm sure Ogrog, Vorog, and Bal will make a great addition to the community in Hyloth. :)

16th of Red Harvest

"Pookie Alexander" seems like an absurd name for anyone, let alone fish. I should have picked something better. I'm sorry, little fish.

06:03 am - 05.11.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Levius.