House Croft Organization in Arkion | World Anvil
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House Croft

House Croft is a rather new house founded after the creation of the Duchy de Venture or rather they were ennobled at the time. in the years that followed their ambition for advancment was clearly shown, they used the weaknesses of their superious and overthrew them one by one.


Despite the title of Count they are not recognised as a big house by many of the old noble houses and even looked down upon by some. Especially the younger generation of house croft is displeased by this and thus many plot to increase their own standing and power. Ruthless, Proud and not much regard for commoners they strive to increase their standyng by all means. Some suspicious incidents also revolve around them regarding the Nightmare of Dread. This family themselves has a weak bloodline but they recruit strong talents.   Based on power and influence they rank last by far among the big noble houses, there are even some Earls who hold more sway over the royal court. Even their own vassal forces are sometimes tempted to disregard their orders, however as their seat of power grows steadyer this has stopped happening more and more.  

Important Members

  • Raimund Croft ~ patriarch
  • Isabelle Croft ~ patriarch
  • Alart Croft ~ First Son/Head Knight

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