Keepers Organization in Arkion | World Anvil
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The Keepers, next to nothing is known about this organization, only a few ancient scrolls and texts speak of these elite warriors. It is rare to find someone outside the Kingdom of Lavrellnìr who has even heard of them and it is even less likely for them believe in it's validity. Many scholars at Einsamkeit believe the Keepers have fallen with the rise of The Final Empire however this is false.   Only a select few, very powerful champions, are able to become Keepers. The members mostly consist of dragons and elves tasked with combating all threats related to the Estuary. Furthermore if other threats arise that would endanger Arkion they would usually help as well, however they will prioritise tasks related to the Estuary. Climbing the ladder in this organization is reportedly incredibly difficult and requires years of dedication, hard work and well, talent. Another important task for the Keepers is to conserve and pioneer all knowledge in the world, rumors say they are linked with the society of sensation.

Power Grid

Funds: Low/High (Very dependent on Rank)
Influence: Low/Moderate (Idividuals can sway but no political Influence)
Knowledge: Huge
Power: Huge (No armies but very powerful Individuals)
Responsibilities: Moderate

Keepers - Ranks

Classified how much knowledge they protect. Each Rank has 3 subranks one has to climb (Slow Progression)
  • Bud/Spark Keeper
  • Sprout/Ember Keeper
  • Leaf/Flame Keeper
  • ------------------------
  • Blossom/Fire Keeper
  • Grove/Inferno Keeper
  • Spirit of the Forest/Core
  • ...
~ Blossom Keeper (Emmisary in the Arkion Campaign)

This article has no secrets.


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