The Western Union
The Western Union is a fledgeling political power on the Continent, during the last great war several small Duchys and Kingdoms reformed into the western union to stand united against the estern agressor the Baharuth empire. At first this arrangement was entirely trade and supply based, and the forces of the different powers still rode under their own banner. Only when the Duchy of Venture was on the brink of defeat, did they extend their treaties and reformed their armies to a new unified force. Unfortunately these new formed mixed groups took time to even remotely match the battle Prowess of the Baharuth legions, unfortionatley during this transition the Duchy the Venture fell to the Baharuth empire.
Thoughts of abandoning the Union rose throught the geopolitical structure and a few local warlords, tried to initiate small scale rebellions.
But then the Kingdom of Trakun made its decision to shut off all relations to the Baharuth empire and activly started to support the Union. Suddenly uniform Armor was produced which greatly boosted troop morale and increased battle efficiency. Furthermore Fort Gwynne was completely remodeled by dwarfen Architects and it now stands prowdly among the most secure Forts on the entire Continent.
The impact of the dwarves was also seen in many areas not to mention funding and within the next 2 years, Straff´s agression was scaled back considerably, the reason for this drastic change of heart remains unknown, and the War came to a standstill.
Soon after talks of peace treaties emerged and 4 years later the Union was officially recognised as a genuine geopolitical power. In the early stages most of the Union Politicians were largely comprised of nobility and this trend has not wavered much throughout the years, but in comparison to the
The Baharuth Empire or even The
Dutchy de Venture , a suprisingly large amount of Wealthy Merchants and Guild officials dabbel in the Games of the Court and diversivy the political landscape.