Winding Enclave Organization in Arkion | World Anvil
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Winding Enclave

The winding enclave is directly affiliated with the Western Union and serve under them. They are a mercenary guild at the lower ranks and will then go into the service of the union. This will either happen through a noble title but more commonly by receiving the title of a high ranking official like the Arch Lector of the Inquisition or a political position. Some members remain as part of the fighting force and get knighted to stand against bigger threats. But the Winding Enclaves strenghs definitely lie in the political influence and information network at its disposal.  


Akin to the union itself the WInding Enclaves history is neither rich nor deep, it was formed out of necessity and developed out of a long standing mercinary contract. Many paths to official positions in the union were plaged by privilege and curruption and thus the council of lords founded the enclave to gain better access to the talented commoners who would otherwise be overlooked. Many families send their children to the enclave in hopes of them rising in rank and bettering the future of the family and even the less talented earn a decent sum in the enclave.
Power Grid

Funds: High
Influence: low/High (Very rank dependent)
Knowledge: Moderate
Power: Low/Moderate
Responsibilities: High (Rank dependent)

Winding Enclave - Ranks

The enclaves rank system is somewhat all over the place. Mercenaries are generally classified between (Adept - Solider - Veteran) but at the higher ranks it can range from Lector to major to Noble and everything in between.

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