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Black Vein

"Feel the twitch in your spine? That's where I exist."   Some say it was the result of some great magical spell gone awry. Others say it is a punishment from the Creator for mortal sin. While there is much contention among scholars and magisters alike, everyone agrees that the vile Black Vein is one of the worst diseases to ever surface on Arkos. Aptly named due to the Black Veins that emerge across an infected individual's body, the disease has spread fear across Western Arkos since it merged near the beginning of the 3rd Age. Learning from history, areas where the infection appears are quickly quarantined, leaving those unfortunate enough to be stuck inside to fend for themselves and pray the infection spares them. In rare cases, those in the later stages of the infection claim to hear someone whispering to them; an entity they only refer to as 'G'huun'.

Transmission & Vectors

At early stages the disease is contracted through ingestion of contaminated food, drink, and through humanoid contact. At the later stages, the disease has been known to become airborne.


Coursing black veins starting on the neck, moving onto the face and arms, then eventually the entire epidermis. Early stages include coughing & fever, later stages can lead to vomiting and vivid hallucinations.


Powerful light magic has been known to work before in early cases, though it is difficult to find a caster of that power on short notice. Though not verified, stories claim a "Dr. Corvo" and his concoction have staved off the infection, though what this concoction consists of is a mystery.


A number of cases have linked the disease to originating from areas with large underground access, such as mines. As such, dwarves are one of the races most commonly affected.


The disease first originated in 52 3A in the Vale Region of the Crescent Empire. One of the most notable victims of Black Vein was Emperor Badar Crescentia, Emperor Lunin' s father.

Cultural Reception

Most victims of Black Vein are both pitied, yet ostracized from society, often sectioned off in quarantined areas.


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