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"Without power, what future can you claim? What good a kingdom you cannot defend?" - Iudex Drace   The highest rank possible in Oreion society outside of belonging to a noble house family, in addition to functioning as chief arbiters and enforcers of Oreion law (The Idyll Keepers, Iudex also act as generals for large portions of the Oreion army (The Veiled Hand. Ensuring the ideals of Oreion politics and religion are enforced, some Iudex are also given the responsibility of hunting down individuals the Overseers deem as "Heretics", those with enough influence to disrupt the natural order and lead citizens astray.   Iudex are always seen in full plate armor and are rarely seen with their helmets off. Each Iudex has a unique set of armor with complex helmet ornamentation, usually including horns and representing some aspect of the house they hail from.   Loyal to the Grand Inquisitor, the Iudex nevertheless seem to share a general code of honor common among themselves. Surprisingly, they seem more willing to participate in conversation with others, even at times their enemies, then many other members of high-ranking Oreion society.   As with other judges on Western Arkos, it is appropriate to address an Iudex as "Your Honour."


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