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Vaati - The Cruel Confidant

"Even a small portion of knowledge is a dangerous I think, my friend, that you are quite safe."
  Vaati is the Fallen Ancient of Forbidden Knowledge and Secrets. Considered to be the polar opposite and rival Ancient of Dulcis, both the Ancients nevertheless are known to be keepers of the knowledge in Creation. Unlike his arcane counterpart, however, Vaati is said to horde knowledge to keep it from prying mortal eyes, believing that mortalkind cannot be trusted or is undeserving of the secrets of creation. Many scholars have speculated that Vaati likely held this mindset even before the Cataclysm, and thus may have been one of the main contributors to the war.   Followers of Vaati are, ironically, generally those of an intelligent based profession or are in a position of knowledge-based power. They are either share Vaati's sentiment that mortalkind, or at least other races, are not worthy of possessing the knowledge they do, or wish to increase the monopoly on the knowledge they themselves possess. In order to maintain their positions of power, followers of Vaati also tend to keep their affiliation a secret, unlike many other followers of Fallen Ancients (looking at you, The Followers of Nex).   Vaati keeps his vast knowledge base under cosmic lock and key in the realm of Obscuranaxx, said to resemble a massive prison complex as opposed to a library of sorts. It is a maddening realm that anyone other than Vaati would almost certainly get lost in. In addition to his unrivaled collection, Vaati is also the credited creator and first user of Fel magic. During the Cataclysm, Vaati used this foul magic to inflict the Ancient Arkos with a permanent scar, from which Fel Fire was first wrought.   True to his domain, there are no known depictions of what Vaati's form may look like. If any of his followers have glimpsed his appearance, they are wise enough not to record it.

Divine Domains

Secrets, Knowledge, Arcana, Manipulation

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An orb surrounded by horns.

Tenets of Faith

  • Learn all you can, and keep hidden that which you know. Reveal what pieces you must, but never the whole.
  • Exploit those who seek knowledge. Enslave them to your whim.
  • The less people have access to learning, the more valuable it becomes.
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