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The Chazars are a sigvill tribe that once lived in the ancient fort city of Chazar, residing in a once-thriving settlement that rivaled even the Blackweller tribe. They currently live in one of the islands of Swindon after being displaced from their former home a coalition force of the Fidem Alliance. The Chazars have become one of the most notorious tribes within Swindon, often in competition with the Blackwellers for dominance.  
Political System Hierarchy Religious System
Tribalism-based system Primarily Patriarchal Shamanism and ancestor worship
Technological level Homeland Leader Title
Highly advanced (enough to develop their own variant of paratek)
Chazar (formerly) Chieftain
Unique traits Locations Parent Organization
Members wear red markings when on raids or hunts
Plerus, Swindon Sigvill tribes
Geographic Location / Base Settlement / HQ
Related Species Related Ethnicities
Mount Chazar (current domain) Humans, Lerith, Cairteail, Pantaras, Saurids, Ursidians, Gallians Sigvill
  Forced Relocation
The Chazars were forced to relocate to another land after their defeat at the hands of the Fidem Alliance, due to the terms set by the coalition leaders did not want the Chazars to engage in any further raids that led to lives being lost. In addition, the captured leaders who organize the Chazar raids would be tried in Fidem courts. Likely sentenced to execution for their roles in raiding, pillaging, and wanton murder. The surviving leaders of the Chazars took the reminder of their tribe to find new lands as the Fidem forces kept up the pressure upon them.
Chazars altarrin ships would venture out beyond the shores of the mainland, eventually arriving in the islands of Swindon. They at first landed on one of the larger Swindon to see if settlement was possible, sending out a scouting party to make certain. The scouting party returned after three days reporting that the island was full of malice, as residents faced issues from pirates fighting the local mistveil barbarians.
Unwilling to take the risk of fighting for patches of land that would be unsecured, the Chazars left for another of the Swindon islands that didnt have much resistance. They landed on another island called Plerus, where another scouting party would search it out. After about a full four days, the scouts returned with news that the island was relative uninhabited save for a few pirate dens. The Chazars ventured out upon receiving this news, and settled in a new location that was connected into a mountain.
Naming this new home after their tribal name, the Chazars began to restore their way of life. They also began to expand their hunting parties to begin raids anew, with their targets being local pirate bands who ventured near their land. This would expand into raids in the sea as well.
Parent ethnicities
Related Locations
The organizational structure of the Chazars is the same as other Sigvill tribes due to their common roots. The top leader of the Chazar tribe is called the Chieftain, who leads the tribe in most matters. The Chazar Chieftain has a small number of elders who make up the council, bringing the affairs of the tribe to the Chieftain’s attention.
The Augurs are the top spiritual authority of the Chazar tribe who is responsible for all spiritual matters of the tribe, and the one whom the Chieftain goes to for counsel regarding the will of their gods. Augurs are the leading magic users of the Chazar tribe.
Hunt Masters are the leader of Chazar hunters who either lead hunts in the field or organize hunts for hunting parties to undertake.
Skalds are the bards of the Chazars responsible for keeping the history of the Chazar tribe, making sure to pass down their history to each generation via oral tradition and tribal scrolls.


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