BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Written by Jdebro

A Master of the Collens was a member of the elite among the Collens, usually chosen to become the leader of a branch of Collens.


While there is no formal set of qualifications within the group, the only real qualification was that the candidate had to be a member of the Collens for a long time. Plus, they had to show that they had a basic understanding of the Oath that all Collens swear by. They also needed the approval of either other Masters or enough Captains to gain the votes necessary. No one within the Collens can even consider this unless they have achieved the majority of these things to become a Master.


Prospective Masters needed interpersonal skills that included the ability to persuade, and see through other people that they meet or observe. They also needed to tune their senses greatly, and undertake steps to strengthen their mind. This is due to the fact that Collens may be required to face mystical threats that affect the mind such as mind reading from mages. Other skills that are considered usable for masters including being streetwise, being able to read the room, and have an understanding of the supernatural.


Once the qualifications and requirements have been achieved, the Collens goes into a period of voting where the Captains or other Masters place their votes on the candidate of choice. Once the votes are counted, the candidate with the most votes will be appointed a new Master. Those who do not attain the vote must wait a period of six months to a year before another vote is undertaken.


Masters are required to ensure that all members of the Collens are cared for, and make provision for them and their loved ones. They must also watch for any issues that a Collen may be having but proves hesitant to share. They are also to ensure that their members are not mistreated by each other or other groups. Masters are to only risk the lives of their fellow Collens while using sound judgment, and be willing to accept the consequences of those decisions.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

If it is discovered that a Master Collen has forsaken the Oath or become incredibly corrupt, the Oath provides provisions for a group of Captains to invoke the Right of Removal. The Right of Removal requires credible proof that the offender has violated the Oath, and that proof to be presented to at least two other Masters. Once those Masters can verify the proof, they will place their signature on the document. Once that is accomplished, the Captains can call the Collens together to make the announcement. Once the Right of Removal is established, the offender must step down from their position immediately. Failure to do so requires those captains to remove them by force.
Form of Address
Length of Term
usually a long-term post until the Master wishes to retire
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Aug 17, 2024 00:24 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article. I like the layout, design, and coloration that makes it nice to look at and easy to read. :)   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3