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COLLENS (col-lens)

Written by Jdebro


The Collens are a semi-secretive organization dedicated to fighting corruption wherever it is found, aiding the helpless/innocent, and keeping watch against wicked forces. The Collens have several different branches found in various locations in Lavantia, with each branch having a high degree of autonomy among the wider order. Their reputation varies greatly among the peoples of Lavantia. Many see the Collens as a good organization, but are mostly unsure what to make of them at times. Some see them as bothersome zealots whose actions tend to cause more problems than solve. Others regard them as almost insufferable meddlers who interfere in the affairs of the powerful.


Motto / slogan / axiom
Alternative names
"We Preserve, We Protect, and We Watch."
Defenders, good folks, annoying zealots,
Founding Date
Dissolution Date
Leader Title
The Old Conflicts
N/A (still active)
Geographic Location / Base Settlement / HQ
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
Varies as each branch has their own headquarters
Humans, Adakin, Lerith, Gallian, Cairteail, Fiorhin, Pantara, Saurid, Ursidian
Gershonites, Kerrosanos, Fidem, Aphrans,


The Collens as an organization are actually not formally organized in the conventional sense, as their origins started off as a gathering of individuals who banded together in the shared goals of preserving civilizations and the protecting the downtrodden/innocent. The lack of a formal structure aided the Collens in their continuance as a semi-secret group. Some members took on roles of spymasters who head an intelligence network, but held little hierarchy or ranking over their fellows. There are no formal rosters as the group is not so clearly defined, and a public face of the groups has been seen as somewhat inconsistent from one location to another. Despite this, there are ranks that are recognized with the group that denote one’s faithful service to the Collens Oath. These ranks are:
  • Master: Master Collens are the leaders who lead either an entire branch, or each a house with a branch (such as the case with the Fiden houses). They usually dictate the overall agenda while honoring the Oath they swore.
  • Captain: Captain are the field operatives who lead teams to carry out missions for the branches.
  Outside of this, there is no set formal structure to the Collens giving increased flexibility to adapt to whatever the Collens may face. Some may choose to create positions that met the needs of the branch, while others may refrain from doing so.
The western branch of the Collens mainly operates in Kerrosano, with some members based in Gershon. Their influence in Gershon is quite sizable, although they do so with accordance with their covenant with the Zethamites and the powerful Sages. They ultimately chose not to do anything that would upset the ever-vigilant Zethamites and Gershonite Sages, as their numbers are nowhere large enough to contest with them.

Kerrosano branch

The Kerrosano Branch maintain a slightly more formal structure compared to some of their fellows in other places. They have more influence in the island duchy of Kerrosano, even holding a base there openly. They mostly prefer to work through adventuring groups and other factions, although they do maintain a sizable force in the lands. They are notable for most of their members being partial to the faith of Adonailym, making a point of including its practices into their routine. While the Collens order as a whole doesn’t necessarily promote any belief system, the Kerrosano branch became more notable for its wider adoption.

"We Preserve, We Protect, and We Watch."

Guild, Professional
Training Level
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles

Articles under COLLENS


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Aug 21, 2024 01:02 by Lilliana Casper

Sounds like an interesting organization! I like the way you used a table to get all the information presented, that's a good idea. Nice job!

Lilliana Casper   I don't comment much, but I love reading your articles! Please check out my worlds, Jerde and Tread of Darkness.
Aug 23, 2024 01:34 by James Debro

Thank you! Using a custom table for my articles is something intend to do more often.

Aug 31, 2024 00:38 by George Sanders

First review is up!   "Knowing the right faction to call upon when injustice and corruption hit could mean the difference between suffering or stability in the long-term. The loose network of Collens should be at the top of your contact list." ~Lavani

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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