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Written by Jdebro


Rangers are crafty combat-trained adventurers found through most of Lavantia, and are very resourceful individuals who possess skills allowing them to adapt to many environments. Rangers use a combination of combat training, strategy/tactics, subterfuge, cunning, speed, agility, and a large array of tricks to fulfill their goals. Rangers are the antithesis of rogues in many ways as both are fierce rivals. Rangers are one of the most recognized and respected groups throughout Lavantia.
  Capabilities of an Ranger
Rangers are trained to be efficient trackers, scouts, masters of subterfuge, effective saboteurs, protectors, guides, skill in martial combat, usage of different practical equipment, well-versed in different types of weaponry, and masters of unconventional warfare. The combat training Rangers receive in akin to that of Warriors, as they will train alongside Warriors at times. This is done to ensure that the Ranger can handle themselves in any situation that requires fighting (including otherworldly threats such as mages and monsters). Rangers are very dangerous opponents to face in combat, and have no qualms in using dirty tricks in the fight as well Rangers also receive training in different types of weaponry for use in combat, both melee-based weaponry and ranged weaponry.
The types of weapons used by a Ranger is limited only by their preference, yet all Rangers receive training in all known weapon types as apart of their overall training. They also receive training in how to use non-combat equipment for field usage, learning how each tool works and the best situations to use them with high degrees of flexibility.
Rangers are also extensively trained in stealth by understand how to move silently, and how to be unnoticeable in public spaces. Subterfuge in how to enter into different locations undetected, and how to move within restricted areas without drawing undue attention. Rangers are also given training in sabotage as they are taught how to identify important assets of their targets, and create ways of disrupt and destroy them to hamper their target’s overall capabilities.
Rangers also gain training in the ways to an effective tracker, enabling them to track down an target or learn the environment to find the best path forward. This also includes how to investigate a scene, using the environment to determine the events that took place as well as who was involved.
Rangers are also trained in ways and tactics of unconventional warfare, as Rangers have served in military conflicts in the past wars of Lavantia. Rangers are trained in how to engage targets by analyzing their weaknesses, identifying important enemy assets, information-gathering on enemy-controlled areas, marking enemy leaders, best ways to conduct a raid, setting up ambushes, etc.
    Preternatural Rangers
Among all Rangers are a select number of them who are gifted with supernatural capabilities via their supernatural power, giving them abilities that not even the most elite Rangers possess. These Rangers are given training in using their powers in conjunction with their ranger training, learning at times alongside empowered warriors and sages. Blessed with an affinity for the supernatural, these rangers harness their abilities to perform a large array of feats that are usually known among sages while molding their powers around their ranger training. These Rangers are considered to be highly respected among those who admire them or who are their allies, and highly feared by those who hated or targeted by them. Because of their powers, these Rangers are most often asked to deal with otherworldly threats (such as monsters) when normal Rangers are unable to do so.



In order for one to become a Ranger, he or she must first be willing to trained in one of three ways: join an Ranger Conclave, be an disciple of a Ranger, or be self-taught. Those who takes one or both of these paths will learn the skills necessary to be a Ranger for a number of years, depending on their age. If starting from youth, the training lasts until they become adults. If starting as an adult, the training will last for three to six years. The candidate must also show they will not follow the ways of the Rogue, or forsake the ways of a Rogue if they walked that path before. Those who refuse to forsake the infamous ways of a Rogue will face expulsion from the Ranger training, and be forced to leave by the Master Ranger.
Once the trainee completes their training, they are given one final test to prove they have learned the ways of the Ranger. Should they pass this test, they will become a full-fledged Ranger with recognition from those who bore witness.

Payment & Reimbursement

While being an Ranger is not a paid position, Rangers do often find work in their field from different organizations or wealthy patrons. Rangers can be found working as a monster slayer, bounty hunter, as apart of a order of Knights, merchant guilds, law enforcement, etc.
Rangers can also work in another occupation while still maintaining their ways, such as being the head of an merchant guild or running an trade business.


Social Status

Rangers are well-respected in the nations of Gershon, Kerrosano, Lotus kingdom, to name a few. They are seen as having a very respectable position by many people, and their services are often requested by various organizations. They are despised in the underworld, particularly by Rogues who are often the targets of Rangers.
Alternative Names
Trackers, killjoys (by rogues), frakkin’ bastards (by rogues), sage-lovers (by mages),
Rangers are in high demand throughout most of Lavantia, primarily to deal with bands of Rogues or particularly dangerous threats if the Ranger in question has powers.
Due to Rangers having worked for official positions in military and law enforcement in the past, Rangers are seen as a legal position in most nations. As such, Rangers are allowed to act in official capacity befitting their status. Most law enforcement and merchant guilds will seek out the services of Rangers when given the chance.
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