SARTON MAGI Organization in ARKTORIA | World Anvil
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SARTON MAGI (Sar-ton Mag-i)

"By our power, Sarton will reign By our will, we shall reign" ----Sarton Magi oath
    The Sarton Magi are the order of powerful mages residing in the Sarton Kingdom, who are currently the dominant organization who trains those with affinity for the otherworldly in the ways of Sarton magic. They also function as apart of the priesthood of the gods of Sarton. Sarton magi have traditionally sworn oaths of loyalty to the Sarton Kings, yet they wield a great deal of power in the Sarton Court.


The Hierarchy of the Sarton magi follows a six-tiered hierarchy that all members of the order fit, in addition to any Magi gaining honorary titles or any specializations.
  1. Archmagi: the Sarton Magi’s top leader of the order & direct representative to the Sarton Court. They also serve as the arcane advisor to the Sarton royalty. The Archmagi also acts as the living embodiment of the power of the Sarton Magi.
  2. High Magi: the leaders of different conclaves of the Sarton magi, responsible for the day-to-day affairs of the Sarton Magi order. They are also can undertake field missions & travel whenever necessary.
  3. Senior Magi: The Sarton Magi with the most experience that serve as advisors to the High Magi.
  4. Magi: Sarton Magi who have passed all tests to become full-fledged members of the order.
  5. Disciple: students who are training under the tutelage of a Sarton magi, learning the lessons of become a future Sarton Magi.
  6. Initiate: Individuals possessing otherworldly affinity who have been selected to become members of the Sarton Magi order.
  Sarton Magi who gain great notice for their skill in an field of study are given honorary titles, or are given special titles that recognize such capability. Such titles include Scryers, War magi, etc.

Foreign Relations

The Sarton Magi have a great dislike of the Pharas Tribe, a neighboring nation of the Sarton Kingdom. They are quite baneful of the Pharas’ disregard for the old ways of Sarton religion, declaring that the entities of Sarton are inferior to the singular God of the Pharas people. They are also quite alarmed at the great influence that the Pharas have gained with the current Sarton King, Angeas. The Sarton Magi also do not care much for the Semja tribe as they see them as inferior. They freely helped in the oppression of the Semja tribe many years ago, even against the wishes of the Sarton royalty. They did so also in a attempt to eliminate the Semja tribe from becoming rivals to their position of power within the Sarton Kingdom.
Guild, Mages
Leader Title
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