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Written by Jdebro


Saurids, or simply saurid, are a group of reptiles that are apart of the realms of Aretz. They are members of the collection of beast races that have built civilizations, and have successfully co-existed with humanity and their branches. Saurids are known for their determination, strength, skill, and intelligence. They also serve as living symbols representing power and intelligence.


Political system
Religious system
Social system
Primarily Patriarchal
Primarily monotheistic, with some adopting other beliefs
Synthetic or organic?
Special abilities
High affinity for the supernatural, possesses greater senses than humans
Technological level
Level of intelligence
Average lifespan
Average Height
Average Weight
Highly Advanced (capable of using paratek & making paratek)
Intelligent level matching that of Mankind
100-8,000 years
Varies, although tends to be heavier than humans on average
Unusual Features
dependant on tribe Depends on tribe

Physical characteristics

While Saurids have wholly different physical characteristics from one another, they do share some traits that define the Saurid kind. All Saurids have scaly skin on their bodies, with the scales being rather smooth to the touch, The size of their scales varies on different parts of their bodies, according to the function of the body part. They also have strong tails that are used for different purposes based on the Saurid kind. They also have elevated metabolisms that produce warm blood within them, allowing them to be active in cold temperatures much like Humans can. Saurids generally have strong physical builds, with their strength varying on the individual. They also have different coloring on their scales with some colors found in one Saurid tribe while not found in another. They also can have different color marking on their bodies, with these markings helping to identify each individual in some way.


There are several branches of Sauras that that currently known, who have their own unique characteristics that set them apart from each other. These branches are:
  • Dromaos: Dromaos are saurids whose name is defined as “running at full speed”, or “swift.” This definition details the Dromeos as being known for their speed and agility. Dromaos are notable for their high intelligence, speed, strength, agility, and social behavior.
  • Stagos: Stagos are large saurids notable for their large size, strength, social behavior, and large armored spikes along their backs. They also have two sets of spikes on the end of their tails. They are a mostly peaceful people but can be quite dangerous when threatened or in combat.
  • Triceos: Triceos are large saurids notable for their prominent brow horns, long frills, and strong physical builds. They tend to live in social groups within society, and have an advanced culture.
  • Ankylos: Ankylos are a tribe of saurids having the distinctive features of large bony shields covering their sides and back. Their skulls have the same bony shielding fused with the underlying bones. Their dorsal ribs also are well-fitted with the rest of their bone structure. Their tribe name means “hard, fused, rigid.” The ends of their tails are shaped as a large bony club that can be used as a blunt weapon.


Relations & allegiances with other species

Saurids have an generally cordial relation with each other, with that relation being more good or bad depending on individuals, situations, and clans. It is not uncommon to find several clans living in harmony alongside each other due to a lack of conflict. Other times some clans can be at odds with each other due to a previous grudge or another form of hostility.
Most Saurids have good relations with the Pantara tribes most of the time, living in communities near to their settlements. They have engaged in culture exchanges with the Pantaras among their settlements, trading ideas and goods. There have been occasions where some Pantaras have been in conflict with the Saurids, bit these have not erupted into large-scale conflicts for a long while.
Humans are in the good graces of many Saurids for many centuries, with both kinds living either within the same settlements or having their individual settlements near the other. They are often seen working with each other in various ways from simple things to even being in major occupations. In their shared history, Humans and Saurids have been in conflicts against one another at times.
Adakin, Lerith, Cairteail, Gallians, and Fiorhins have a very similar history with Saurids that Humans do. Oftentimes, they will be apart of the same groups and similar occupations. The extent of the relations that Saurids have with them on an individual basis mostly.


Saurids share the same beliefs as the other kinds do with the majority of them following the Adonailym faith. The majority of Saurids regard the God of Adonailym as their creator, and make certain to observe the worship. Some have taken to following the gods of the pagan faiths.

Articles under SAURID


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