After the Second Creation I decided to travel the new world and see what has changed, I spent two thousand years travelling before settling in the old dragons woods. Now I learn threw the stories of many friends most influential is an Elf named Laylin he is a bard of great talent in song and story. The world has changed in many ways since the first age but nothing has effected it more then The Eternal Slumber. For when the Dragons and Giants were forced into their long sleep by the Gods of Olympus, the Giants and Dragons followers were left to fight themselves. Then they were forced into an ally ship that still holds on by a thread. They were required to work together by the onslaught of Terror that came from the Underworld. For the Demons and Devils that threatened to take over all Armeylose required all the Gods of Olympus and the many Waring Kingdoms to join together to fight of their scourge. Now in the Third Age the Kingdoms sit in an awkward place as peaceful Ardarock is close to eruption and the rest of the Kingdoms fight against each other and amungst themselves. Unprepared for the coming threats.