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The Gemmed Library, The Sapphire Mind

You enter a small cavern and immediately have to squint your eyes. Bright reflections off the small piles of coins, gems, and other valuables overwhelm your senses. The sapphire covered walls radiating pulsing blue hued light. Looking around you wonder whether you have walked into a long forgotten library. Books and scrolls are littered everywhere. Stacks. Shelves. Cases. Piles. Some resting. Some floating in the air eerily. You hear what sounds to be wind blowing through a tunnel, but deeper. Peering closely you see the walls gently inflate and deflate with each breath of wind; each pulse of light. Brighter with each inflation. Softer with each recession.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

With skin that looks like stone, clusters of sapphires jut out at various points along the dragon's body. Shriveled atrophied wings hang lazily. Seven long beard like tendrils hang from his chin each set with a cluster of sapphires at the end.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Has been collecting books and scrolls and knowledge it's whole life. Traveling from one place to another. Likely the greatest known collection of information of time predating the Age of Recovery. During the Age of Loss, he moved his horde to The Knuckles of Aroa for safe keeping. As the Aroan nations developed around him he continued his quest to horde knowledge.

Morality & Philosophy

Knowledge is neither good nor evil. It has its place in history. To preserve this history, the right knowledge must be in the right place at the right time.
Aligned Organization
"Gold can win wars or build moments to last thousands of years, but knowledge, the right knowledge at the right time, can reshape reality."


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