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Alemni (Al - Emm - Nee)

Alemni | Humanoid

The Alemni are a race of Mni known for their pale skin, long white hair, and ethereal beauty. They see themselves as the purest of the Mni and have dominated the continent of Valenfar for eons. The Alemni are known for their stoic demeanour, and their culture often appears to be more robotic than human. Their society is highly regimented, with each Alemni assigned a job at a young age by The Directorate of Valenfar, which rules over all Alemni in Valenfar.

Despite the highly oppressive nature of their society, the Alemni have enjoyed a great deal of success. They brought many technologies, including writing, to the people of Erothi when Alemni explorers first reached the continent 864 years ago. This has led to a deep sense of pride among the Alemni, who view themselves as the most advanced and superior race in the world of Arora.

Alemni cities are renowned for their beauty and advanced technologies. However, life for the Alemni is often lacking in excitement and individuality. They prioritize the common good over personal desires, which enabled The Directorate of Valenfar to become the oldest, largest, and most stable Civilisation in the world. In this article, we will delve deeper into the culture, history, and society of the Alemni, exploring the complex factors that have shaped this fascinating race of beings.


Alemni use the Elf ancestry mechanics from the Pathfinder 2e SRD.
A quick summary of there key stats is:
  • Hit Points: 6
  • Size: Medium
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability Boosts: Dexterity, Intelligence, Free
  • Ability Flaw: Constitution
  • Low-light Vision: You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.

Basic Information


The Alemni are a distinct species of elves, with their own unique anatomical features that set them apart from other elves. They are tall and slender, with long limbs and angular facial features. Their skin is pale, almost translucent, and their hair is typically long and white. Their eyes are large and almond-shaped, with colors ranging from pale blue to silver. The Alemni are known for their beauty and grace, with their movements appearing almost robotic and calculated. One unique feature of the Alemni is their pointed ears, which are longer and more pointed than those of other elf species. This anatomical feature serves a functional purpose, allowing the Alemni to detect higher frequencies of sound and giving them heightened hearing abilities. They also possess acute vision, allowing them to see clearly even in low light conditions. Overall, the Alemni's physical attributes are well-adapted for their natural environment, with their slender build and keen senses allowing them to navigate the dense forests of Valenfar with ease.

Biological Traits

The Alemni have a relatively long lifespan compared to humans, with an average lifespan of around 300-350 years. They reach maturity at around 50 years of age, and their fertile period lasts for about five years, as mentioned earlier. On average, Alemni are taller and more slender than humans, with an average height of around 6 to 7 feet (1.8 to 2.1 meters) and an average weight of around 150 to 200 pounds (68 to 91 kilograms). In terms of gender differences, Alemni males tend to have slightly broader shoulders and a more muscular build than females, who have a more curvaceous figure. However, these differences are generally subtle, and both genders are capable of performing the same tasks and roles in society.   Within Alemni society, there are also distinct subgroups based on occupation or social status. The ruling class, which holds power through the Directorate, are typically taller and leaner than the common citizenry, reflecting their status as the elite of the society. Certain occupations, such as those requiring physical strength or endurance, may also result in a more muscular build among individuals in those roles.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction among the Alemni is a carefully controlled process, managed by the Directorate of Reproduction within the Valenic Empire. Alemni females have a five-year fertile period, during which they can conceive. The pregnancy period for an Alemni is relatively short, lasting approximately 18 months. However, due to the controlled breeding system, the number of offspring per female is also strictly regulated by the Directorate. This system ensures that the population remains stable and allows the Empire to assign jobs to each newborn Alemni from an early age. The Directorate also manages the pairing of Alemni mates, based on genetic compatibility and the needs of the Empire. Any deviation from the prescribed breeding system is considered a violation of the Alemni religion and is strictly prohibited.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Alemni are raised by the State from the moment they are born, allowing their parents to focus on their assigned jobs within the Valenic Empire. Alemni babies are taken from their parents and placed into government-run nurseries, where they are cared for by trained professionals. From there, they are moved to government-run schools at a young age, where they receive education and training in their assigned professions. This early separation from parents and emphasis on collective upbringing contributes to the Alemni's strong sense of duty and collective responsibility.   As Alemni children enter adolescence, they go through a period of physical changes. They grow taller, their limbs become longer and more slender, and their facial features become more refined. This transformation is marked by a coming-of-age ceremony, during which Alemni youths are recognized as adults and given their place in society. Once they reach adulthood, Alemni are assigned a specific job by the Directorate and are expected to fulfill their duties for the rest of their lives. However, Alemni who show exceptional skill or talent in a certain area may be given the opportunity to switch to a more suitable job. This is seen as a rare and significant privilege, and many Alemni strive to prove themselves worthy of such a promotion.

Ecology and Habitats

The optimal environment for the Alemni is Valenfar, the continent they dominate. Valenfar is a land of vast forests, towering mountains, and expansive plains. The Alemni have a deep connection to the natural world and have learned to live in harmony with it. They have built their cities and settlements in the most beautiful and sustainable places, where they can thrive without damaging the natural balance of the land.   The Alemni have a deep appreciation for their natural surroundings and recognize the importance of maintaining a sustainable environment. They have learned to live in harmony with the land by adopting practices that minimize the over-exploitation of natural resources. Due to their rational nature, the Alemni understand that the consequences of exploiting their environment are long-term and far-reaching. Therefore, they work hard to preserve the beauty and balance of their surroundings for future generations.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Alemni are primarily herbivorous and subsist on a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts. They have a keen understanding of their environment and have learned to cultivate crops that are well-suited to their habitats. The Alemni are also skilled hunters and gatherers, using their superior senses and tracking abilities to hunt game or locate sources of food in the wild. They are careful to ensure that they do not overexploit their natural resources, and have developed sophisticated methods of food storage and preservation to ensure that they have enough to sustain them through lean periods. The Alemni also have strict laws and customs governing the use and management of their food resources to maintain a healthy balance in their ecosystems.

Biological Cycle

The Alemni do not experience hibernation or drastic changes in their biology with the passing of time and seasonal changes, as they are not heavily influenced by the environment in this way. However, their bodies do undergo subtle changes to adapt to the changing temperatures and climate. During the colder months, their bodies produce more body heat to keep them warm, while during the warmer months, their bodies produce less heat to keep them cool. Additionally, their skin and hair may become slightly lighter or darker to better absorb or reflect sunlight as needed.


The Alemni are generally cooperative and peaceful towards members of their own species. They value order, harmony, and the common good, and thus strive to avoid conflict and maintain stability within their society. However, they can be fiercely protective of their own, particularly when it comes to their young or their mates.

Due to their more advanced and city-dwelling civilization and careful control of the land, it is rare for Alemni to encounter predators in their daily lives. However, when they do, they are very susceptible to their danger. The Alemni lack the natural speed and strength of many predators, making them vulnerable to attack. They have developed various defensive tactics to protect themselves, such as living in fortified cities, using weapons, and constructing barriers. Despite these measures, attacks from predators still occur and can result in the loss of life and property. Because of this, the Alemni have a healthy respect for the natural world and the predators that inhabit it.

The Alemni are mostly herbivores and consume a wide variety of plant matter as their primary source of sustenance. They are careful to maintain a sustainable balance with their environment, recognizing the importance of preserving ecosystems and preventing over-exploitation. They only consume flesh if it is completely necessary, such as during times of food scarcity or as part of certain cultural practices.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Alemni are a highly structured and hierarchical society, with a complex social order that revolves around the State and the Directorate. At the top of the hierarchy are the ruling class, who hold power through the Directorate and oversee the administration of the State. This class is composed of the most accomplished and respected individuals in society, who are chosen based on merit and talent rather than birthright or wealth. Beneath the ruling class are the common citizens, who make up the majority of the population and are divided into various occupational and social groups. These groups are arranged in a hierarchical order, with some occupations and social statuses being deemed more prestigious and respected than others. The Alemni place a high value on education, and the pursuit of knowledge and intellectual achievement is seen as a key component of social status and success.   Author's Note: While the Alemni social structure appears stable and harmonious, it is important to note that this comes at a price. Those who have fled Valenfar report a lack of individual freedom, stifled creative expression, and a pervasive fear of punishment for even minor transgressions. The rigid adherence to tradition and societal norms can stifle innovation and limit personal growth, and those who do not fit into the predetermined roles and expectations may face ostracism or worse. It is a society that values conformity and order above all else, and while it has ensured the survival and prosperity of the Alemni for centuries, it is not without its flaws and drawbacks The Alemni also place a great emphasis on communal living and cooperation, with individuals expected to contribute to the betterment of the community as a whole. This collective mentality is reflected in the way the Alemni organize their settlements, with communal spaces and public facilities being given priority over private property and individual spaces.   Overall, the Alemni social structure is highly organized and focused on maintaining a stable and harmonious society. While there may be some inequality and social stratification, these are largely determined by individual merit and contribution to the community, rather than wealth or social status.

Facial characteristics

The Alemni are a humanoid species with several distinctive physical features. Their skin is typically very pale, ranging from almost pure white to a pale golden color. They also have elongated, pointed ears, which are a bit more pronounced than those of humans. One of their most defining features is their hair, which is usually a shade of white-golden or silver. Their eyes are large and almond-shaped, with a range of colors that includes blue, green, silver, and gold. Their facial features are often described as sharp and angular, with high cheekbones, slender noses, and pointed chins. Despite these features, Alemni exhibit a wide range of physical variations within their population, much like humans.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Alemni are distributed throughout the continent of Valenfar, inhabiting various types of environments such as forests, grasslands, and mountainous regions. They prefer to live in areas that are well-suited to their slow-paced lifestyle and have a moderate climate with abundant vegetation. Due to their advanced civilization, they tend to concentrate in urban areas, particularly in their large cities, which are carefully planned and constructed to accommodate their unique needs. The Alemni are not nomadic and tend to stay in one place for most of their lives. However, they do have a system of trade and communication between their cities, which allows for some mobility within their society. Overall, the Alemni are widely distributed throughout Valenfar, but their population is concentrated in their urban centers where their advanced civilization and culture thrive.

Though rare, there are Alemni who can be found outside of Valenfar as well, with some being citizens of the Directorate and serving the state in various capacities such as trade, diplomacy, and intelligence. These Alemni are often highly valued by the state for their exceptional skills and abilities, and are carefully selected and trained to serve the interests of Valenfar. However, there are also Alemni who have managed to escape or have descended from those who have escaped the Directorate's control. These Alemni are often more fiery and fierce than their counterparts in Valenfar, which could suggest that the stoic and controlled nature of the Alemni is more societal and cultural than innate. These Alemni may have adapted to their new environments in different ways, but they still retain many of their unique physical and cultural characteristics.

Average Intelligence

The Alemni are known for their remarkable intelligence, which is rooted in their logical and rational approach to problem-solving. They have a strong capacity for critical thinking, analysis, and reasoning, and are able to grasp complex concepts and abstract ideas with ease. Their mental acuity is further enhanced by their exceptional memory and ability to retain vast amounts of information.

However, Alemni's lack of boldness and individuality alongside their propensity towards caution can be a double-edged sword when it comes to problem-solving. Their risk-averse nature can lead to an over-reliance on established methods and a hesitance to try new approaches. This can put them at a disadvantage in situations that require creativity and quick thinking and often results in the other races outperforming them in creative and time-sensitive problem-solving tasks.

Despite this, the Alemni firmly believe in their intellectual superiority over other races and take great pride in their scholarly pursuits. Their society places a high value on education and learning, and Alemni scholars are respected across Valenfar for their contributions to philosophy, science, and art.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Alemni possess exceptional sensory capabilities, with their keen senses of sight and hearing being particularly notable. Their eyes are adapted to low light conditions, allowing them to see in the dark with ease. They are also able to discern a wide range of colours, including those outside of the visible spectrum, and have excellent depth perception. This visual acuity is matched by their acute hearing, which allows them to pick up on sounds that are inaudible to humans. Their sense of smell is also highly developed, although it is not as acute as that of some other races.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

There are no known symbiotic or parasitic species that are specific to the Alemni. However, like all living beings, they do have interactions with other species in their ecosystem. For example, some plants may rely on the Alemni for pollination or seed dispersal, while other animals may prey on the Alemni or compete with them for resources. The Alemni, with their careful management of the land, strive to maintain a balance in these interactions to preserve the beauty and diversity of their environment.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Alemni have a unique naming tradition that reflects their culture and values. Names are given with great care and consideration, as they are seen as a reflection of one's character and standing in society.

At birth, an Alemni child is given a first name that is chosen by their parents. This name often reflects the hopes and aspirations that the parents have for their child, as well as their family's history and traditions. The first name is usually a single word, often with a poetic or lyrical quality to it, and can be gender-neutral or specific to the child's gender.

In addition to their first name, an Alemni will also receive a second name, known as their "common name," which is a reflection of their social standing and status within Alemni society. This name is typically given to an individual upon reaching adulthood and is selected by the ruling Directorate based on the individual's achievements and contributions to society so far. These names are usually chosen from a set list, and the relative values of each common name are well-known by all Alemni. A high-value common name is considered a great honour and is a source of great pride for the individual and their family.

Furthermore, some Alemni may be granted a third name or "title," which reflects their authority or special skills. This name can change over time as the individual's position and skills evolve. Alemni with three names are quite rate, and greatly revered.

Overall, the Alemni naming tradition emphasizes the importance of social standing as well as the recognition of achievement and skill.   Examples of Common names: Worthy
  1. Valorn: Meaning "bright light" in the Alemni language, this name might be given to individuals who have excelled in fields such as science, engineering, or architecture.
  2. Morvath: This name means "great strength" and could be bestowed upon those who have displayed exceptional physical prowess, perhaps as warriors or athletes.
  3. Elviri: A name meaning "deep knowledge," which might be given to individuals who have made significant contributions to fields such as medicine or philosophy.
  4. Galandar: This name, which means "great leader," could be given to those who have distinguished themselves as statesmen, military commanders, or other figures of authority.
  5. Miriel: A name meaning "pure spirit," which might be given to individuals who have shown exceptional moral character or who have contributed to the arts.
  6. Jornik: This name means "skilled craftsman" and could be bestowed upon individuals who have excelled in fields such as metallurgy, woodworking, or textiles.
  7. Kalenar: This name means "master of magic," and could be given to those who have made significant contributions to the study and practice of magic in Alemni society.
  8. Myrathi: A name meaning "voice of the people," which might be given to individuals who have distinguished themselves as advocates for social justice or political reform.
  9. Valtorin: This name means "bringer of change" and could be bestowed upon those who have initiated significant innovations or reforms in their fields.
  10. Thaloria: A name meaning "bearer of hope," which might be given to individuals who have played a significant role in healing or rebuilding communities after crises or conflicts.
  1. Arlinn, meaning "efficient worker" - given to those who excel in their field of labor.
  2. Felice, meaning "skilled trader" - given to those who demonstrate excellence in commerce and negotiation.
  3. Kaelen, meaning "resourceful problem-solver" - given to those who demonstrate a talent for creative solutions to difficult problems.
  4. Marek, meaning "dedicated student" - given to those who excel in their academic pursuits.
  5. Niamh, meaning "compassionate caregiver" - given to those who excel in the healing arts.
  6. Orlaith, meaning "master artisan" - given to those who excel in any form of artistic expression.
  7. Perrin, meaning "steadfast defender" - given to those who have shown exceptional bravery in defense of the Alemni people.
  8. Riven, meaning "experienced traveler" - given to those who have explored much of the world and returned with valuable knowledge.
  9. Sariel, meaning "insightful scholar" - given to those who have made significant contributions to Alemni knowledge and understanding.
  10. Tamsin, meaning "skilled navigator" - given to those who are expert at navigating Alemni ships and exploring the oceans.
Common (You really would not want your child receiving one of these)
  1. Elendur - "The content"
  2. Faelivrin - "The Steady"
  3. Gwyneth - "The Reliable"
  4. Haldorin - "The Average"
  5. Irideth - "The Mediocre"
  6. Jarneth - "The Adequate"
  7. Kethras - "The Competent"
  8. Lyriel - "The Adaptable"

Major Organizations

The Alemni society is highly structured and hierarchical, with two major organizations that hold immense power: the Directorate and the Religion of Alemnic Purism. These two organizations are closely intertwined, with the Directorate often relying on the religion's teachings to reinforce their authority. The Directorate is the governing body of the Alemni society, consisting of the most accomplished and esteemed individuals in the community. They are responsible for making all major decisions and enforcing the laws that maintain order and stability within Alemnic society. The members of the Directorate are chosen based on their achievements and contributions to society, and they serve for life.   The Religion of Alemnic Purism is the dominant faith among the Alemni, and it serves as a means of reinforcing the societal norms and values that the Directorate upholds. This religion emphasizes the importance of loyalty, obedience, and self-sacrifice to the community, and it teaches that the Alemni are the chosen people of their god. The religious leaders work closely with the Directorate, often serving as advisers and enforcers of the law.   Together, these two organizations exert a great deal of control over the Alemni society, and dissent is rarely tolerated. While the Alemni are known for their stability and prosperity, this comes at a price of limited personal freedom and a strict adherence to societal norms. Those who do not conform to these norms may face punishment, exile, or worse. Despite this, the Alemni remain a powerful and influential force in the world, with their advanced technology, long lifespans, and disciplined society.

Beauty Ideals

The Alemni have a unique perspective on beauty, which is heavily influenced by their society's values of order and harmony. Alemni value symmetry, proportion, and a balanced physique in both males and females. They believe that physical beauty reflects inner harmony and perfection, and those who embody these ideals are seen as more desirable. For females, the ideal is a slender and curvaceous figure, with a small waist and full hips. Alemni women also traditionally have white-golden hair, which is considered a sign of beauty and purity. Facial features are typically small and delicate, with symmetrical features, high cheekbones, and a clear complexion.   Male beauty is defined by strong, well-defined muscles and a lean physique. Alemni men often have white-golden hair, and well-groomed facial hair is also valued. The face is typically defined by a strong jawline and chiseled features, with clear, bright eyes.   In addition to physical features, the Alemni also place a high value on intelligence, skill, and accomplishments. Those who have achieved great things or are highly skilled in a particular area are often considered more attractive.   Overall, Alemni beauty ideals reflect their society's values of order, balance, and harmony. Those who embody these ideals are highly regarded and respected in Alemnic society.

Gender Ideals

The Alemni society values gender equality and considers both genders as equally capable and important in contributing to society. However, there are some traditional gender roles that exist in their culture. For example, it is more common to see males in leadership positions, particularly in the military or government, while females are often found in positions related to culture and arts. In terms of physical appearance, there are no strict gender ideals for the Alemni. Both males and females are expected to maintain good hygiene and take care of their appearance, but there are no set standards for what is considered beautiful or attractive. Individuality and personal expression are encouraged and respected in Alemni culture.

Courtship Ideals

As courtship is heavily discouraged among the Alemni, there are no formal courtship ideals within their society. Instead, the Alemni rely on the Directorate to select a suitable mate for them based on genetic compatibility and other factors deemed important for the continued prosperity of their society. As such, there is no room for individual preference or choice in the matter of mate selection. However, it is not uncommon for Alemni to form close bonds with members of the same sex, as they highly value companionship and emotional connections. These relationships are not viewed in a romantic or sexual context, but rather as close friendships or even platonic soulmates. Such relationships are highly respected and cherished within Alemni society.   Despite the lack of courtship, the Alemni still place great emphasis on the importance of family and the continuation of their bloodline. Therefore, once a suitable mate has been selected for an individual, they are expected to fulfill their reproductive duties and raise their offspring with great care and attention. The Alemni highly value strong familial ties and the passing down of knowledge and traditions from one generation to the next.

Relationship Ideals

As courtship is discouraged, Alemni relationships are typically established through arranged marriages, with the Directorate being responsible for selecting suitable partners based on their compatibility and contributions to society. The Alemni place a great emphasis on loyalty and trust in relationships, with infidelity being seen as a grave breach of trust that can result in severe punishment. Physical displays of affection in public are generally frowned upon, as the Alemni place a high value on maintaining a sense of decorum and professionalism in all situations. However, behind closed doors, Alemni couples are encouraged to build strong emotional bonds and cultivate deep intimacy with one another.   Divorce is extremely rare within Alemni society, as it is seen as a failure to uphold one's commitments and obligations to both one's partner and the community. In cases where a marriage is deemed to be irreparable, the Directorate may grant a limited form of separation, but the individuals involved will still be expected to uphold their responsibilities to society as a whole.

Average Technological Level

Despite their long lifespans, the Alemni have not prioritized rapid technological advancements, instead focusing on long-term stability and prosperity for their civilization. As a result, progress in technological innovation has been slow, but steady. However, due to their thousand-year head start over other civilizations, the Alemni remain the most advanced society in the world, with significant achievements in the fields of architecture, agriculture, and organizational structures.

Their architectural achievements are impressive, with towering spires, sprawling cityscapes, and intricate aqueduct systems that provided clean water to every corner of their cities. They also developed advanced agricultural techniques, including crop rotation and irrigation, which allowed them to grow crops more efficiently and sustainably, feeding their large populations.

The Alemni's organizational structures are perhaps their most significant achievement, with a highly centralized government system that allowed for effective governance and decision-making. The Directorate, in particular, played a critical role in maintaining the stability of Alemnic society and ensuring that resources were distributed fairly.

In terms of weapons and warfare, the Alemni are skilled in the use of swords, bows, and crossbows, but have little experience with firearms. They prefer to use their superior organization and tactics to outmanoeuvre their enemies rather than relying on overwhelming firepower.

Overall, the Alemni have achieved a level of technology that is sufficient for their needs and has allowed them to build a stable and prosperous society. While they may not appear to advance as quickly as some other civilizations, their organizational and agricultural innovations have allowed them to thrive in a harsh and unforgiving world.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

In Valenfar, there is only one major language group spoken by the Alemni due to the highly centralized and organized nature of their society. This has allowed for the preservation and standardization of their language, with little to no variation in dialects or regional accents. However, in Alemni outposts located in Erothi, more colloquial dialects are known to be used in everyday conversation among the Alemni living there. Despite this, the standard Alemni language remains the dominant form of communication throughout Valenfar and is considered an essential part of Alemni culture and identity.

Common Etiquette Rules

The Alemni place a strong emphasis on respect and obedience to authority, both within the family and in society as a whole. As such, there are many customs and rules of etiquette that guide their daily interactions. For example, it is customary to address one another by their noble or common name followed by a formal title, such as "Lord" or "Lady," rather than by their first name. Another important aspect of Alemni etiquette is the expectation of punctuality and timeliness. Being late for appointments or meetings is considered disrespectful and can lead to negative consequences. Additionally, the Alemni place great importance on personal hygiene and cleanliness, as well as maintaining a neat and orderly appearance in public.   In social situations, it is customary to greet others with a formal bow or curtsy, depending on one's gender, and to use formal language when addressing elders or superiors. The use of gestures or body language that may be considered rude or aggressive, such as pointing or making prolonged eye contact, is discouraged.   Finally, the Alemni value self-control and emotional restraint, and it is considered inappropriate to display strong emotions in public or engage in heated arguments or confrontations. Instead, conflict is usually resolved through peaceful negotiations or the intervention of a higher authority, such as the Directorate.

Common Dress Code

The Alemni are a people who value modesty and practicality in their attire. Their clothing is often made of durable, high-quality materials such as wool or linen, and is designed to withstand the harsh climate of their homeland. Men typically wear tunics or long shirts with loose-fitting trousers, while women wear ankle-length dresses with long sleeves. Both men and women often wear heavy cloaks or capes to protect themselves from the cold, and sturdy boots or shoes are a must for navigating the rugged terrain. In formal settings, such as important religious or political events, the Alemni dress in more elaborate and ornate garments. Men may wear embroidered tunics and trousers, while women may wear intricately beaded or embroidered dresses. In these settings, jewelry and accessories are also more common, with both men and women adorning themselves with items such as brooches, necklaces, and bracelets.   It is important to note that the Alemni do not place a great emphasis on fashion or trends. Rather, their clothing is seen as a practical necessity and a reflection of their values of modesty and practicality. As such, ostentatious or flashy clothing is generally frowned upon, and individuals who are perceived as dressing for show rather than practicality may be viewed with suspicion or derision.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Alemni culture is deeply rooted in their history and their belief in Alemnic Purism. They place a great emphasis on community and the common good, and their traditions reflect this. One of their most important traditions is the annual Festival of the Founding, which celebrates the founding of Valenfar and the principles of Alemnic Purism. Another important aspect of Alemni culture is their love of art and architecture. Their cities and buildings are renowned for their beauty and grandeur, with intricate carvings and decorative elements adorning every surface. The Alemni also place a high value on music, with orchestras and choirs performing regularly in public spaces.   The Alemni are also proud of their literary traditions, with a rich history of poetry, prose, and historical texts. Many Alemni scholars spend their long lives studying and documenting the history and culture of their people, and their libraries are among the most extensive in the world.   Finally, the Alemni are known for their love of fine cuisine, with a rich culinary tradition that has been refined over centuries. They value high-quality ingredients and innovative techniques, and their chefs are highly respected and sought after throughout the world. Overall, the Alemni culture is a vibrant and dynamic one, deeply connected to their history and their beliefs, and rich with tradition and innovation.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Alemni are a highly organized and structured society, with many customs and traditions that are strictly observed by all members. One of the most significant customs is the annual Harvest Festival, which takes place during the fall season. This festival is a time of celebration and thanksgiving for the bountiful crops that the Alemni have harvested throughout the year. Another important tradition is the Rite of Passage, which is a coming-of-age ceremony that marks a young Alemni's transition from childhood to adulthood. This rite typically takes place when the individual turns 100 years old, and involves a series of physical and mental challenges that test their strength, courage, and intelligence.   The Alemni also place great importance on personal hygiene and cleanliness, with bathing being a daily ritual for most individuals. They also place a high value on physical fitness, with regular exercise being a part of daily life for many Alemni.   In addition, the Alemni have a strong respect for their elders and ancestors, with many rituals and ceremonies dedicated to honoring their memory and seeking their guidance. They also place a high value on education, with learning and knowledge being highly respected and revered.   Finally, the Alemni are known for their love of music and dance, with many traditional songs and dances being passed down through generations. These customs and traditions are an integral part of Alemni culture, helping to strengthen their sense of community and shared identity.

Common Taboos

As with any society, the Alemni have certain taboos that are strictly observed. One of the most significant is the taboo against speaking ill of the deceased. This is seen as a sign of disrespect and is considered to be one of the greatest offenses that one can commit. It is also considered taboo to criticize or challenge the authority of the Directorate or the religious leaders of Alemnic Purism. Another significant taboo is against the consumption of certain types of meat, particularly that of predatory animals such as wolves and bears. This is seen as a violation of the natural order and is considered to be highly taboo. Similarly, the use of certain types of plants or herbs for recreational purposes is also taboo and is considered to be a sign of moral weakness.   The Alemni also place a great deal of importance on cleanliness and personal hygiene. It is considered taboo to neglect one's personal appearance or hygiene, and failure to maintain cleanliness is seen as a sign of disrespect to others. In addition, the Alemni are very strict about proper behavior in public spaces, and any sort of disruptive or disorderly conduct is highly taboo.

Any courtship outside of the partners chosen by the Directorate is seen as a taboo, as it goes against the communal values of the society. Alemni who engage in such behaviour may face ostracism or even banishment from their communities. Additionally, certain types of relationships, such as incestuous or non-consensual ones, are considered deeply taboo and are punishable by severe measures, including exile or execution.

In addition to the taboos mentioned above, the Alemni also have strict social rules governing relationships with other species. Close relationships, including friendships, with other species are seen as taboo and frowned upon, as the Alemni view themselves as a separate and superior race. Any Alemni found engaging in such relationships may face social ostracism or even punishment by the Directorate. This taboo is rooted in the Alemni's long history of conflict with other species and their desire to maintain their distinct cultural identity.


In the earliest days of the continent of Valenfar, when the sun was but a dim, distant memory and the world lay shrouded in darkness, the Alemni were the first to rise to the surface. With a keen intellect and a powerful will to survive, they slowly emerged from the subterranean depths and began to explore the strange new world that lay before them. At first, they found themselves beset by enemies on all sides. Dark, shadowy creatures lurked in every corner, eager to snuff out the fragile light of the Alemni's newfound civilization. But through cunning strategy and unyielding determination, the Alemni were able to fend off these threats and secure a foothold in the world above.

Over time, they built great cities, each one a shining beacon of hope in the midst of a dark and dangerous land. The Alemni were meticulous in their approach, taking great care to ensure that each piece of land was settled fully and optimally, creating a self-sustaining environment that would last for centuries.

However, the Alemni's authoritarian society, while extremely well-organized, was also oppressive. This stability came at a price of no freedom and creative expression, and fear of punishment. Nevertheless, to this day, the Alemnic cities remain the most ancient, prosperous, and beautiful cities in the world.

Despite their clear advantages, the expansion of the Alemni across the world was slow, due to their cautious approach and their relatively small population. They eventually met the remnants of the Lizvar, Korlum, and Paokus populations that had also made their way to the surface. These races were treated with a mix of superiority and tolerance, and some were even integrated into Alemnic society.

But despite their achievements, the Alemni's past is shrouded in mystery. There are whispers of ancient secrets buried deep within their cities, of dark magic and forbidden knowledge that has been lost to time. And there are those who say that the Alemni's rise to power was not entirely their own doing, that they were aided by forces beyond their understanding. But whether these rumours hold any truth or not, one thing is certain: the Alemni remain one of the most enigmatic and fascinating races in all of Valenfar.

Historical Figures

The history of the Alemni is filled with notable individuals who have shaped their society and culture. One of the most revered figures is the founder of their civilization, Alem, who is said to have united the scattered tribes under his rule and established the principles of the Directorate. His legacy is still celebrated in the Alemni's major holidays, where they gather to commemorate his achievements. Another prominent figure in their history is the legendary warrior Marnal, who is known for leading the Alemni to victory against their enemies in several decisive battles. His feats in battle have been immortalized in many epic poems and songs, and his name is invoked in times of war as a symbol of strength and bravery.   The Alemni also hold in high esteem their philosophers and thinkers, who have contributed greatly to their intellectual tradition. One such figure is Soriah, a renowned scholar and mystic who delved deep into the mysteries of the universe and wrote many influential treatises on philosophy, metaphysics, and spirituality.   Other historical figures that are revered by the Alemni include the great engineer and architect Theron, who designed some of their most iconic structures, and the poet and storyteller Elara, who is known for her eloquent verses and captivating tales. These figures are not only celebrated for their accomplishments but also for embodying the virtues and ideals that the Alemni hold dear. Their names have also become immortalised and are given as common names for exceptional beings to are seen to walk their paths.

Common Myths and Legends

The Alemni culture is rich in myths and legends, which have been passed down through oral tradition for centuries. These stories often feature epic heroes, magical creatures, and gods and goddesses who are revered and feared in equal measure. One of the most significant myths in Alemni culture is the story of the creation of the world, which tells of the god who created the universe and the forces of nature that sustain it.   The Alemni also have many legends about powerful heroes and their adventures. These tales often involve epic battles, dangerous quests, and encounters with magical creatures. One such hero is known as the "Blade of the Directorate," a warrior who was said to be invincible in battle and wielded a sword of great power.   Despite the fantastical elements of these myths and legends, they hold great cultural significance for the Alemni people. They help to reinforce social norms and values, provide a sense of shared history and identity, and offer a means of interpreting the world around them.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Due to their isolationist tendencies and strict taboos on interbreeding, the Alemni have had limited interactions with other species in Valenfar. They generally keep to themselves and maintain a polite but distant relationship with other races. The Alemni view other species as fundamentally different from themselves, both in physical and cultural aspects, and as such, they tend to be cautious and reserved when interacting with them. While there have been some historical accounts of diplomatic exchanges and cultural interactions between the Alemni and other races, these have been rare occurrences. The Alemni's strict adherence to their cultural and societal norms makes it difficult for them to form close relationships with individuals from other species. However, there have been instances where Alemni have shown a genuine interest in learning about other cultures and societies, leading to some limited exchanges of ideas and information.   Despite their strict taboos on interbreeding with other races, there have been some rumors and stories of Alemni engaging in romantic relationships with non-Mni individuals. However, these stories are often dismissed as fanciful tales with no basis in reality, as the Alemni view interbreeding as a significant taboo that is not to be broken under any circumstances. Overall, the Alemni's interactions with other species remain limited, and they continue to maintain a mostly self-contained and inward-looking society.
Scientific Name
Alemni ("Alei" = Pure/True/High, "Mni" = Elves)
300-350 Years
Average Height
6 to 7 feet (1.8 to 2.1 meters)
Average Weight
150 to 200 pounds (68 to 91 kilograms).
Average Physique
On average, Alemni are taller and more slender than humans, with an average height of around 6 to 7 feet (1.8 to 2.1 meters) and an average weight of around 150 to 200 pounds (68 to 91 kilograms). Gender differences are generally subtle, with males having slightly broader shoulders and a more muscular build, while females have a more curvaceous figure. Certain occupations may result in a more muscular build among individuals in those roles, while the ruling class tends to be taller and leaner than the common citizenry.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Alemni's body colouration is generally pale and light, ranging from ivory to a very light golden hue. Their skin has a smooth, almost porcelain-like quality and is generally free of blemishes or imperfections. Alemni also have distinctive white-golden hair, which is often long and straight, framing their elegant features. While they do not have any natural markings or distinctive colouring, Alemni may adorn themselves with intricate tattoos, body paint, or jewelry to enhance their already striking appearance. The tattoos and markings often have symbolic or cultural significance and can vary widely depending on the individual and their social status or occupation.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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