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Alemnic Purism

"Khaldora and the Creation War: The Alemnic Purist's Tale" - Discover the beliefs of a hostile faith towards arcanists, other races, and the ruins of a lost civilization.

Alemnic Purism is a monotheistic religion that centres around the worship of Khaldora, the one true god. They believe that Khaldora created the Alemni in his image and that all other races were given weaker forms of sentience out of pity. Alemnic Purists view the Taro Pantheon as demons created by the now-extinct Tordera race, and thus do not recognize them as true gods. The Creation War began when the Torderans meddled with arcane forces beyond their design and conjured great demons to rage war on the Alemni and Khaldora himself. This war resulted in the destruction of most of the world and the extinction or mutation of many sentient races into the Krulanis. Khaldora was severely wounded in the war and had to commit most of his power to contain the evil that had been brought into the universe. The Alemni were left to become the guardians of his creation and to ensure that peace was maintained and magic was monitored.   The use of Ferrousto, or Ferro Stones, which are seen as the remaining fragments of the evil Torderan arcana, is strictly forbidden in Alemnic Purism. Followers eagerly seek out and destroy these stones, and any magical beast carrying them. Some followers hold a mild racist belief that the Alemni are holier, while others believe that all other races need to be purged to make up for the mistake of the Torderans in giving them sentience in the first place.   The Alemnic Purists have a hostile attitude towards Syntherist and view them as practitioners of the same devious arcana that caused the Creation War. They also hold a range of attitudes towards other races, from dislike to outright hostility. Torderan ruins and remaining monstrosities like the Rhysar are seen as reminders of the destruction caused by the Torderans and must be hunted and destroyed.   In the following sections, we will explore in more depth the history, beliefs, practices, and rituals of the Alemnic Purists, as well as their interactions with other religions and societies in the world of Arora.   Quick-fire beliefs
  • Worship: One god, Khaldora.
  • Attitude to Arcanist: Hostile
  • Attitude to other races: Range from dislike to outright hostility.
  • View of Ancient Structures: Torderan Ruins, should be found and destroyed.
  • View of Rhysar: Remaining Torderan monstrosities, should be hunted and destroyed.
  • View of Ferro Stones: Remaining fragments of evil Torderan arcana, should be found and destroyed.


Alemnic Purism is a hierarchical religion, with a centralized power structure that is headed by the Grand Almar, the highest religious authority. The Grand Almar serves as the supreme leader of the religion, responsible for overseeing all religious practices, making decisions on religious matters, and interpreting the will of Khaldora . Below the Grand Almar, there is a group of high priests called the Almar, who are responsible for overseeing the various regional branches of the religion. The Almar hold considerable power, and they are responsible for enforcing religious laws and ensuring that the teachings of the religion are followed.   The next level of the hierarchy consists of The Alimnar, who are the priests of Alemnic Purism. They are responsible for performing religious ceremonies, preaching the teachings of the religion, and providing spiritual guidance to the followers. They are also tasked with ensuring that the followers of the religion adhere strictly to the tenets of Alemnic Purism, including the prohibition of using any form of magic or arcane power.   Alemnic Purism places a great deal of emphasis on obedience to authority, and disobedience to religious leaders is seen as a grave sin. The religion also has a centralized power structure, a focus on obedience to religious authorities, and a strict moral code that governs all aspects of life, including dress, behaviour, and interactions with others.


The culture of Alemnic Purism is centred around the belief in the superiority of the Alemni race, who were created in the image of their god Khaldora. This belief system leads to a sense of entitlement among Alemni followers, as they view themselves as the rightful rulers of the world. They see other races as inferior, especially the Torderans who were responsible for the creation of the demonic Taro Pantheon that they believe caused the Creation War and subsequent Age of Darkness. This superiority complex is also reflected in their view of magic and the use of arcane forces. Alemnic Purists see themselves as the only ones capable of using magic responsibly, as they believe that other races lack the moral and intellectual capacity to handle its power. This leads to distrust and hostility towards Syntherists, who they view as a threat to their way of life.   The Alemni also place great importance on the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, particularly in the fields of history, philosophy, and theology.  They also have a strong oral tradition, with stories and legends passed down through generations that reinforce their beliefs and way of life. However, in the eyes of Alemnic Purism, the ruins left behind by the Torderans are considered remnants of a dark and corrupt time, and their investigation and understanding are actively discouraged. The followers of Alemnic Purism are instead compelled to seek out and destroy any Torderan ruins they come across, and guard and block their entrances to prevent others from exploring them. They see it as their duty to protect the world from the malevolent forces that the Torderans once unleashed   This cultural emphasis on superiority, responsibility, and knowledge leads to a strict hierarchy within the Alemni society. The Grand Almar serves as the ultimate authority on matters of religion and law, with the Almar and Alimnar serving as his advisors and enforcers. Members of the lower classes are expected to obey the orders of their superiors and to dedicate themselves to the pursuit of knowledge and the protection of their society.   Overall, the culture of Alemnic Purism shapes the way that its members perceive and interact with the world around them. Their beliefs in their own superiority, the importance of knowledge, and the dangers of magic lead to a sense of distrust and hostility towards outsiders, particularly those who do not share their views. This can make it difficult for Alemni to form alliances or work with others, but it also strengthens their sense of community and purpose.

Public Agenda

The primary public agenda of Alemnic Purism is to maintain the purity and dominance of the Alemni race, whom they believe to be the favoured and chosen creation of Khaldora. They view other races, especially but not exclusively the Krulanis, as impure and corrupted beings who were created through the meddling of the Torderans with arcane forces beyond their design. Alemnic Purists see it as their divine duty to ensure that the mistakes of the past are not repeated and that their world is kept free of the corrupting influence of magic and the dark arts. To achieve this goal, Alemnic Purists actively seek out and destroy any Torderan ruins, Rhysar, or Ferro Stones, which they believe to be the remnants of the evil arcana that corrupted the world during the creation war. They also actively monitor the use of magic by non-Alemni races and discourage its use whenever possible. They see themselves as the guardians of Khaldora's creation and feel that it is their responsibility to maintain order and ensure that the world remains free of chaos and destruction.   In addition to their desire to maintain purity and order, Alemnic Purists also have a strong sense of superiority and entitlement. They believe that their longer lives, superior intellect, and divine favour make them the rightful rulers of the world, and they are not afraid to use force to achieve their goals. Some extreme sects of Alemnic Purism even believe in the complete annihilation of all non-Alemni races, as they see them as impure and unworthy of life. Overall, the public agenda of Alemnic Purism is driven by their belief in the superiority of the Alemni race and their divine duty to maintain purity and order in the world. They see themselves as the chosen guardians of Khaldora's creation and are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, including the destruction of anything they perceive as a threat to their ideals.


Alemnic Purism has significant wealth and resources, as they control the majority of the Alemni territories and their vast resources. The Alemni's natural aptitude for magic has allowed them to accumulate vast stores of knowledge and magical artefacts over the centuries, which are highly valued by the organization. Additionally, the Alemni territories are rich in natural resources, including valuable minerals and fertile land for agriculture. The organization has vast trade networks that allow them to export its resources and goods, which further increases its wealth and influence.   The Alemni military is highly trained and well-equipped, with a focus on defensive strategies and the protection of their territory. They have a powerful navy and a formidable air force, which they use to patrol their borders and protect their interests.   Overall, Alemnic Purism is a wealthy and powerful organization with significant assets at its disposal. They use their resources and military might to further their goals and maintain their dominance over the Alemni territories.


The history of Alemnic Purism is shrouded in myth and legend, as the religion existed long before any written records were kept. Oral tradition among the Alemni hints that the religion had already formed before their kind came to the surface following the Age of Darkness. According to legend, the Alemni were created by Khaldora in his own image and given the task of being the guardians of his creation. The other races, including the Torderans, were given a weaker form of sentience out of pity. However, the Torderans became jealous of the Alemni and their culture and longer lives and began to meddle with arcane forces far beyond their design. They conjured up great demons to wage war on the Alemni and Khaldora himself, sparking the creation war and the following age of darkness. In the end, the war destroyed most of the world and left many of the sentient races extinct or warped by the dark magic of the Torderans into the Krulanis. Khaldora was severely wounded in the war and had to commit most of his power to contain the evil that had been brought into the universe. He left the Alemni to become the guardians of his creation, and to ensure that peace was maintained and that the pursuit of magic was monitored so that the rampant devastation triggered by the Torderans would never happen again.   The Alemni struggled to rebuild their world, and during this time, the religion of Alemnic Purism began to take shape. The Alemni believed that the other races were inferior and a mistake, and that their creation was a result of the Torderans meddling with forces they could not control. The religion taught that it was the duty of the Alemni to guard against the dangers of magic and to destroy any remnants of the Torderans' arcane power.   Over time, the religion became more organized, with the emergence of the Grand Almar as the leader of the faith. The Almar and the Alimnar, the high priests and priests respectively, became the guiding force of Alemnic Purism, spreading their teachings throughout the Alemni communities. The religion's belief in the superiority of the Alemni and their duty to guard against the dangers of magic has persisted throughout the ages, leading to their current stance on other races and their hostility towards those who practice magic.

Mythology & Lore

The mythology of Alemnic Purism is deeply intertwined with the history of the creation of the world and the subsequent Age of Darkness. According to the religion's teachings, there was once a powerful and advanced civilization known as the Torderans. They were highly skilled in the art of magic and were able to conjure up great demons to do their bidding. However, their arrogance and lust for power ultimately led to their downfall. The Torderans conjured up demons that were too powerful for them to control, and as a result, a catastrophic war broke out between the demons and the Torderans. The war destroyed most of the world and left many of the sentient races extinct or warped by the dark magic of the Torderans into the Krulanis.   Amidst the chaos and destruction, a being known as Khaldora emerged. Khaldora was a powerful god-like entity who had the ability to create and shape the world. Khaldora was severely wounded in the war and had to commit most of his power to contain the evil that had been brought into the universe. He left the Alemni to become the guardians of his creation, and to ensure that peace was maintained and that the pursuit of magic was monitored so that the rampant devastation triggered by the Torderans would never happen again.   The Alemni believe that Khaldora created them in his image, and that they themselves then gave the other races a weaker form of sentience out of pity. But the other races, especially the Torderans, became jealous of their culture and longer lives and so started to meddle with arcane forces far beyond their design. As a result, they began to conjure up great demons so that they could wage war on the Alemni and on Khaldora himself, thus beginning the creation war and the following age of darkness.   The Ferro Stones are seen as the remaining fragments of the evil Torderan arcana, and so are despised by followers of Alemnic Purism. Their use is strongly forbidden, and they also eagerly engage in seeking out the stones and destroying them, and any that carry them – including any magical beast.

Divine Origins

The origin of Alemnic Purism is shrouded in mystery and is believed to have existed long before any written records. According to oral tradition, the religion formed before the Alemni even emerged on the surface following the Age of Darkness. It is believed that the Alemni were chosen by Khaldora himself to be the guardians of his creation, and as such, they were entrusted with the knowledge and teachings of the true nature of the universe. The core beliefs and sacrosanct rituals of Alemnic Purism are said to have been revealed to the first Alemni by Khaldora himself. It is believed that Khaldora appeared to the first Alemni in a vision and revealed to them the truth about the creation of the universe, the nature of the Taro Pantheon, and the evil of the Torderans. These teachings were passed down orally from generation to generation, with the Grand Almar serving as the custodian and guardian of the sacred texts.   As the Alemni began to interact with other races, their beliefs and teachings were influenced by their experiences. The hostility and jealousy of the other races towards the Alemni reinforced their belief in their own superiority and the danger of allowing other races to possess knowledge of the arcane. This led to the development of their hostile attitude towards Arcanists and their belief in the need to purge other races to prevent the mistakes of the Torderans from happening again.

Cosmological Views

According to Alemnic Purism, there is one supreme god, Khaldora, who created the universe and all that exists within it. The Alemni, who were created in Khaldora's image, believe that they are the superior race and that the other sentient races were created in a weaker form of sentience out of pity. They also believe that the other races, especially the Torderans, became jealous of their culture and longer lives and started to meddle with arcane forces far beyond their design, which led to the creation war and the age of darkness. During the creation war, most of the world was destroyed, and many of the sentient races became extinct or were transformed into Krulanis, warped by the dark magic of the Torderans. Khaldora was severely wounded in the war and had to commit most of his power to contain the evil that had been brought into the universe. He left the Alemni to become the guardians of his creation, ensuring that peace was maintained and that the pursuit of magic was monitored to prevent a repeat of the devastation triggered by the Torderans.   In Alemnic Purism, the Ferro Stones are believed to be the remaining fragments of the Torderan's evil arcana, and their use is strictly forbidden. They are also hunted down and destroyed by the followers of Alemnic Purism. The Taro Pantheon, who are believed to exist but are seen as demons, were created by the now-extinct Torderans. The Torderan ruins and Rhysars, which are remaining Torderan monstrosities, are also viewed as evil and hunted down and destroyed by the Alemnic Purists

Tenets of Faith

The Alemnic Purist religion has a set of commandments and laws that guide its faithful. These rules are believed to have been handed down by Khaldora himself and are seen as sacrosanct by the followers of the religion. Some of the major commandments include:
  1. Worship Khaldora: The central tenet of the religion is the worship of Khaldora as the one true god. Followers are expected to revere him above all else.
  2. Reject Taro Pantheon: The Taro Pantheon is believed to be made up of demons and followers are expected to reject their worship and all forms of magic associated with them.
  3. Destroy Torderan Ruins: Torderan ruins are believed to be remnants of evil magic and are to be destroyed whenever found.
  4. Do not use Ferro Stones: The use of Ferro Stones is strictly forbidden, as they are believed to be fragments of Torderan magic.
  5. The Alemni are superior: The Alemni are believed to have been created in the image of Khaldora and are therefore seen as superior to other races.
  6. Monitor the use of magic: Followers are expected to monitor the use of magic by themselves and others, to prevent the misuse of arcane forces.
  7. Protect creation: The followers of Alemnic Purism are the guardians of Khaldora's creation and are expected to ensure peace is maintained.
  8. Purge the Krulanis: Followers are expected to seek out and destroy the Krulanis, who are believed to be the result of Torderan magic.
  9. Respect the Grand Almar: The Grand Almar is the leader of the religion and is to be respected and obeyed.
  These commandments and laws define the beliefs and actions of the faithful of Alemnic Purism. Breaking them is seen as a sin and can lead to ex-communication or worse punishments.


The extended rules and interpretations of the Alemnic Purism faith can be quite strict and detailed. The faithful are expected to follow a strict moral code that includes things like abstaining from alcohol and other intoxicants, avoiding sexual promiscuity outside of marriage, and showing respect and deference to those in positions of authority within the faith. Additionally, acts of charity and service to the community are highly valued, and the faithful are expected to regularly give to the poor and participate in community service projects. There is also an emphasis on personal spiritual growth, with prayer and meditation being encouraged as a means of connecting with the divine and achieving greater enlightenment.   Sins in the eyes of Alemnic Purism include things like murder, theft, adultery, and blasphemy. The faithful are also expected to avoid any actions that might bring shame or dishonour to themselves or their community. Pious acts, on the other hand, include things like attending religious services regularly, observing the various holy days and festivals of the faith, and participating in pilgrimages to important holy sites.


The everyday practices of Alemnic Purism involve regular prayers and meditation at home or in the temple. A typical prayer involves facing towards the rising sun and reciting sacred verses from the holy book, the Khaldorith. The faithful are encouraged to donate a portion of their wealth to the temple as a form of charity and piety. There are also specific rituals and traditions that are observed on certain occasions. One such ritual is the annual pilgrimage to the Temple of Khaldora, located in the heart of the capital city of the Empire of the Dawn. The faithful undertake this pilgrimage to seek blessings from the goddess and to reaffirm their faith.   Another important tradition is the Feast of the New Dawn, which marks the beginning of the new year according to the Alemnic calendar. It is a time of feasting, gift-giving, and reflection on the past year.   The faithful also celebrate the holy days and festivals that commemorate important events in the history of their religion. These festivals are marked by special prayers, sermons, and communal feasting. The most important of these festivals is the Festival of Khaldora, which celebrates the goddess's victory over the forces of darkness and is observed with great pomp and ceremony.   In addition to these practices, the faithful are expected to adhere to the moral and ethical teachings of the religion in their everyday lives. They are encouraged to be honest, kind, and charitable towards others, and to avoid sinful behavior such as lying, stealing, and adultery.


In the religion of Alemnic Purism, the supreme being is the goddess Khaldora, who is believed to have created the world and all living beings in it. The faithful believe that Khaldora is present in all things and that everything is interconnected through her divine presence. The Grand Almar is the leader of the religion and serves as the highest authority in matters of doctrine and spiritual guidance. They are believed to be chosen by Khaldora herself and are held in high regard by the faithful. The Almar serve as the advisors to the Grand Almar and are responsible for leading the individual sects of the religion.   In order to become an Almar, an individual must display exceptional devotion to Khaldora and possess a deep understanding of the religion's teachings. They are chosen by the Grand Almar based on their merits and are given additional spiritual training to help them guide the faithful.   The Alimnar are the regular 'priests' of the Alemnic Purist religion, responsible for leading regular religious services, providing guidance to the faithful, and ensuring that the teachings of Khaldora and the Grand Almar are followed. They are typically chosen from among the most devout and knowledgeable members of the community and are expected to lead by example in their devotion to the faith. While they hold an important role in the religious community, they are not considered to be on the same level as the Almar or Grand Almar in terms of authority and power within the organization.

Granted Divine Powers

It is said that the faithful are protected from harm by their faith, that their prayers and supplications can bring good fortune or ward off misfortune, and that their wisdom and insight are heightened by their connection to Khaldora. Additionally, some of the most devout members of the faith are said to have experienced divine visions or visitations from Khaldora, which have given them insight into the nature of the universe and the will of the goddess. These experiences are highly revered and are seen as a sign of great favour from Khaldora.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Alemnic Purist religion is deeply intertwined with the political fabric of the Empire of The Dawn. The empire is highly despotic and rules over the entirety of Valenfar, where almost all Alemni reside. The Grand Almar holds significant political power and is a close advisor to the emperor. The Almar are also influential in political matters, as their support can sway public opinion in favour of the emperor's decrees. The empire sees the Alemnic Purist religion as a tool to control and pacify the population, as it emphasises obedience and submission to authority. At the same time, the religion itself is affected by the politics of the empire. The Grand Almar and the Almar are often embroiled in political intrigue, as different factions jockey for power and influence. Some believe that the religion should have a greater say in political matters, while others argue that it should remain separate from the affairs of state. The Alimnar, on the other hand, are more focused on the day-to-day spiritual needs of the faithful, and tend to avoid involvement in politics. Overall, the Alemnic Purist religion has a complex relationship with the political landscape of Valenfar, and its influence is felt throughout the empire.


Within the Alemnic Purism religion, there exist several factions and sects, each with its unique interpretations and practices. One of the most notorious sects is known as the "Khaldorite Dominion". Members of this sect believe in the conquering of the world and the enslavement of non-Alemni. They believe that it is their divine right to rule over all other races and those non-believers must be brought into the fold or destroyed. Another sect is known as the "Sons and Daughters of Alem," which opposes the despotic rule of the Empire of the Dawn. They believe that the Empire's rulers have strayed from the true path of Alemnic Purism and seek to restore the faith's original principles. The Sons and Daughters of Alem often clash with the Empire's forces, leading to bloody conflicts.   There are also other smaller sects, such as the "Mystics of Khaldora," who believe in the exploration of the mysteries surrounding their goddess. They often delve deep into ancient ruins and seek to understand the forgotten knowledge of the past.   These factions and sects are often seen as heretical by the mainstream faith, and their practices are frowned upon. They are considered a threat to the established order and are often hunted down by the Almar and their followers. However, some see them as necessary for the continued growth and development of the religion, pushing the boundaries of what is accepted and exploring new avenues of thought.

Faith, Strength, Purity

Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Purism, Khadlorism
Leader Title
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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