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Daerhys Worship

As the name suggests, Daerhys Worship is a religion that revolves around the worship of demons, or "daerhys" in the language of Arora. The religion is largely seen as a taboo and is practiced by underground cults, particularly amongst the seedy and dark elements of society. It is believed to have originated amongst the Paokus, a bird-like species from western Erothi, but has gained popularity among certain segments of humanity, particularly those seeking power and willing to make pacts with dark forces to achieve it. The religion is often associated with the elites who use its dark powers to further their own agendas.


As a religion that exists primarily among underground cults, Daerhys Worship lacks a centralized organizational structure. Each cult or group operates independently, often led by a charismatic leader who claims to have a special connection with the demons they worship. These leaders may hold sway over their followers through fear, promises of power, or other means. Daerhys Worship is not a widely accepted religion, and its followers often keep their beliefs and practices hidden from the larger society. This secrecy can make it difficult to determine the size or scope of the organization, as well as the extent of their influence.   However, some commonalities can be observed in the organization and practices of these cults. Rituals and ceremonies are often held in secret, hidden locations, with a select few members participating in the most significant or dangerous aspects of the worship. The leaders of these groups may be surrounded by a core group of trusted followers, who help to maintain order and secrecy within the organization.   Because of the clandestine nature of the worship, there are no formalized rules or commandments that guide the faithful. Instead, each cult or group may have its own set of beliefs and practices, often centered around specific demons or types of demons.   Overall, the organization of Daerhys Worship is characterized by secrecy, fear, and a willingness to use any means necessary to gain power and influence.


The culture of Daerhys Worship is characterized by secrecy, violence, and a thirst for power. As an underground cult, their activities and beliefs are hidden from the public eye, and only those who are initiated into their ranks know their true nature. Their worship is centered around dark rituals and sacrifices offered to the demons they venerate, and their members often engage in illegal activities such as human trafficking, drug trafficking, and assassination. The pursuit of power and domination is highly valued, and members are encouraged to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, including betraying or sacrificing their fellow members if necessary. In essence, the culture of Daerhys Worship is one of fear, oppression, and cruelty, with its members living in a constant state of paranoia and suspicion of one another.

Public Agenda

As a secretive and underground religion, Daerhys Worship does not have a public agenda in the traditional sense. Its followers often operate in the shadows and seek to gain power and influence through their devotion to dark forces. They may try to manipulate political or social events to their advantage, often through covert means such as assassination, blackmail, or bribery. Their ultimate goal is usually to gain power and control over others, often through the use of fear or intimidation. Due to the illegal and immoral nature of their activities, they often face opposition from law enforcement agencies and more mainstream religious groups.


Since Daerhys Worship is a clandestine and secretive organization, their assets are not publicly known or visible. They may operate underground temples, hold secret meetings in hidden locations, and maintain a network of wealthy and influential members who provide them with resources and protection. However, their wealth and assets are likely hidden from public view, and any external displays of wealth or luxury may be used to mask their true activities and intentions. It is possible that they may acquire wealth and assets through illegal means, such as extortion, bribery, and theft, which they use to fund their operations and expand their influence.


Due to its underground and secretive nature, the history of Daerhys Worship is difficult to trace. However, it is believed that the worship of demons and dark forces originated with the Paokus, a bird-like species from western Erothi. Over time, the practise spread to the darker strands of humanity, particularly those who sought power and were willing to make sacrifices to gain it. It is thought that Daerhys Worship gained popularity among the elites, who used their influence and resources to expand the cult's reach and influence. They also used their wealth to acquire valuable assets and resources, such as ancient artifacts and knowledge, that were thought to contain powerful magic and secrets.   The cult's true agenda has always remained shrouded in secrecy, but it is widely believed that they seek to gain power and influence through the invocation of demons and other dark forces. They are known to engage in various illegal activities, such as human sacrifice, torture, and the acquisition of forbidden knowledge and magic.   Despite attempts by various authorities to eradicate the cult, Daerhys Worship has continued to thrive in the shadows, constantly adapting to changing circumstances and evading detection by those who seek to destroy it.

Mythology & Lore

The basis and teachings of Daerhys Worship are founded on a dark and sinister mythology that glorifies the worship of demons. There is no creation myth or stories of ancient gods or heroes, as the religion is not based on any traditional pantheon or mythology. Instead, it celebrates the worship of demons and their supposed ability to grant power and domination to their followers. The cult's beliefs are based on the idea that by offering sacrifices and showing devotion to these dark entities, the faithful can gain access to their powers and use them to achieve their own ends. The cult's teachings and rituals are shrouded in secrecy, as the worship of demons is widely considered taboo and is often persecuted by mainstream religions and authorities.

Divine Origins

Daerhys Worship is believed to have originated from the Paokus, a bird-like species from western Erothi. Over time, the religion gained popularity among the darker strands of humanity who were willing to pray to dark forces to gain power. The worship of demons became a way to gain control and manipulate the forces of evil for personal gain. The teachings, beliefs, and rituals of Daerhys Worship have been passed down through generations of secretive underground cults, with each group developing their own unique interpretations and practices. Due to the secretive nature of the religion, little is known about its origins or how it has evolved over time.   While Daerhys Worship may have originated from the Paokus, it has now become a predominantly human religion. However, the religion still holds a significant place among the Paokus, who have kept their practice of Daerhys Worship largely isolated from the rest of the world. As a result, it is difficult to determine the true origin and original form of the religion. It is believed that the Paokus have preserved the most authentic and original version of the religion, but due to their isolation, very little is known about their beliefs and practices. It is said that those who have attempted to venture into the Paokus' territory to learn more about their religious practices have never returned, adding to the mystique and fear surrounding this dark and mysterious religion.

Cosmological Views

As Daerhys Worship is a religion focused on the worship of demons, there is no specific understanding of the creation of the world in this religion. However, some of its followers believe that the world was created by the demons they worship, or that the demons have the power to reshape and control the world as they please. They see the world as a battleground between the forces of light and darkness, and believe that by aligning themselves with the demons, they can gain power and control over their enemies. The focus of the religion is not on the afterlife, but rather on achieving power and success in the present world through the intercession of the demons they worship.

Tenets of Faith

The basic rules and commandments of Daerhys Worship are centered around the worship and appeasement of the demons they revere. The faithful are taught to make sacrifices and offerings to these dark entities in order to gain their favor and power. The religion also promotes dominance and control over others, often through manipulation and exploitation. There are no strict guidelines or laws, as the worshipers believe that their devotion and sacrifice are sufficient to gain the rewards they seek. However, the use of violence and coercion is not uncommon, and those who fail to adhere to the beliefs and practices of the cult may face severe consequences.


In Daerhys Worship, the everyday lives and decisions of the faithful are guided by the principle of seeking power and dominance through sacrifice and devotion to the demons. The faithful believe that they can gain favor with the demons by offering them sacrifices and performing acts of devotion, such as participating in dark rituals or performing acts of cruelty or violence. These acts are considered pious and necessary for gaining the favor of the demons and achieving power and dominance in the world. Conversely, acts of kindness or mercy are viewed as weaknesses and sins, as they go against the core belief in the pursuit of power and dominance. The faithful also adhere to a strict hierarchy, with those who demonstrate the most devotion and gain the favor of the demons being elevated to positions of power and authority over the rest of the flock.


Worship in Daerhys Worship involves a variety of dark and macabre rituals, often held in secret and away from prying eyes. These rituals may involve sacrifices of both animals and sometimes even humans, with the belief that such sacrifices appease the demon lords and grant power and favors to the faithful. The use of dark magic and spells is also common, with the belief that such acts allow the worshippers to tap into the power of the demon lords. These rituals and practices are often led by the priests of the religion, who are believed to have a closer connection to the demons and the supernatural realm.


In the secretive and underground world of Daerhys Worship, there are no formal or publicly acknowledged guides or leaders. Instead, the most powerful and influential members of the organization are often the ones who wield the most demonic power, wealth, or political influence. These individuals may hold sway over smaller groups of followers, offering guidance and instruction on the dark arts and the proper methods for summoning and appeasing demons. However, loyalty to the cause and a willingness to sacrifice for its advancement are often more highly valued than any particular individual's expertise or knowledge. As a result, there is a constant struggle for power and influence within the organization, with factions and individuals vying for control and dominance.

Granted Divine Powers

According to the teachings of Daerhys Worship, the faithful believe that they can gain supernatural powers and abilities through their devotion and sacrifice to the demons they worship. These powers can range from enhanced physical abilities such as strength, agility, and speed, to psychic abilities such as telekinesis and mind reading. Some believe that they can even gain the ability to communicate with demons and other dark entities, and to command them to do their bidding. The priests of the religion are believed to have even greater access to these powers, and are often revered as powerful and feared figures within the community. However, these powers come at a great cost, and are often accompanied by corruption, madness, and physical decay.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Due to its association with the darker strands of humanity and the elites seeking power, Daerhys Worship is often kept hidden from the public eye. However, its influence can be seen in the political fabric of the organizations it has permeated. Those in power who are faithful to the religion may make decisions based on their beliefs and seek to advance the religion's agenda. Additionally, the religion's focus on power and sacrifice can lead to dangerous and unethical actions, such as assassinations or human sacrifices, which can disrupt the stability of governments and organizations. Overall, the impact of Daerhys Worship on politics is often negative and disruptive, as its followers seek to gain power and dominance through any means necessary.


As a secretive and underground religion, Daerhys Worship is known to have various factions and sects that hold differing beliefs and practices. Some sects may prioritize the worship of certain demons over others, or interpret the teachings and commandments of the religion in different ways. Additionally, there may be power struggles and conflicts between different factions as they compete for influence and resources. Some of these sects may be viewed as more extreme or radical by the mainstream faithful, or may be seen as dangerous or heretical. The mainstream faith may distance themselves from these factions and may even actively work to root out their influence within the organization. Conversely, some of these sects may be embraced by certain elites or individuals seeking power, leading to tensions and conflicts within the religion as a whole.

Power through sacrifice, dominance through devotion

Alternative Names
Cult of the Dark Ones, Shadow Sect,Infernal Order, Demonic Devotion, Night Cult, Unholy Assembly, Devil Worship, Legion of the Damned
Daerhys Worshiper, Daerhysite
Related Species


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