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Sygaldric Devices

Sygaldry, a remarkable application of the arcane science of Ferrology, employs semi-permanent Synvetic links inscribed into Ferro Shards to imbue objects with seemingly magical properties. Although the true intricacies of this mysterious technology remain closely guarded, it is believed that the Synvetic links manipulate the energy and properties of one object to affect another, enabling an array of practical solutions to everyday challenges. One such enigmatic invention, the Synvetic Lamp, appears to defy conventional understanding as it harnesses the power of motion to produce light. By drawing upon the kinetic energy of its movement, the lamp generates a radiant glow, offering a safer and more sustainable alternative to traditional lighting methods. Though the precise workings of this technology are shrouded in secrecy, its potential applications are vast and varied.

Beyond the Synvetic Lamp, Sygaldry offers an array of potential use cases, from transportation to agriculture, as the Synvetic links enable the manipulation of forces and properties in ways hitherto unimagined. For instance, it is whispered that some practitioners have developed tools that can regulate temperature or enhance the efficiency of farming processes. The true extent of Sygaldric applications, however, remains largely speculative, due to the enigmatic nature of the technology and the prohibition on its study and practice. The arcane art of Sygaldry presents a mysterious and powerful branch of Ferrology that has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of daily life. Yet, much of this potential remains untapped and unexplored, leaving the world to wonder at the possibilities that might unfold if the veil of secrecy were lifted, and the true workings of this enigmatic technology were unveiled.

The Ban

The ban on Sygaldry and its associated technologies can be traced back to a series of unfortunate incidents and controversies that led to a widespread fear and distrust of this arcane art. Though the true extent of these events is difficult to ascertain, it is believed that the misuse of Sygaldric devices by unscrupulous individuals resulted in devastating consequences, prompting the intervention of the Church of Taro. One such incident involved a catastrophic failure of a Sygaldric device designed for transportation, resulting in the tragic loss of several lives. The device, which was intended to harness the power of Sygaldry to enable rapid and efficient travel, suffered a critical malfunction that caused a violent explosion. This disaster not only claimed innocent lives but also raised concerns about the safety and reliability of Sygaldric technology.

Furthermore, some individuals exploited the power of Sygaldry for nefarious purposes, using these mysterious devices to gain an unfair advantage in commerce, warfare, and politics. Unregulated and unchecked, the use of Sygaldric devices began to undermine social order, as the balance of power was disrupted by those who wielded these arcane tools. The Church of Taro, in response to the growing public outcry and perceived threat to societal stability, deemed it necessary to intervene. Citing the potential for abuse and the dangers associated with the misuse of Sygaldric devices, the Church implemented a sweeping ban on the study, practice, and use of Sygaldry and its related technologies. This decision was not without controversy, as many argued that the benefits of Sygaldry far outweighed the risks and that the actions of a few malicious individuals should not dictate the fate of an entire field of study. Despite the heated debate, the ban on Sygaldry remains firmly in place, leaving the potential of this arcane art locked away, shrouded in secrecy and mystery. The consequences of this prohibition continue to be a topic of discussion and speculation, as the world ponders the lost opportunities for progress and advancement that might have been realized if Sygaldry had been allowed to flourish.


The implementation of the ban on Sygaldry was a complex and tumultuous process, met with resistance from various factions, particularly among the scholarly and arcane communities. The Church of Taro played a pivotal role in enforcing the ban, using its influence and divine authority to garner support from the ruling classes and common peoples both. The most defining moment in the solidification of the ban was the destruction of the Old Citadel in Stracho, which had long been the academic capital of Ferrology and Arcana in Erothi. The burning and dismantling of the Citadel by the impassioned masses, during the Unification of Carthia, marked a turning point in the struggle between the proponents of Sygaldry and those who sought to suppress it, further entrenching the ban as a cornerstone of the new religious and political order. The question of Atrius Reagus' support for the people's actions has been a topic of whispered speculation amongst enemies of The Dominion, who boldy suggest that limiting access to arcane powers could have had aided in maintaining the new-found ruling family's hold on power and suppressing potential opposition from those skilled in the arcane arts. However, such notions remain conjecture and border on treason, as the Reagus Dynasty has consistently expressed their commitment to dutifully upholding the will Taro.

Enforcing the ban involved the confiscation and destruction of Sygaldric devices, the closing of arcane institutions, and the persecution of practitioners. This was met with significant resistance from various groups, who believed that the ban was a grave injustice and an affront to the pursuit of knowledge. Some may have even gone as far as forming secret societies and underground networks to continue the study and practice of Sygaldry, albeit in a hidden and clandestine manner. Despite the challenges faced in enforcing the ban, The Church ultimately succeeded in establishing their authority on this matter. The consequences of this decision continue to be felt to this day, as the world is left to ponder the lost potential and opportunities that might have arisen from the study and practice of Sygaldry.


The consequences of the ban on Sygaldry have been multifaceted, leading to both positive and negative outcomes for society, industry, and the environment.

Positive consequences:

  1. Increased social stability: By restricting access to arcane powers, the potential for misuse or abuse of Sygaldry by unscrupulous individuals has been significantly reduced. This has contributed to maintaining law and order within the realm.
  2. Preservation of traditional crafts: In the absence of Sygaldric devices, craftsmen and artisans have continued to hone their skills, creating a thriving market for handcrafted goods and maintaining a strong cultural identity.
  3. Strengthening of religious faith: The ban on Sygaldry has reinforced the Church of Taro's influence over society, promoting adherence to its teachings and fostering unity among its followers.

Negative consequences:

  1. Stifled innovation: The prohibition on Sygaldry has limited advancements in various fields, as researchers and inventors can no longer experiment with or apply this arcane knowledge to develop new technologies or improve existing ones.
  2. Loss of knowledge: The destruction of The Old Citadel resulted in the loss of invaluable texts, artifacts, and research materials related to Ferrology and Arcana, setting back academic progress in these disciplines.
  3. Creation of a black market: The ban on Sygaldry has given rise to an underground market for illicit Sygaldric devices and services, often leading to dangerous consequences as these items may be poorly crafted or wielded by those with little understanding of their inherent risks.


Sygaldry, a branch of Ferrology, involved the creation of semi-permanent Synvetic links using Ferro Shards to produce magical effects, such as Synvetic Lamps that convert motion into light. Despite its innovative nature and potential applications, Sygaldry was outlawed by the Church of Taro during the Unification of Carthia and the establishment of the monotheistic Church. The ban was enforced through the destruction of The Old Citadel in Stracho, the academic capital of Ferrology and Arcana, resulting in the loss of irreplaceable knowledge. The reasons for the ban were rooted in concerns over the potential misuse of arcane powers and the desire to consolidate power by the Reagus Dynasty. The consequences of the ban have been mixed, with positive outcomes including increased social stability, preservation of traditional crafts, and strengthening of religious faith. However, negative consequences, such as stifled innovation, loss of knowledge, and the emergence of a black market for Sygaldric devices, have also arisen. The story of Sygaldry and its ban offers valuable insights into the delicate balance between technological advancement and societal control. It serves as a reminder that while innovation can bring about progress, it must be tempered with consideration for the potential consequences and implications for society as a whole.
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