The Deities of Alnareth

The Deities

Deity Title Domain(s)
Asmodeus God of tyranny, sin, schemes, ambition, and corruption. Order, Trickery, War
Astara Goddess of the stars, dreams, mourning, mercy, and widows. Dream, Twilight
Avandra Goddess of luck, trade, travel, and freedom. Nature, Trickery
Bahamut God of the Astral Sea, nobility, rulership, and justice. Life, Order, War
God of conquest, war, strategy, and victory.
God of Honourable Battle, Righteous War and True Order
Blood, Order, War
Light, Order, War
Corellon God of arcane magic, beauty, the arts, and summer. Arcana, Nature, Light
Erathis Goddess of civilization, cities, law, and invention. Knowledge, Order
Garl God of revelry, humour, wine, gates, and doorways. Trickery, Wine
Gruumsh God of slaughter, destruction, fury, and bloodshed. Blood, War
Ioun Goddess of knowledge, skill, education, and divination. Arcana, Knowledge
Kerun God of spring, fertility, vegetation, and rebirth
God of hunting, animals, and guiding dead souls to the Shadowfell.
Life, Love Nature
Death, Hunt, Nature
Kord God of strength, storms, athleticism, and battle. Tempest, War
The Raven Queen Goddess of death, fate, rebirth, and winter. Death, Grave
Melora Goddess of the earth and sea, wilderness, and nature. Nature, Life, Tempest
Moradin God of creation, artifice, masonry, metalworking, labour, and fatherhood. Forge, Knowledge
Pelor God of the sun, agriculture, renewal, and healing/vitality. Life, Light, Nature
Sehanine Goddess of the moon, love, trickery, illusions, and autumn. Love, Trickery, Twilight
Tiamat Goddess of elemental chaos, natural disasters, and the mother of monsters. Trickery, War
Torog God of the Underdark Darkness, Death, Trickery
Yondalla Goddess of the hearth, home, and family. Life, Love
Zehir God of darkness, fear, nightmares, and poison. Darkness, Death

Deceased Deities

  • Araushnee: Deceased Goddess of Death, Fate, Rebirth and Winter. First Spouse to Corellon who was slain by the Demon Lloth in an attempt to gain power and godhood. Instead a mortal follower, know only known as The Raven Queen, stepped in and ascended to take the role as the new Goddess of Death, Fate, Rebirth and Winter. Since the death of Araushnee there has been a struggle for worship over the Drow with the Raven Queen becoming their new true patron deity as well as the shadar kai and Lloth the demon that killed and absorbed some of Araushnee's portfolio tempting and tricking many drow to follow the Spider Queen in the depths of the underdark and even in her own realm in the Abyss.
  • Haramathur: Deceased god of bronze, smelting and metalworking, protection, and patience. Brother of Torog. Father of Bane, Erathis, and Moradin. His wife was commonly believed to be a titan of stone. Sacrificed his life to seal the planes. His death was instrumental in teaching Bane that a strong enough offense and steel can prevent the circumstances from requiring others to make similar sacrifices.
  • Io: The All-Dragon was the god of dragonkind, the planes, and the cosmos itself. It is believed that Io’s essence contained both the Astral Sea and Elemental Sea within their body. Io died when the Primordials burst forth from their body. Two deities were born from their body: Bahamut and Tiamat. Bahamut shared an affinity with the Astral Sea, while Tiamat shared an affinity with the Elemental Chaos. In that moment of death, however, two other deities were born: Corellon, from the arcane magic released, and Lloth, from their death.
  • Lendor: Father Time was the god of all time, knowledge, and prophecy. Lendor was the father of Tharizdun and Ioun, who later acquired his purview of study and knowledge, though not omniscience. His death during the Dawn War remains a mystery. It is known that his death rendered all prophecy dead from that point forth. The temples of Ioun teach their clergy that Tharizdun killing his father Lendor was his attempt to prevent the gods (or anyone) from knowing how his plans for the utter annihilation of existence would end. The Raven Queen, who is another name rumored to have killed Lendor, would gain his oversight over fate. The portfolio of time would be split between many of the gods, particularly Pelor and the seasonal deities.
  • Pholtus: Sometimes referred to as “The One Who Was,” Pholtus, the Skyfather, was the undisputed god of the skies, kingship, goodness, justice, and wisdom before his betrayal by his archangel Asmodeus and his darkened legion during the Dawn War. In his dying breath, he cursed Asmodeus and his followers, creating the first devils and transforming Baator into their hellish prison. He was the father of Zehir, Pelor, and Sehanine and the husband of Astara.
  • Tharizdun: The Void Lord is the deceased god of madness and the utter destruction of all existence. Tharizdun was once a god of peace, tranquillity, and harmony. He was the brother of Ioun and a close friend to Pelor. It is said, that whatever he saw when he starred past the Living Gate into the Far Realms forever changed him. Depressed from eons of conflict in the Dawn War, Tharizdun became convinced that the only way for there to be peace is the obliteration of both sides of the conflict. Tharizdun destroyed himself at the churning heart of the Elemental Chaos. His death created the Abyss and demonkind. Some cultists, however, say that Tharizdun is not dead, but, rather, he slumbers or is chained at the bottom of the Abyss.


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