All Father's Thinking Pipe

Dad, Come look at this! It's really cool. What is it?   It's the All Father's Thinking Pipe. He smokes it whenever he's thinking about something important. Like creating another world.   But, we have it here. Does that mean he's not thinking any more?   Son...You think too much.
— Conversation between Aleric Crystalforge and his son Werner

A Thinking God's Game

  Renowned for his wisdom, the All Father is a god of deliberative judgement and sparse action. He contemplates issues of cosmic significance which require attendance and action on his part to create and sustain intelligent life in the universe. It's a very engaging job, with heavy burdens, but the All Father is completely committed to his mission, or so he has revealed to his followers.   As is true of any competent god, the All Father knows the capabilities of his people. Unlike some, he rarely intervenes in mortal affairs, saying he values the maturity and independence of his people. He keeps their development as a high priority, encouraging them to make responsible decisions and receive the rewards of these - or suffer the natural consequences of stupid decisions.   Still, many of his followers seek his advice or intervention - sometimes in their personal matters, sometimes in matters of national importance or even matters of state. For these questions the All Father resorts to the use of his Thinking Pipe which he smokes while considering the courses of action open to him, and the one most likely to result in the appropriate benefit to the requester. Portraits and iconography of the All Father frequently show him with his pipe in hand and mouth, puffing gently, smoke encircling his head, his face filled with weighty contemplation. What problems does he seek to solve? What thoughts are teasing the deity's mind? What weighty matters fill those far-seeing eyes?   Sometimes, his responses come back quickly. Sometimes he takes direct immediate action.
But more often when faced with difficult questions or sticky situations his followers have created he simply sits and thinks and smokes his pipe.
It can take days, and very occasionally, he never responds at all.
His priesthood claims he sees into the future, tracing all the alternatives the future could hold until he sees the end of time itself.

Or maybe he's just tired of cleaning up our messes and he's waiting us out.

The Museum of Curiosities

In Uftlon, adjacent to the Castle of the Stone Throne and the Temple of the Great Dwarf, the Museum of Curiosities houses the largest collection of arcane and religious artifacts in all of Arrhynsia. Items from all races and lands fill the cabinets that are proof against the magical and physical dangers that might cause the people of Arrhynsia to lose these precious pieces of history   Among these items is the All Father's Thinking Pipe, placed there on loan in 5038 by a High Priest of the All Father, Reezeel who through fast talking, convinced the All Father to give up his beloved pipe for a thousand years to help him get over a persistent cough. The All Father has visited his pipe several times through the years, but has never opened the display case and taken it back. He simply comes, stands in front of the case and gazes at it, his thoughts lost in presumably weighty matters.

Cover image: 71575297 by Dja65


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