Desolate Plains

Desolate is in the Eye of the Loser

    The Desolate Plains is a region of plains ares south of the Draak'thor Massiff on the main continent of Arrhynsia. The region is not actually desolate as adequate water and arrable soil exist to support a sizable population of most species, however, compared to the Northern Arrhynsian continent that humans had just destroyed (by accident), the land was quite poor.   Humans landed and settled in the area and named the kingdom they created there Eyniir after their leader at the time. The human settlement of the Desolate Wastes began a long continuing conflict with their neighbors to the north, the orcs, and their neighbors to the west, the haflings and gnomes who eventually created the Land of the Short to fend off incursions by the aggressive humans.
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Cover image: 1493068322 by Mathias Sunke


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