Hasira Uovu

The Dark Side of Creation

  And it came to pass, that when Sol and the Place joined together, and the Place brought forth the peoples, there was one who was like unto the Voices, but was not numbered among them. This was Hasira Uovu, and he was more clever than all the other Voices, and he was made mighty in his own eyes because of his cleverness which was more than all the world. And Harisa Uovu hid his face from the other Voices for he was wroth with Sol, and hated him because of the the light he gave the Place and the love he bore for the peoples, for Hasira Uovu had made supplication to the Place, and she would have none of him, and her countenance was against him. And Hasira Uovu hated the peoples because of his envy of Sol and the grief of the All Father for the loss of his son Sol, but this he hid from his father, and he made a pleasant face to him.   And Harisa Uovu spoke slyly into the ear of the All Father, and reasoned with him cleverly that the peoples were not worthy of his notice by cause of their slowness of wit and the indiginty of their character. And the All Father heard Hasira Uovu but turned his face away from his counsel and said "The peoples are but children, and they will learn, but they must be taught."   And the All Father called together the Voices and he spoke with them, that they should call the peoples, and each should take for themselves a special people to teach their ways. And this was good in the sight of the Voices, and they agreed, all save Jiisho, who being the sister of the Place, refused to call but one people, but took only those who called out to her. And the Calling greatly displeased Harisa Uovu, but he did not let his face fall, though he was wroth that the peoples would prosper because of the triumph of his brother Sol and the Place that bore them.   And the peoples grew in stature and character and wisdom as the Voices tended to them. And they built great cities, and worked marvelous works. They made to themselves tools of bronze and iron. They tended herds and tilled the soil. They learned to comb the threads and weave and dye cloth. They tamed the rivers and brought life to the desert. They spoke of many marvelous things, and these they wrote in scrolls that they gathered together to collect all the knowledge in the world, and they put these in two great libraries, one in the caves of Uftlon, and one in the living city of Fellalond.   And Hasira Uova grew ever more wrothful, and he hated the peoples and determined to destroy them, but he hid the evil from his face and showed it not to the other Voices.   And Hasira Uova spoke slyly to Saynleh the dragon god, and he said to him "Your ferocity and stregnth are unmatched. Your intellect is beyond all others, and your people are like unto you. Your people should have mastery over all others, for none other come near to them." And this saying pleased Saynleh and he was made mighty in his own eyes because of it.   And Hasira Uova spoke slyly to Lameravis the elven god, and he said to him "Your beauty and knowledge are unmatched. Your experience is beyond all others, and your people are like unto you. Your people should have mastery over all others, for none other come near to them." And this saying pleased Lameravis and he was made great in his own eyes because of it.   And Hasira Uova sought long for Crwydryn, but he could not find her, and he passed her by because he found her people lacking. And he sought not Jiisho, for he saw that she ruled no people.   Then Hasira Uova spoke slyly to the All Father, the god of dwarves, and he said to him "Your industriousness and orderly nature are unmatched. Your wisdom is beyond all others, and your people are like unto you. Your people should have mastery over all others, for none other come near to them." And this saying found no favor with the All Father, because he was in truth wise, and he replied "My son, this that you speak is not wise, for my people would not know the ways of the wind, nor the paths of the forrest, nor the ferocity of the warrior in the plains, nor the contentment of the hearth fire. The people all belong in the land. None is fit to rule over all."   Then Saynleh spoke to Jiisho his lover, that his people should rule over all according to the words of Hasira Uova. And Jiisho mocked the words of Hasira Uova and said "Should the dragon who loves not building and accounts rule the dwarf? Should the masters of the air be bound to the forrest and sleep in swamps to rule the elves? Should the tending of treasure and young be ignored to tend the grain fields of the hafling?" And these words persuaded Saynleh and he turned his face away from lordship of the whole land.   But Hasira Uova would not be dismayed, and he purposed to bring grief to the peoples, and he was wroth with Jiisho for spoiling his plans. And he spoke secretly to Saynleh and complained to him that Jiisho his lover was unworthy to be his mate because of her lack of studiousness. And Saynleh hearkened to the voice of Hasire Ouvu, and he made haste to discipline Jiisho, and there was a great war among the gods and the world was shattered because of it. And Hasira Uova danced upon the destruction of the peoples, and the severing of Saynleh because of his foolishness, and the pain of Jiisho for the wounding of her domain.   And emboldened with his success, he struck again, and plotted against Lameravis, and against his consort Larisa, and he spoke to her of danger, and plots, and betrayal. And Larisa hearkened unto him and slew Lameravis and his lover Saimon, and his consorts Hyadilith and Murdu, and Ancyia and her brother Naanam who saw her. And when it was done, Larisa cast from herself her name, and became Ligeoa and was the Mistress of the Dark Elves . And she was cast with her people into the Dark Caverns. And so Hasira Uova dealt the elves a mighty blow, and they were laid low in the land.

Cover image: 297853850 by Kiselev Andrey Valerevich
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