I Feel Fine

He looked worried, younger today. He always looked younger when he was worried. She didn't know why. "We've got a problem."   "What do you mean we have a problem Yarl? There's nothing going on. Not a single place in the entire continent where the peoples are at war with each other. The atheists are all over their angsty teenage years, and we just finished cleaning out that nest of demon lords not three weeks ago. I can't remember when it's been this peaceful."   "That's it. They stopped stirring the pot Jiisho."   "You can't be serious. It hasn't even been a year since we wound up the Lost War. That's yesterday for the Absolutes. They'll be making trouble soon enough. Stop wishing it on us."   "Two years, not one."   She snorted. "Whatever. It's still no time at all for them..." His face was still worried. That wasn't much like him. She could usually lighten his mood. "That's not what's really bothering you is it?" she said slowly.   "Well, it's part of it. I'm hoping that it's all of it. Just the Absolutes getting distracted."   "What's the rest of it? What are you afraid of?" She watched his face like a hawk.   "The universe is getting soft around the edges. The stars are burning more slowly." he drew a breath. "I think the prophecy is coming true."   "No. It can't be..." her eyes got wide.   "Yes, Jiisho. I think we've been unshelved."  

The Red Oracle

  The Red Oracle, a contemporary of the elven god Lameravis and his consorts was a member of the court in Fellalond, and remarkably long lived for a mortal, probably because she was so useful to the hedonistic god. The Oracle was famous for providing remarkably accurate predictions of the future. She once explained this as being able "to walk in the Core and see all the realms of possibiity".   One of the few mortals with the power to deny the gods anything, the Red Oracle only allowed Yarl, the All Father, to travel with her as she prophesied once, which resulted in "The Prophecy of the End".

The Prophecy of the End

"In the Library of Ages, the gods seek those they will shelve. Today, we are not infected. Today, we are worthy. But there will come a tommorrow, silently, like a thief in the night, and there will be an end, and other heros will take our place. We will be unshelved."
— The Red Oracle of Lameravis
  No one really understands what this prophecy means including the Oracle herself, because as she freely admitted at the time, it took chemical help for her to get to the Core. "The images I had of a library were quite strong," she once recalled. "The Core doesn't have a lot of definition normally, but that visit was remarkably clear. I don't know why a library, or even really what it means to be unshelved, but I can tell you it definitely was not good."   The All Father, whenever he is asked about it, will simply pick up his Thinking Pipe and smoke it for a very long while.



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