Lēna Māja

A Spot of Quiet

  Nestled in the heart of the Echovad Forrest, Lēna Māja is a spot with little to recommend it besides it's extreme isolation. Lēna Māja is a tiny house perched over a verdant swamp and separated from navigable land by a narrow footbridge. Amongst the elves, it is famous as the home of the Ascetic during his "years of calling" during which he developed the philosophy of self-sufficiency and self-denial that is the heart of his teachings, and a major hallmark of his follower's practices.   Lēna Māja is notoriously difficult to find. Tradition holds that it stands uninhabited, though they also say that it remains in perfect repair from occupant to occupant, presumably through some sort of preservation magic and in spite of the swamp that surrounds it. Many have sought Lēna Māja, and some few of these have claimed to have found it after months or even years of searching. All thosse who return speak of years of living there, and a reluctance to return. Many who leave to seek Lēna Māja never return. None of those who claim to have visited and return are willing to share it's location.   Lēna Māja has no natural resources that would cause it to be developed or exploited. Certainly there is food to be had in the swamp, but danger also, and nothing of value to attract masses of elvenkind away from Fellalond, City of Elves and it's famous beautiful cathedrals. It has no industry, no commerce, no people. It is a place none would normally choose to visit. Yet many say they yearn to go there. Many claim it to be their heart's desire.   Lēna Māja has only an abundance of quiet and beauty to recommend it. It is a place of rest, of restoration, and stregnthening of the body. It is a place that teaches one to be. It is a place where gods come to rest, a place where elves seek wisdom, and the aged come to die.   It is a place of peace for the soul.

Cover image: 1174221760 by Susanitah
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