The Ascetic

Reaction to Tragedy

  After the Betrayal, the elves disbanded and returned to small local enclaves some of which still exist today (see Erengyre). One of these, which has grown in significance is led by an elf who has foresworn any name, and calls himself by the title "The Ascetic", a reference to his core beliefs and practices.   The Ascetic has rejected the sensuality and hedonistic pursuit of beauty and harmony that Lameravis indulged in, seeing this as the source of the problems that led to the destruction of the Voice and his Six.  He and his followers eschew any but the most simple of lives, living with a purposeful denial of the self in order to bring about the purification and betterment of their souls.   

A Leader of Recluses

  The Ascetic is known as a truth speaker, but will not involve himself or his people overmuch in the concerns of outsiders.  They reside in the far North of the Echovad Forrest on the eastern fringe of the Spiral Mountain Range foothills.  The Ascetic has a significant following who will initially interact without hostility with other races, but invariably end up despising them for their hedonistic ways. The followers of the Ascetic are highly trained in hand to hand combat and combat magic.  Their neighbors do not interfere with them, and do not encroach on their territory.  Those who have made this mistake, do not repeat it.

Cover image: 1582414825 by SAND555UG


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