The Glass Roof

When Dust Particles are Larger than Cassio Eggs and 40 Times Faster

  They can do a lot of damage if they hit a roof. It is definitely time to create a novel dust collection and obliteration system. And that is exactly what the Steelsong needed to do, and what they did do. Based on magic left over from the Shattering, the glass roof provided a major layer of protection in the multi-layered defensive system they constructed to protect their homes from the threat posed by Steelsong Mountain.  

How it Works

Of course, there are huge trade secrets surrounding the magic technologies that underlie the glass roof, but a basic understanding of the technology is possible from first principles.   The first piece of the Glass Roof is the detector. This is a magical bird, the Farseer, that flies high above the clouds and watches the entire mountain range, looking for volcanos or rifts that are actively putting ash and rock into the air, or for bodies of troops that might ba approaching Steelsong Mountain. When this occurs, bird sends a message with a picture of the source of the threat to the guardian.   In the second step, the guardian provides the location and picture of what it sees to a wizard with a scrying stone. In the third step, that wizard scrys the area and locates all the stones that are airborne and flying towards Steelsong Mountain. The wizard feeds these into a magic abacus that instantly determines the trajectories of each stone and which stones are most dangerous and must be obliterated, and the wizard then sends this information back to the guardian.   In the final phase, the guardian releases a fleet of dragons and dragon riders each of whom is given a specific target to destroy. The dragons take off and the dragon riders, using a special high speed magic missile spell, obliterate the stones mid-air before they hit the protected homes and buildings.  

How Well It Worked

  The glass roof works surprisingly well. Though early tests were frought with difficulty, particulalry the development of a magic missile spell precise enough to hit the incoming stones which can be quite small and move very quickly. The problem of course was the cost in manpower to run the complicated system, so the Steelsong began working on magic technology upgrades to replace parts of the system and make it more capable, more automated, and much less expensive to operate. These upgrades are quite effective and the system rarely if ever fails in operations.


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