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Naya Ulatris (NYE-ah OO-lah-TRISS)

Naya Ulatris, consort of Ichabod Althaeus, credited for doing much of the research regarding how to seal the Well of Four Spheres after prophetic dreams of apocalyptic events which would spread across the world in years to come.
She was the second daughter of Hastios Ulatris, the Crimson Sword. She spent much of her childhood, her first 100 years of life, as a member of the Yalhan Dynasty, an ancient family of Royal Elves who could trace their blood back generations. She was a gifted magician, and had a terrible reputation for being an oracle of forboding events.
During her young adult years, she was trained as a gifted wizard and healer in the Onyx Orb of Yrzeen. Soon after she graduated, she joined the Farmantle Mages in the Shroud Wars. It was here that she became more skilled in magic, healing, and began seeking knowledge on how to protect her people. After one of the most deadly battles, she was tending to a young subject of the Ulatris, who historians now know as Ichabod Althaeus. Eventually, after taking part of many battles, and earning a reputation for her charm, her magical prowess, and her ability to see the future, the Shroud War ended.
She eventually made her way home to Everdawn. Spending time in almost every city in the Elven lands, she ended back at her familial home of Ice Haven. Upon performing research and rituals of the arcane and divining the future, she believed she needed to hold audience with Lord Ichabod Althaeus in Mordov'n, much to her father's displeasure as he heard rumors of the horrors that Ichabod achieved on the battlefield. Nevertheless, Naya found her way to Mordov'n. Scholars agree that she was imprisoned almost immediately, however not much is known about her time as a captive.
During this time it is believed that she was imprisoned and tortured, as her mental well being after her escape took a drastic turn. She became known as the oracle of destruction. She frequently had dreams and visions of an apocolypse which never took place. She was released from her capture, she became political emissary to the very creature which held her hostage. Historians conclude that her honor knew no bounds.
She was released from her capture, which lasted for many centuries. This happened because Hastios the Crimson Blade, now Crown of Ice Haven had threatened Ichabod with the entire might of the Everdawn Army. She needed to come back home to Ice Haven and raise her neice and nephew. Her older sister, Kathyl, and her consort, Riamar, were slaughtered in the Night of Weeping Mothers. Returning to Ice Haven she began to found orphanages and show the elves new kinds of sciences and magic. She also became the political emissary to the one whom was her captor in the first place, however great lengths were taken by her father to make sure she was always under heavy guard on these missions. She was generous and kind, historical concensus says that she had founded many of the orphanages in Ice Haven and even adopted an orphan of her own.
Historians write that during the War of the Fifty Years of Night, she frequently interceded for peace against her former captor, Lord Ichabod Althaeus. Repetitive visits and political negotiations made it to where she was frequently on the road. One night as she drew a circle and began a ritual ceremony of the elves, she began to choke on magically poisoned incense. The House of Ivyss took credit for it though no single member stepped forward, though it was widely believed to be Gilnaloran the Elder. It was believed because he was angry that Naya had not yet married his son, Elanath, whom was promised to her since birth. Historians tell tale of the dread, sorrows, and the year-long mourning which all of Everdawn suffered through. In spite of all the horror, this was credited as the end of the War of the Fifty Years of Night as General Ichabod Althaeus retreated back to Mordov'n to mourn the one who could never love him.
Species: High Elf Gender: F Age: DOB: DOD:

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