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Viscount Dreg Anderling (VAI-count DREG AN-DER-ling)


Viscount Dreg Anderling is a Count who is a devout member of the Diamond Circle and he assists Countess Aida Nifilldaen Griffswill on relations with the commoners. Dreg has a soft spot for the poor and broken in society as he was an orphan raised in the city. Few know that he grew up in Sage Burbop’s orphanage where Sage trained him in ways of politics.
A skilled politician, he is the chief advisor of the Countess Aida Griffswill of Miraforge. His expertise is both foreign relations and the economic laws of the Kingdom of Relles. With this, he has many spies throughout the world who report back to him on the inner workings of high courts of different rulers. Additionally, he is the head of the Brokerage Office of Miraforge. He negotiated a tax-exempt zone in the Griffswill Bazaar between Miraforge and the Crown of Relles, then ruled by the late King Ularn Ayrellser.
The Brokers of Miraforge answer to the Viscount. His main duties are assisting the countess in all matters related to the political alliances of the city. His renowned associates are many. He has frequent communications with the Ambassador Ilian Nathall, who is the Everdawn Ambassador who resides in Miraforge, Yuven Smeltsen, the dwarvish ambassador representing the Brightforgers, travelling back and forth from Ekkag'varum, and other ambassadors throughout Relles. It is said there is rarely a language among the common folk that the Viscount does not know.

Personal History

Early Life
He grew up in Sage's Home for All. Sage Burbop saw a quick wit within Dreg's mind and sent him to Relles'thiir to be educated in politics, economics, and foreign relations. Here, he met the love of his life, Kiera. Once he finished his education he was able to get a job in the Vaults of Relles'thiir as an Accountant. It was then that they married.
Career in the Vaults
Dreg eventually worked his way up in the Vaults. He became the Master Cofferer of Labors External to the Realm. His jurisdiction was all trade happening between the crown and other lands. He began noticing some of the numbers weren't adding up. Every time he began a new trail of following money, he was stonewalled by his superiors. Eventually, he discovered the Minister of Coin of Relles'thiir, Baron Dezmir of the Lakeside, had passed word down to demote Dreg. Dreg became the Counter of Coppers of the slums of Relles'thiir. It was during this time that he and Keira had a daughter, Shevarra Anderling. When Shevarra was young, Kiera became ill and suffered through a disease which left her bedridden for years. Eventually she passed, and Dreg wanted to have Shevarra grow up in the city he knew, but with a better life into which he was born.
Moving back home.
He first took a job as Master Dispatch Scribe with the The Quarry of Miraforge, the local branch of the postal service of the kingdom. As he began running their books, he noticed discrepencies. Eventually he found out that they were a information brokerage organization, not wanting a repeat of the past, he did not confront his superiors, rather, he left on good terms without stirring trouble. He used his alliances he had made to make his way into the Griffon's Court, and serve Lady Aida Griffswill. It is rumored he has more feelings for her than just loyalty and fealty, however he denies these rumors.
Current Location
Aligned Organization

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