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Miraforge (MEER-uh-FORJ)


Miraforge is a neutral good-aligned city. This city lives in grassy plains and rocky hills. This is the second most populous city in Relles, second only to the capital. The rulers of the city, the Griffswills have led the city and region to become an economic powerhouse.. The elves of this city typically stay within their own district which they call the Sil’sen District.. The rest of the city is predominantly human, but it is not uncommon to see other species within the city. The city originally was built as a habitation for Druids of the plains and as a refuge for the Griffon Riders of the Dvuun Mountains. The druids offered shelter for any and all who entered. The Second Rending drove many humans to this region and they brought with them their knowledge of soils, sharecropping, and farming. This has become a central hub for food production on the continent.
Ullumar Academy of Magic has multiple wings for each school of magic. Filled with every type of magic user, the school welcomes everyone. Necromancy is a school of magic that is strictly monitored here. Some wizards and practiced sorcerers look upon warlocks as shortcuts to power and are sometimes seen as taboo.

Map of Miraforge

Miraforge Base Map Image


Griffon's Court

Griffon's Keep

Ruled by Countess Aida Nifilldaen Griffswill. This keep has lasted for over a millenia. This keep was built around the deep underground forge for which the city derived its name, now barely even accessible or used. The Keep itself is a haven of modern political dealings and negotiations. The Countess frequently meets with other political powers and ambassadors here. The keep is made out of a dark gray stone. The wood here is made of a dark oak from the Blueleaf Forest to which the city is located near.

Green Hilt's Quarter

Green Hilt's Quarter is the military district of the city. Named after the elite military unit, famed protectors and griffon riders of Miraforge, the Green Hilts. This district contains the barracks, courthouse, and other military or governmental buildings. Those who live here refer to the housing in this area as Wing's Crest.

The Courthouse

The pearly white courthouse sits high above the walkways of the city. Fine marble statues of all the Griffswill family can be found within. There are multiple judges who sit and hear victims and those accused of crimes. Many law experts and Miraforge administrators work here.


A heavily guarded military training ground for the armed guard of Miraforge. Trellan Griffswill is usually found here overseeing the military administration, training, and tactical plans.

The Golden Estate

This is the largest gambling house in the Kingdom of Relles. Held under heavy security from the city's military, and magical provisions. Owned by Billiam Luckfoot, you can usually find him here. Here you can find multiple ways to make and lose coin. Billiam often says that his purse grows lighter every day with how much his casino pays out. He claims to make his money from charitable donations from the wealthy aristocracy who venture to Miraforge to spend their coin.

Emerald Ward

The Emerald Ward is the ritziest part of the entire city. It is where the nobles live, where most of the human wealth resides. Elegant houses, and an upper class restaurant and inn are here too. Dreamer’s Delight - Fine dining experience. Ran entirely by feline humanoids from Pey'vilda.

Silk Spring

Exclusive Inn ran by a human man who grew up as an orphan in Relles'thiir made his way to the top in the Midnight Blu House and retired. Human in his mid 50’s. Olive skin and green eyes, he usually is found either here or in the Golden Estate trying to get out of town guests to stay at his Inn.

Jill’s Jumpin Jewel’s

Ran by the dwarf Jillkree the Stout. She’s old and wrinkly but knows her jewelry and keeps her white beard at a neat close baby beard. She has many jewels hanging in braids off her beard, hair and rings. (a platinum ring on each hand, and emerald jewels in her beard and hair)

Academe District

Located here is Ullumar's Academy of Magic along with those who study and work here, the Midnight Blu House, and vendors of magical supplies.
In this region of the city, you may find many small shops which sell magical components for spells. Jewelers, papersmiths, fine carpentry, delicate blacksmithing, alchemists, and artificers make their homes and open shops here.

Ullumar's Magecraft Academy

Ullumar's Magecraft Academy functions as a training ground for all manor of beings training in the ways of magic.

The Pupil's Place

This is a neighborhood where many of the professors and students of Ullumar's Academy reside. It is fine housing, not as elegant as the Emerald Ward, but more commodities and amenities provided by the city than of commoner housing.

Midnight Blu House

This is the Miraforge location of the kingdom wide brothel chain. They specialize in relaxation, accomodating their guests, and satisfying desires from rare food and dazzling entertainment to many other requests their guests make.
Notable Person(s):
Madam Rayla Lightbreeze - Human Female black hair green eyes mid 30’s
Ven Olkand - Human Male, early 20’s
Blade Kelebrand - Half Orc Female
Cara Ryl - Human Female
Ergis lshvein - Human

Sil'sen District

This is where the elves gather and make their home in Miraforge. Some are accepting of half-elves, some are not. Elves here are from all corners of Elvendom.

Ambassador's Manor

Illian Nathall is one of the elven leaders here. He is the ambassador of Everdawn to Miraforge, and resides in the Ambassador's Manor. All trade and negotiations with the elves in Sil'sen District may be made through him, and any deal brokered by him will be honored by the Everdawn people.

Everdawn's Treasures

A shop that sells elven bread, wine, and clothing. They also may be hired to repair or maintain elven goods. Ran by a High Elf Female with almond brown hair named Aphress Zhelifrey. She and her cousin Theff Zhelifrey run the shop. Theff is an elven blacksmith while Aphress is more of a tailor and general goods merchant.

Wind & Trees Inn

Ran by an elf named Zenfiir Kelsharr. Very neat inn with stony designs. He’s from Ice Haven. The symbol of the inn is a black rose surrounded by icy pines. Has jet black hair pulled back in a loose ponytail. His hair is perfectly straight. Ran with his husband, Seldy. Seldy also runs a security division for the Elves in the Sil'sen district and is in charge of the ambassador's security.

Griffswills Bazaar

This is the central trading post for the region. It is the might of the city and where most of the coin gets traded, deals brokered, and where the city has focused its efforts on developing. There are city appointed brokers who negotiate deals between the tradesmen, farmers, and merchants making their way through the city. These brokers are easily found and marked in the Bazaar. These brokers answer to Viscount Dreg Anderling, the head of the Brokers of Miraforge.
The citizens who live here usually live within the neighborhood of Blueleaf Springs.
In the Bazaar you can find many shops, some are listed here:
Booly Ann's Smithy - ran by Booly Ann the Blacksmith Dwarf - armorer
Dragon’s Bounty - General Goods store
Leafy Greens - Smoke Shop
Spade Your Soil - Florist Forest Gnome Jen Xannabeaker
Tree’s Dump - Fletcher & Bowmaker ran by the human Kwellz Fen’daalak
Vell’s Smells - Incense and Candle Shop owned by the halfling Vellina Tralzoy
The Big Chest Inn - inn and tavern
Lower Rank Barracks
Blue Leaf Tea - tea shop owned by a human obsessed with tea

Wares of the Wild Woods

Ran by Seeran Renak’ti’muun III and Korbis Buildathing.
This is a magic shop on the south end of the Bazaar district. Many travelers can run across magic items and supplies from all over the multiverse here. Seeran is a respected member of the city and owns the oldest storefront in Miraforge.

The Quarryhouse

Ran by Quarrymaster Paic "The Artist" Phorotta and Vivianca "Beasty" Paic. This is the Miraforge location of the The Quarry, the postal service within the Kingdom of Relles. Those within the know, however, know that there is more going on here than meets the eye.

Evrax Pits

The Evrax Pits, a set of competitions set in a colosseum style stadium where heroes of the realm are pitted against each other and other monsters in various challenges. Once a month, the Evrax Legion travels to each of their Pits and oversees the official competition. Throughout the rest of each month, the pits are used for other non-official games and tournaments.

Evrax Games

Evrax Consecration
The Consecration is the monthly game. When the Evrax Legion arrives in the city for this game, there are huge parades. They bring in their initiate warriors to fight mighty beasts and monsters before the crowds. They have detailed ceremonial processions prior to the games both privately and publicly. The crowds usually cheer during these as the visual performances are stunning displays of art, physical combat, honoring the dead, and the beasts who've given their lives for the rite of passage of the Consecration.
Multiple back to back fights are held on groups versus monsters and individuals versus monsters. From Tier 1 being the easiest, to Tier 3 being the most deadly. After completion of the final Tier 3 game, the Procession of Evrax begins. Leading up to the Final Consecration of the Evrax Initiates who are about to earn the right to become Legionaires.
The Legion allows other groups or individuals may sign up for these events, usually the payouts are substantial for groups who complete the three tiers, and upon completion of the three tiers, after the passing of a month and proving they can follow the becoming conduct of an Evrax Legionaire, they may complete the Final Consecration and be admitted into the Legion.

Keep the Keep

Known as Schubshugel (SHOOBS-hoogel) by the Gnomes. This is a play on the old Gnomish child game where one person must stand somewhere and defend their ground for a certain amount of time. In the Evrax Pits, one group must defend a small fort with their own weapons and mounted weaponry against another group. After the first match, the teams reverse positions. Best two out of three wins.

Seize the Colors

Known as Capture the Banner in some regions. In this game, two teams must compete against each other to capture one side's flag and run it to their flag pole with their flag still attached to the pole.

True Trials

There are two types of true trials:
True Trial of Clemency
In this trial, it is a fight to the death. One may enter if they have been convicted of a serious crime against another individual, organization, or society. Those convicted of crimes against the Crown are not permitted to enter. The morality has been called into question many times. But the crown has protected its ancient religious tradition. Usually, groups of 3 or more individuals who've been convicted of a crime against another individual or organization, may perform a rite of combat where every individual in the stadium pits fight until the last one standing.
True Trial of Reconciliation
In this trial, one may enter if they have been convicted of a non-violent crime, or have a score to settle with another individual or group. These may be duels, or group versus group combat. This trial is by far the most popular and most gambled on trial, other than the Evrax Consecration.

Beaksbight Valley

This is where those who are struggling to survive spend their day-to-day. Here, you may find a community of beings who reach out a helping hand to those in need, but also ones who might cut your coinpurse if you take your eye off it for too long. Notable locations here include:

Rusty's Underkeg

Ran by a stout dwarf who is no nonsense. He always puts people to work when they ask for it and pays what he can and is fair to all. Many disputes are settled here among those who dwell in Beaksbight.

Goods' Good's Goods

Ran by Tie Tie Goods. Older man who owns a very picked over store. But he can acquire items and goods if needed.

Sage’s Home for All

Ran by Sage Burbop, prolific children’s author. He keeps under the radar and loves helping the destitute within the city. Since the orphanage has opened, the city has become known as "The City Without Orphans".

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