House Solos Organization in Ars Regalia | World Anvil

House Solos

The House of Solos

"The world ebbs and flows as well as the soul, and when out of tune, conflict arises. Of all things, we stand for balance."

"Inevitability is never absent from life. But of that which we control, we seek to make better every day. Of our life, we choose temperance."


"Our choices have an effect on not just us, but those around us. We mustn't be the the ones who sunder our world with negligence. Of our minds we fill them with wisdom."


Just like every house that is part of Astra Nova, House Solos is overseen and headed by a teacher at the school and accomplished member of the faculty, who also functions as that specific houses homeroom teacher.

  Underneath the Head of House is a singular esteemed student of the upper-class of that particular house, chosen by the Head themselves. This student leader is deemed as the "House Scion" and serve as role models, team leaders, mentors, and liaisons between the students and faculty.

The house is then made up of a student body of young initiate heroes who always meet first with their homeroom teacher in a large seminar style class before being released to attend the rest of the classes assigned to their pre-determined schedules.

Students are sometimes assigned to upkeep the House with cleaning tasks or other chores.

Public Agenda

House Solos is a house of thought and mindful heroes. The students are taught to think of a bigger picture than simply heroism for the sake of it. They realize that being a hero is so much more. The actions you perform every single day have implications for the future. Solos students try their best to maintain a life of balance and moderation in aspects of their life, whether through personal codes of honor or evaluations of that which is around them and inside their heart. Students of this house learn how to make educated, calculated decisions that are both quick and considerate of the world around them. Their three edicts, encouraged more regularly than any others are:

  Balance - A student of Solos is on track to learn how to observe both sides of any given conflict. There are always two sides to a coin, even those who are evil are not always born as darkness incarnate. The world is constantly performing a balancing act between positives and negatives, and Solos realizes that too much of either isn't beneficial to the world. Too much in the direction of law, you get a society that is too comfortable and unmotivated to change or grow. The world is too safe, and restrictions and regulations become so convoluted, it turns into nothing but an oppressive monotony. Too much chaos, and there ceases to be any cohesion between people. Society loses it's ability to function and charity, cooperation, and thoughtfulness are thrown out due to the absence of a foundation. That is why House Solos decides to bring themselves to fight for the balance of both aspects, letting the benefits of both time to enrich the lives of society.

Temperance - Even at this young age, students should come to learn that impulses are an instinctual urge, one that, while keen and advantageous, does not always lead to smart decisions. Just because a wish for a certain outcome is there doesn't mean you should race right towards it without acknowledging it's repercussions. Acting too impulsively can leave room for easily avoidable mistakes, and as a hero, you shouldn't allow yourself to fall into such pitfalls. Self restraint harbors and builds the power to resist temptations, and thus helps future heroes keep their minds on the prize, disconnecting their personal impulses from the task at hand until the job is done and people are safe.

  Wisdom - Experience, knowledge, good judgement. Skills like these make not just an effective hero, but a smart hero. Learning by lecture will only take you so far. Solos heroes take a deep dive into their actions both present and past, and are able to draw from them ways to improve themselves. Heroes shouldn't hyper-focus on one aspect of themselves, but should attempt to nourish both their physical and mental effectiveness. A hero who arms themselves with a wide array of knowledge and assessed experiences can make quick, informed decisions faster, and in a field where quick thinking is required to save lives, it cannot be overstated.


All Astra Nova houses have their own color scheme that of which is found in ample amounts around the house commons as well as their flag hung up in the main hall. Each student is given one of two color schemes of tops to wear, that of which have their own moniker. Each house has two of said selections, and students are allowed to swap the scheme they where at any time by notifying Mx. Alabaster in the Development and Design Department. The student dress code is made up of a house designated top accompanied by a black or white tank top or crew shirt, shoes, and the student's choice of pants, leggings, or skirt, all of which come in black or white and are available to any student regardless of season. Modification of these items is prohibited, including cutting, trimming, dying,or the removal or addition of sown elements. Students can however accompany themselves with discrete, non offending accessories, including gloves, shoulder-capes, ties, bows, chaps, belts, or suspenders. Students are provided one large cloak, that of which is black and has their house emblem imprinted on the heart area that of which has a hood and can also be worn, though distracting adornment of said cloak on campus may lead to the student being prohibited from wearing it outside of weather appropriate times.

Logic Set

Equilibrium Set


Solos Dana Vhatnuptra was a human boy who held the monumental task of saving the world from a demoness fated to unleash an accumulated army upon the land. The problem was that this demoness couldn't be fought, let alone percieved by mortals, as they were invisible to the untrained eye. After being raised in a isolated home in the wilderness by his parents, Solos left his way off as a young man on a journey to commune with the gods and find out how he could hope to save his world. Along the way he is pestered and later befriends a monkey who he learns to be the infamous Queen of the Monkeys, Wayang, a being theororized to have actually been an early account of positive relations between a human and beastfolk and not a feral monkey, known for her mischievous and arrogant attitude. The unlikely pair tavel together, Wayang showing Solos to the peak of the tallest mountain in the region where a special monument sits overlooking the horizon all around the pair. Solos is told to meditate under the tree, and do so for seven days, whereupon he would wake up with all he needed to prevent disaster. Wayang asked to accompany him in this task, and was allowed to. The pair began to meditate, and their spirits astral project into the mystical realm in which both gods and demons live, overcoming many trials, each of which unlocks a special power within Solos's spirit, known as a chakra. After unlocking seven, the pair have reached the abode of the demoness, and after summoning themselves an army, wage war against her in a lengthy conflict, eventually confronting her head on and defeating her before returning to their bodies, still on the mountain. Their battle and journey was much more than spiritual or figurative however, as Solos now has learned how to use his newfound sense of understanding to percieve things others can't. With both his body and mind in harmony, he fires a shot with his bow holding a host of seals meant to lock away the demoness for good at the moon, the location her tower is supposed to be reflected in the mortal realm, and makes his mark despite the impossible accuracy that would entail. The seals form a barrier around her citadel, trapping her and her remaining army in a fortress that has now become their prison, preventing them from escaping. Though it looked to an outsider that Solos simply transformed from a naive boy to a wise mystic through contemplation, scholars agree it was much more than that. He an Wayang became an inseparable pair who cared about each other from that point on, and some believe they even had children together, adding more to the idea that Wayang was indeed a beastfolk. Solos spent the rest of his life teaching the methodology of balance, meditation, and mindfulness among one's self and other's, and became a symbol of peacemaking, wisdom, and justice in equal strides.Full Story

Balance, Temperance, Wisdom

House Info

Head of House
House Scion
Alternative Names
Heiros Nova
Controlled Territories
Most Common Graduates
Law Paladins
Honorbound Samurai
Noble Knights
Sonnungr "You're giving us a headache with how you rush into things without a plan. Making things up as you go can only go so far. There's nothing wrong with having aspirations, but you have to remove that initial surge of emotion from a said idea before you leap before looking straight down into a canyon too deep for you to get back out of. Why do you insist on trying to find a bigger and bigger trophy to hold over your head. An attitude where you continuously finder bigger crocodiles to hold your hand inside the mouth on, the sooner or later the crocodile's jaws will shut around your hand."
  Corvian "It's a waste longing about until it's necessary to act. Your modesty comes off as laziness or cockiness, which I know is the exact opposite of your house's deal. The world is harsh, yes, but that's why we strive to maintain stability and growth, so it can stop. Don't make your absence of effort part of everyone else's problem, because it will if such a stance becomes more prevalent among you..."
  Mandalay "High energy and high chance for mistakes. Flying too close to the sun is a saying for a reason. We value you and your ideas for sure, just please, please try to listen more when we say slowing your role every now and again and thinking through your process more would benefit us all. It's a shame really, as your knack for innovation and outside thinking has sometimetimes really helped us bust through some previous block in our planning... After sifting through a pile of other unrelated information."
  Yotamo "We value your support always. When we work together, we appreciate your willingness to discuss and have forums with us. Even if we don't see eye to eye on some things, and your hearts sometimes cause you to act way too impulsively, just know we work hard to help people like you work alongside people who will show you nothing but an equal amount of thanks."


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