Kelan Dawncaster Character in Ars Regalia | World Anvil

Kelan Dawncaster

Seiichi Dawncaster (a.k.a. Heliosphere)

One of the small few male sun elves to make their way into Astra Nova's presence. He was placed within Mandalay's student body, highly driven for very personal reasons to be the best man he can be. Kelan may look severe, unfriendly, and even intimidating at first glance, but he's actually a very straightforward, earnest, intelligent, sophisticated, disciplined, and noble person, if not a bit clueless about personal interactions due to his upbringing as a male in the sun elf society. Kelan tends to take everything very seriously and is known for his habit of jumping to conclusions, then enthusiastically speaking or acting based on said conclusions. Kelan is extremely dedicated to his studies and is always eager to learn new things, regardless if they have anything to do with Heroics. Kelan is very humble, willing to admit to his mistakes, apologize for rude behavior, and improve himself in areas he is lacking. Being a sun elf is hard enough, but he takes the challenge in stride, armed with a powerful suite of magic knowledge, he is looking to learn and improve every day.

Physical Description

Body Features

Kelan is a fairly tall and broad bodied elf with a very straight posture. Due to a naturally severe facial expression, some naturally find themselves expecting him to be a lot less friendly than he actually is because of it. His hair is short, well kept and typically kept from obscuring his eyes. Despite not being much of a sports enthusiast, he takes the training of his body very seriously, and is noticeably fit and muscular despite his outwardly academic appearance.

Apparel & Accessories

Mandalay students have a uniform for their students just like the other houses. Kelan wears the Spark Set jacket, worn appropriate without much in terms of additional adornments. He wears a pair of black slacks and shoes along with his Spark jacket, with a black undershirt underneath.

Outside of school he prefers to wear semi formal attire, most often seen buttoned up, light fabric collared shirts not tucked in, accompanied by either slacks or more casual pants, shoes, and occasionally a sweater or hoodie when it's cold.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kelan originally grew up in the sun elf capital of Sun's Cradle, where he lived a modest life. Given the heavily matriarchal society and slightly diminutive presence men play in the societal structure, his presence outside of the city and pursuing his current goals came as quite a surprise. Though he was coming into the race at a disadvantage, he has made great headway thus far in his short time since entering the school's student body.

Gender Identity




Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Organizing Dorms, Thinking about his relationship, Orange flavored anything
Dirty glasses
Current Location
Year of Birth
1635 EF 15 Years old
Current Residence
Mandalay Hall
Yellow (Fiery white-blue when regalia flairs)
Ashy blue-grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair white
122 lbs.
Solaris, Bladed Staff Implement/Spellcannon
Light and Fire Magic


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