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Kreaver's Watch

Want to make a deal for just a bit more time?

A singular floating island in an expanse of nothing, bearing only a singular entity and the ruins of an unknown civilization, a small plane that all souls pass through to reach the afterlife. It is here all are judged, commoner, knight, and king, by kreaver.


A flat dry lifeless landscape, kreaver's watch is likely only but a fragment of whatever plane or land it originally belonged to, it is not uncommon to see dead trees or skeletons on this flat floating chunk of rock, destroyed ancient buildings of a variety of materials, such as sandstone, cobble, or marble can be found on this cut out in the void.


The ground here is barren and lifeless, commonly just dirt, cracked and dried to the point that even a mummy might begin thirsting for water at the sight of such dry land, as this is the realm of death, no life lives here, save for one.

Natural Resources

While this place bears no life nor workable land, it does possess one unique resource only acquirable within kreaver's watch, deadstone.
Alternative Name(s)
The Isle of Judgment
Plane of Existence
Related Materials