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Queen Lunara (ˈlü-när-rä)

Goddess of Moons, is eerily beautiful, with copper skin, short, black hair, and eyes the color of sapphires.She is surprisingly tall and very lean, and almost never smiles. She usually wears high class attire died rustic brown.   She is also associated with baptism, beauty and cats. She is often worshiped by youths. Her numerous followers can be primarily distinguished by the magic they wield. There are a large number of temples to her in churches. There are many myths involving her ill-fated meetings with certain mortals. There are myths of her friendships with Samli and Oshuru Dol. She is known to appear to distressed mortals.   Queen of the Twin Moons, Lunara was from a tribe of Desert Elves, eventually being found by a group of who'd be her companions later in life. She gained the access to much she'd never have. Known for discovering the moon's effect on the ocean, her interest in celestial bodies earned her much regard from other scholars. After ascension, her worshipers used magic to create copies of the moon in pocket form, using it's power over water to baptize children.

Divine Domains

  • Charm
  • Community
  • Earth
  • Healing
  • Knowledge
  • Nobility
  • Panther
  • Water
  • Aeon
  • Aristocracy
  • Captivation
  • Education
  • Family
  • Medicine
  • Moon
  • Rites
  • Yule

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Her Favored Weapon is Chakram, her sacred animal is the cougar, and her symbol are black and white moons, attached together like cherries.
True Neutral
Divine Classification
God Ascendant
Ruled Locations